Monday, September 29, 2014

Off Topic

I think The Good Wife has been better than Scandal to this point. The Simpsons? Pretty lame yesterday.


  1. Good Wife has been excellent since Day #1. Let's do this.

  2. RIP to all the Tv characters who died on their shows last night.

  3. I watch both and yes, duh, good wife is better. But scandal is trashy and some folks (like me) like it. We can drink wine and eat Cheetos. Or have 'fwa gwah' with ritz crackers.

  4. Luv em both. Strong female leads. Even if they both are a lil lax in the relationship dept

  5. I love them both. Why you gotta put them against each other? Just because they're both female lead shows? Dumbass

  6. The Simpsons was okay. It was the dumb Family Guy meets them that was lame.

  7. The only reason the good wife is better than scandal is because Tony Goldwyn ruins everything and is really hard to focus when you're looking at him not having eyebrows

    1. "...Tony Goldwyn ruins everything and is really hard to focus when you're looking at him not having eyebrows"
      ...while simultaneously trying NOT to think about him murdering the patrick swayze in Ghost!!!!!
      sorry jducky...i had to finish that for you. i havent gotten over that YET. cant believe people voted him POTUS. what a weird country. SMH

    2. i dont remember swayze being knighted so the THE isnt necessary.

    3. Yes! He was such a bad guy in that movie and so rapey! I just can't like him in anything.

  8. This is a dumb comparison.

    It's like comparing people magazine against the national enquirer. Sure, People gets the scoop but with celebrity strings attached. They are storied and respected.

    I have respect for the enquirer too, despite their tabloidness. Look at the John Edwards/Rielle story. They deserve to win the Pulitzer for that story but I am happy they even got nominated. That's amazing.

    Anyway I'm rambling. They both good in their own way and jack ducky is right, just comparing them due to the female leads is trashy in itself. Enty just wants a cat fight.

  9. I'm gunna have to purely disagree @jack. The writing on Good Wife has been much more consistent and tight. I also enjoy how they tap into current cases, like Silk Road etc. I'm surprised they haven't written RICO into the show yet with Bishop but I think that's coming. Also, the acting is better, but the over-acting on Scandal is 90% why I watch it...

    1. *politely lol
      But you're right about Tony needing eyebrows though! Tattoo some of those fuckers right on to that presidential mug of his!

    2. Idk I really like the writing on scandal too. It has at times gotten crazy but I'll always love it a little more because of Mellie grant

    3. Oh @ducky. I heart you and we can always find some common ground!!! ;)

    4. I heart you too, lady ;p

  10. I was very disappointed with the Simpsons. They go on & on about a character dying in the premiere, and it's a character you couldn't care less about!

  11. I watched Breaking Bad from 5 until I fell asleep after 11....

  12. High fucking five @parissucks! I can't believe it's been a whole year!!! I'm still recovering from Post BrBa Depression and the associated withdrawals, but I have found CDAN to be the most effective treatment thus far!!

  13. The Simpsons episode was dedicated to Dan Castellenta's father, who passed away this month. I thought it was touching. I like how the Simpsons has some heart to it.

    I loved the Family Guy premiere!

    1. Castallaneta *

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Damn whoever pointed out the other day that the prez has no eyebrows. Now I can't look away!

    I did not like the Scandal premier. It was disjointed and almost like Shonda was rubbing the Short guy's departure in his - and our - faces. I still <3 Olivia Pope, though.

    Heading on over to FearN's place with a big bag of Cheetos and fwah graw!

  15. OT OT
    I just started watching Gossip Girl and I am so distracted by Blake Lively 's mouth and the way she talks I don't know if I'll stay with it! What is up with that?

    1. @Lovelyloie, you are not alone. I actually stopped halfway through the first season, I couldn't handle listening to this person who sounds like she's wearing ill-fitting dentures.

    2. Yes! Thanks for validating my feelings;)
      I'm curious to see if she sounds like that in everything she does. If so, no wonder she had to start a blog.

    3. @Lovely: I'll save you that pain. Yes, yes, and yes...she ruins everything she is in and that's why we never see her in anything anymore :)

      It takes talent to be the most irritating person on a show featuring Momsen, Humphries, AND Chucky B!!! Ugh. I still hate myself for watching GG :(

  16. DailyBeast declares 2014 The Year of the Butthole. In fact, "In 2014, there is little to be shy about: We’re firmly in the Golden Age of Buttholes."
    SFW DailyBeast article

    My work as the Johnny Appleseed of Anal is cumming to fruition! If I can get my seminars for anal only virgins off the ground, I'm going to have a license to print money.

    1. @Count: It is great to have you back! *bows down to the king*
      You have done your empire mighty proud!!!

  17. The Good Wife needs to wrap up the Cary-in-jail story; it was interesting the first week, but now it is getting tedious.

    I miss Josh Charles; the show hasn't been as good without him. Diane and Will were so good together.

  18. Quit sniffing glue, Enty. The Simpsons actually made me laugh last night for the first time in a while.

  19. I haven't watched "The Simpsons" in a few years, and didn't watch last night either, but I did see the couch gag intro guest-animated by Don Hertzfeldt this morning and WOW!! That was really inventive and disturbing and everything I love love LOVE!

  20. Thank you Lady H. And remember, Real Niggas Eat Booty

  21. Have not seen either

  22. The Simpsons hasn't been good since Season 7. Really sad what it's become.

  23. @jack ducky whoaaaaa you're so obsessed with Tony Goldwyn, you talk trash about him in litteraly every post ... this is really creepy, you should maybe check in for a therapy session.
    anyway I agree with you Enty, The Good Wife is much better than Scandal, it's a high quality drama vs a soap opera, it's as simple as that ... Scandal has some great acting from Jeff Perry, Tony Goldwyn and Kerry Washington though ... too bad the show is awfuly written.
