Friday, September 05, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Claire Danes in a very unflattering dress at the premiere of Homeland.
Diane Kruger gets a star in Berlin.
This man paid $80K to kiss Elizabeth Hurley. She will probably marry him now.
It was all for charity. Elton John had his AIDS benefit and it also helped James Blunt find his career.
The amazing Chrissie Hynde should have been the top spot.
Oh, or Ian McKellan would have been a good choice too. They were both at the benefit.
George Clooney's future wife couldn't decide on a dress so put two of them together.
Gwen Stefani looks like she had some work done.
Anne Hathaway still filming The Intern in NYC.


  1. Oh noooo
    GWEN!!!! Your boobs must be suffering from serious separation anxiety because dem bitches are placed waaaaaay too far apart!!!!

  2. Claire's dress is background blending.

    That $80k guy look like he's giving her CPR. Ew.

    Gandalf forever!

    Oh dear, future Mrs Clooney, that is not a lawyerly outfit.

    I feel like I should like AnnE's dress, but the color is wrong and the neckline doesn't go well with the sleeves.

  3. Gwen was NOOOTTT getting acupuncture.

  4. There better have been plenty of tongue in that kiss Lizzy.
    Yeah we knew Gwen f 'ed her face up a couple of weeks ago.
    Chrissie should have been on top.

  5. Damn Straight Chrissie should have been top billed!

    I don't think Claire's dress is unflattering. I think she looks cute.

    Gwen! Uff da!

    1. Chrissie FOREVER! And Sir Ian. I can ignore the rest thanks to these two.

  6. I loved Diane Kruger as Marie Antoinette in Farewell My Queen. Haven't seen her in anything else . Any recommendations?

    1. @Basil: Inglorious Basterds and Troy, in that order

    2. @Dizzel, you are spot on there! She's very convincing in that.

    3. Dizzell.. She has asbergers. And yes she is great. .Love the bridge
      Gwen is puffy go lightly now
      George Clooney future wife is certainly loving his lifestyle isn't she??
      Ot.. Britney Murphy movie tonight on lifetime. Set your Dvr. .

    4. I heart The Bridge!

  7. Gwen Stefani is an idiot.

  8. Youre right, Enty... Stylings all wrong with Claire

    I like george clooney's wifes dress

  9. LOL Lady comment ever for seperaboob.

    And I concur.. Chrissy looks amazing. She's always on top in my world.

    I don't know. That guy could be cute, we just can't see his face. He's in good shape and dressed nicely.

    1. Eeeeeek!!!! It's @SHERRY!!!! Thanks dear! How ya doin sweetie?

    2. Hey Lady H. Late to reply. Hanging in there. Hurting bad cuz I had to say good bye to my Ethel.

  10. Jesus Gwen! What the fuck. Your face was fine!!!!!

  11. Amal's outfit is interesting to say the least

    Gwen looks like she got a face lift or something - I don't know why she felt the need to fuck with her face. She was gorgeous before

    1. Did Amal mug a homeless lady? WTF is she wearing?

  12. I'm a fan of Diane Kruger the fashion icon, but I can't really recommend her acting work to anyone, her acting is very poor.

    I do like her role in The Bridge, but the show overall is a hot mess. I tried to continue with it for S2, but gave up.

  13. Chrissy Hynde with Ian McKellan, same photo, top spot.
    She looks fantastic.
    Gwen looks a little .... Startled.
    Love Claires shoes.

  14. @Basil--she was in Inglorious Bastards

  15. Danes looks better than she normally does. And I don't notice much of a difference in Gwen.

  16. @Basil I really like her in the show The Bridge

  17. I kind of think Clooney's wife-to-be is very pretty. That's an odd, yet somehow pretty, dress, but in general she's very attractive. And she seems confident - not in a Hollywood way, but in a way that says she could take or leave Booker, which is probably why he's marrying her in the first place.

  18. Look at the blown up size of Gwen. Her eyes are hella pulled! Scared me!

    1. Why why why Gwen?! Agree she looks tightened. I'm a fan. Damn it -when will these women learn?

  19. Gwen's face is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

  20. Claire's dress is lovely, Enty.

  21. Oh no, Gwen. Once it all settles, no mas messing with your face. You looked great before.

  22. Oh Gwen, you look like bad photoshop now.

  23. Why does Enty say Chrissie Hynde "should have been the top spot" as though he has no control over it?

    Seriously, I need to know the answer to this.

