Monday, September 29, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

John Lithgow and Glenn Close get the top spot because they are amazing.
Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike out promoting Gone Girl.
Cate Blanchett and her Wonder Woman belt.
Paris Fashion Week.

Salma Hayek
Bar Refaeli
Cara Delevingne
Marion Cotillard and Dakota Fanning
Denise Richards couldn't find any of her kids to walk, so took one of her dogs.


  1. Agree w/ top spot today. John Lithgow and Glenn Close ARE amazing!

  2. I never thought I'd ever be one of those people, but the new puppy has me shopping for a doggy stroller. He's my new baby.

  3. Cara doesn't look bruised and busted for once.
    Rosamund is glowing wonder why?

  4. John Lithgow is awesome! I met him once and he was the sweetest, funniest guy ever.

    @sandy, she does have the preggers glow!

    Paris Fashion Week: jumpsuits and caterpillar eyebrows.

    1. I'm gunna need more details on the Lithgow encounter to help me forget about the Maherring I just shared on Bill @7

    2. @LadyH, that was gross! So he did it and then she told him later and he asked her to leave? What the fresh hell is in your mind to make it your life's goal to lose your virginity to Bill Maher?!

      Lithgow: I had the privilege of meeting him professionally. He was a funny, interesting, and very gracious man. I mentioned during the interview that "Harry & the Hendersons" was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and then said, "You can't go around eating other people's corsages!" and he burst out laughing. He's one of the greats.

    3. @7: ahhhhh....that's for that nausea correcting tea. He seems amazing but kind of scares me since he played the Trinity killer.

      And yes, the girl was fucking cray. She must have really wanted to stick it to her hardass Republican daddy from what I gathered

    4. Seven: that's an awesome story. He scared me in Dexter. Brilliant actor. Nice to hear he's a lovely person.

  5. *when i see her face stretch so tightly. yeesh.

  6. I wish they'd stop trying to make the jumpsuit happen. It's not going to happen.
    Put the designers in an airport bathroom ladies room stall in a jumpsuit with an infant in a car seat and 7 minutes to board on the opposite side of the zip code, distance-wise. That ought to do it.

    1. @Kno
      Lol. So true about the bathroom jumpsuit!!!

      But I confess, I recently bought 2. I wore them last time they were in style, my mom wore them the time before that, but I'm comfy in them. (I like to dress in one piece). And I'm tall, so I feel they're flattering - I don't know why that is, I just do.

      I was going to say, I used to have one that looked just like the one Bar is wearing.

      I'm saving one for the Holidays, for a party, it's actually a little diff than typical ones, dips down in back - dark eggplant- I can't help it- I live it.

    2. Jumpsuits= camel toe and moose knuckles (depending on gender of wearer). Ick.

  7. Glenn Close!! YESSSS

  8. It's a "World According to Garp" reunion! One of my all-time favorite books.

  9. So did Ben Affleck bone Amazing Amy during filming???

  10. +1million to @Kno Won Uno!!

  11. Ooh, pretty color, dark eggplant. I wish I could wear rich colors. I get very envious in the fall & winter.

    1. @kno, if it makes you feel better, I get envious in the spring and summer when everyone is wearing pastels and I'm defending blue t-shirts.

  12. Cara <3

    Lady H! Indeed a cara gif please :D

    1. @jack: When it comes to you, I'll gif ya two!! Banana!!! Damn those actually turned out really good! ;) XoXo

      And where oh where did my @sugartitties go?!

    2. You're the best!

  13. Glenn Close has no Oscar, which makes the Oscars a joke.

  14. Ben affleck and...

  15. I read Gone Girl because someone on here recommended it. Going to see the movie and it'll be the first one in 20 years with my hubs, we just don't go out to movies, but I want to see this one.

  16. Aren't dogs supposed to be walked on leashes and not in a stroller? Hollywood is so weird!

    1. The pup looks elderly... Could be disabled from arthritis, blindness, etc.

    2. My friend's dog was so old and lost control of his back leg s. He was moved about in a pram and had to wear nappies (diapers). Was so heartbreaking

    3. Bee-low-pink-denise well known animal lover, prob is older pet. Shes got loads of pets.

  17. Salma gives great bitch face.

  18. I too never want to see the return of the jumpsuit.

    I had a black turtleneck catsuit I wore the hell out of in NYC and had the body to pull it off..Never again after nights going to clubs and having to practically strip to pee.

    Hell YES Glenn and John deserve top spot. And I am amazed that Glenn has never won an Oscar.

    1. Sherry, I imagine you have the most amazing photo albums documenting this. Would love to see it!

  19. Huh. John Lithgow has more hair now than Glenn Close. Weird.

  20. Bynes arrested in Van Nuys for DUI :(
    Oh nooooes

  21. @Sherry that jumpsuit sounds hot!! LOL

    Yeah Denise's dog looks pretty old, he's all white in the face

    Old dogs are the best :)

  22. poor Amada Bynes----the whole scenario breaks my heart

    1. I really was upset to hear about Amanda being off meds (considering her diagnosed condition) & then this happens. Poor, lost, little girl

  23. Lady H!!!!! lol ; )

  24. It is always so uneventful when you leave us! Thank God our Prince has returned to the kingdom. Count was back on this afternoon, so now all we need is Queen VIP to post more :(

  25. Since today's blinds, brought to you by the insufferably obvious Mr X, here is a juicy one from GQ.

    1. Ooooh political tea from @Rose Rhymes with Heisenberg Lizenberg ;)

      *Megyn Kelly has connections to Robert and is in the news today over the Nolen beheading case and tweets over Obama's speech.
      *Gigi Stone was at literacy fundraisers with Robert, plus- that haiiiiir ;)
      *Brooke Baldwin has worked with him
      *PS- another coinkeedink: check out who else was with Robert Z!!! LOLOL

  26. Everyone looks great. Denise needs a haircut. Cara D always looks mad.

  27. Glenn Close forever gets props from me for Bring Change 2 Mind. Hell yes.

  28. Glenn without an Oscar and Laura Poon with one and running for another one is total blasphemy. It is true that if you’re good at playing the campaign game you can get one.

  29. So Salma is with her husband for his personality right? Or is it for his billions? It certainly isn't for his looks. She is such a hypocrite.
