Thursday, September 11, 2014

Off Topic

The only good thing about six weeks of being bombarded by Halloween products is it keeps Christmas at bay until November 1st.


  1. Who are you kidding? Go visit WalMart. Xmas shit is in there already :(

    1. And Target had lost their usual sanity by the end of August. :(

  2. LIESSSS!!!!
    I love Halloween!!! I think I'm going to finally be Maude Lebowski this year if I can get a bowling bowl bra in time! Otherwise i probably just be Heisenberg! What are y'all gunna dress up as?!?!

    1. LadyH: you need to set the flying rig for your painting. Maude is a great Halloween choice. We don't really practice it here (mores the shame)

    2. You must be kidding, Lady H. I wanted to do Maude Lebowski.

  3. What you guys dressing for Halloween?

    I might be Zatanna

    1. Great minds think alike! Jinx @Dragon! Sounds awesome!

    2. You should dress up as a waffle, Dragon!

    3. @LadyH Woot Woot

      @Suagr, I was thinking about doing that too But I thought it was too much.

    4. There's always that Maleficient costume hanging in the back of the closet (got it for 75% from Disney years ago. Always good for scaring the pants off the kiddies.) But if I can I'm going to be Anna to go with my daughter's Elsa.

      And I'm going to force her ten-year old brothers to be Kristoff and Hans. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  4. I swear to you, someone several neighborhoods over has Christmas lights up. I saw it last week driving home at 10p after a 22-hour day, & thought I was hallucinating from fatigue. Saw it again last night. Checked to see if the bulbs were autumnal or Halloween colors - NO. Maybe a birthday celebration, or flight of whimsy?... NO. CHRISTMAS-SEASON COLORS. I'm debating going back and unscrewing all the bulbs. It was bad enough when I saw store clerks, the last week of August, starting to clear aisles for Christmas decorations (right next to holiday stuff.). I swear, if I hear a Christmas carol before Thanksgiving...

    1. Sorry, meant to say "next to Halloween stuff.".

    2. And I thought it was bad when I saw candy-corn in Target (who I have totally broken-up with. *sob*) the first week of September.

    3. Gay, target has, indeed, fallen from grace.

    4. Trilby : our neighbours have lights up in the trees in their front yard. However, it's due to laziness. They've been there since last Xmas.

  5. I've saw Christmas Trees out on display in store last week.

  6. I love Christmas personally. Not a fan of Halloween really.

  7. My next door neighbor has an artificial Christmas tree and its been up since last October lit up all the time inside his living room. But it does give the room life I'll give it that much.

  8. Halloween is awesome!!!

  9. The week after Labor Day, I tried to buy a patio table that I'd had my eye on for awhile, but things had been too hectic for me to get there to buy it, & didn't want to pay a shipping surcharge. Anyway, all the patio stuff was gone (it's still in the freakin' 90s here.). Asked the Mgr. about the table, & she looked at me like I was nuts to ask about patio stuff the week after Labor Day. Said it was "too late in the season" for those items to still be available. I guess there's some warehouse Siberia to where all these items are relegated until their next annual "official" season. :(

  10. Enty should do a "favorite Halloween costume/candy" thread.

  11. I dread the Christmas season. Not because I don't like Christmas, but because it's become so over the top in your face! It's obnoxious how early they start putting stuff out these days! Drives me nuts and I get cranky like scrooge.

  12. I thought about trying to dress up like Cindy Lauper this year but I'm not 100% sold.

    Is derek around today? I need to talk about Denzel's face merkin with him.

  13. @Sugar! We don't get ANTM till Fridays---but I have seen pics lol ---looks like pubic hair!

  14. It's brilliant! Romeo casts another spell that works! There is a romantic triangle! There is a gay/bi inquisition! (that actually made me hulk smash mad b/c who freaking cares!) And Kari's new makeover makes her look like an alien Donatella Versace. Not a good look for her. All in all, a great show!

    Hope I didn't ruin anything for you. That face merkin though. Eh Gads!

    1. If we were *actual* friends, you would have immediately received a hilarious and incisive text from me humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing!

  15. @sugar---who is being questioned gay or bi?

    1. Matt because he kissed Will on the mouth - no tongue. But they all practically corned Matt about his sexuality because of it. None of their GD business!

  16. @Sugar---we ARE friends girl!
    OMG Matt is hot and so is will and speaking of Christmas my eyes just lite up like a Christmas tree haha ---cant wait---will need some um privacy for this episode loll ; )

    1. Haha! You don't get to see the kiss. Sorry. Maybe they'll hook up! If they do, poor little Will will get his heart broken.

      I'm a fan of Ben now too. And Lenox. And of course, Keith! They didn't even do anything to Keith b/c he is perfect already as he is.

  17. I never understand why people get si upset when holiday stuff comes out too soon. Just. Dont. Look. At. It. For example, i never go in back to school or college aisles. Just avoid christmas aisle, or enjoy it if you feel like. But dont get upset:)

  18. Fave holiday you ask? HALLOWEEN!!

  19. The local Fresh Market has had a giant carton of those cinnamon-scented pine cones right at the front entrance for about a week now. That always signals winter holidays to me.

    1. Oh, I LOVE their pumpkin-flavored coffee!!!

  20. I heart me some Halloween

  21. @auntliddy
    I LOVE SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!! I can't be the only one who loves the smell of a new notebook and a sharpened

    1. Oh, yoj, i LOVE office supplies, notebooks, envelopes, pens, folders-all of it! Just not as it applies to back to school.

  22. I am not anti-American, but I will never forgive you guys for making Halloween a *thing* over here. It's grown over the past decade and now overshadows our home-grown pagan festival. British kids don't even know about All Hallow's Eve/Samhain. All they care about is their costumes and their sweets [candy].

  23. @auntliddy
    I knew you were classy, aunty!
    I can understand why that would be the case, if you've raised kids and had the stress of trying to get them prepared for school starting.

  24. I'm so jello of americans and all their wonderful holidays and seasonal candy. And pumpkin flavoured coffee? In what world is this a thing?

  25. You guys are lucky, I saw my first Advent calendars in NZ this week!