    1. Exactly Sprink. Just put Chrissie and Sir Ian at the top where they belong. Going by the grammar and general quality of posts on this site, it's not like Enty has a sub editor making these calls.

  24. Also, Amal's outfit is amazing. Truly excellent. Love it.

  25. @HR LADY I know nothing about fashion, despite being gay. Yes, I know, report me to Rupaul or Tim Gunn. lol So Kruger could be wearing her pj's in public and I wouldn't notice. But she WAS excellent in Farewell My Queen, so check it out and give her a chance. Never heard of The Bridge before, so I will see if I can get it this weekend. Thanks for the recommendation everyone.

    1. Basil! One of our dearest friends, who is gay is the antithesis of every gay stereotype. He's the least fashionable man we've known, yet somehow, it makes him the coolest!

  26. And so Gwen joins the "I FUCKED UP MY FACE WITH BAD PLASTIC SURGERY" club, joining Meg Ryan, Pricilla Presley, Courtney Suck Cox, and Jacqueline Wildstein.

    1. I heard Meg Ryan dumped John mellancamp to get back with Russell crowe on the dl.. can't wait for those photos. .

  27. Blunt is a Harrow man and former tin belly (Life Guards). He will be in with the UK toff set forever and shall never want.

  28. @Basil: I am a DK fan so I have seen most of her movies. I think I've pretty much formed my opinion of her acting (ie. awful except for The Bridge). But I will try Farewell My Queen. Lol

  29. @B Profane. Plus he's sold 20 million albums and has homes in Ibiza and Verbier. I could stand to have his career. And he supports MSF so good on him.

  30. I got nuthin' against Blunt. I'm just pointing out that due to his background he doesn't really need a music career.

    1. B.Profane: none of us need Blunt's musical career. Unfortunately we have no say.

  31. @Basil
    Try Pour elle (Anything for Her, a classy French thriller), Pieds nus sur les limaces (Lily Sometimes, in which she co-stars with Ludivine Sagnier), Joyeux Noël (about The Christmas Truce of WWI) and L'âge des ténèbres (Days of Darkness, a comic fantasy in the same vein as Walter Mitty). I'd stick with her European work, to be honest.

  32. Gwen - Take a good long look at Chrissie. THAT'S how its done. Top spot for sure!

  33. When Gwen hit the red carpet a few weeks ago I gave her the benefit of the doubt on her new look. With the different colored lipstick, the center part and flat ironed hair, I thought maybe that was enough to explain her almost unrecognizable look. Now she's back to her normal hair and red lipstick and she definitely does not look the same. It's more than just the wide open eyes (facelift?), but I can't figure out what else it is.

    1. Is Marilyn going to get a face lift and fillers now to keep up or was he frist snd Gwen copied to keep Gavin happy??

    2. Love the Marilyn reference! What more can be done to that sadly mangled mess he calls a face?

  34. Gwen is unrecognizeable. And on Chelsea Lately's finale her face didn' tmove either. Shame.

  35. Gwen Stefani LOOKS like she had some work done? I had no idea who that woman was until I read the caption.

    1. Maybe she uses dermawand? (Derek has me intrigued as to whether it actually works)

  36. You could totally tell Gwen had work done at the VMA's red carpet. I guess she wanted to freshen up for her TV premiere on The Voice.

  37. Replies
    1. That's where Paris gets the good coke huh??

  38. @ Lady, Oh thanks for the Hilton info. We have a place in CR south of Canas. I hadn't seen this story yet. It will be interesting to see how they spin this. Isn't Paris known for having the best coke on the west coast?

    1. Ding ding fucking ding @all lace! What I actually DO know is that in the past couple years, she keeps her stashes with her employees and they typically trail her in a separate SUV. I have also heard that she has the most insane bongs one can imagine

  39. Gwen has had A LOT of work done since her nose jobs 15 years ago and her forehead lift last year. It doesn't look very flattering either.
    Diane Kruger has also been getting a little work done, but much more subtle.

  40. @ Lady, I guess after her bust in Vegas she's changed her strategy. Thx for the inside info.

  41. Oh, good grief, future-Mrs. Clooney. You have all that money and all those resources.....and THAT'S what you choose to wear? Out? In public? smh

  42. 1. Clooney's woman is not attractive nor does she know how to dress.
    2. Anne looks very pretty.
    3. Hurley's kisser should have negotiated a better deal. I'm thinking another $20k would have got him a weekend with all access.
