Thursday, September 04, 2014

Nick Cannon Now Denies Trouble In Paradise Quote

Last month Nick Cannon was asked about the state of his marriage and he said, "There is trouble in paradise." The his dad joined in with all the things wrong with Mariah Carey and why Nick is such a great guy and then Mariah started coming out of her apartment in broad daylight on a regular basis. Now, even though Mariah has started the divorce process and has been meeting with attorneys, Nick now denies that he ever said there was trouble in paradise and took to Twitter to praise Mariah and tell the world he loves her and will always loves her for giving birth to their kids. He also said people have been slandering Mariah. Umm, who? As diva as Mariah is I think most people have come down firmly on her side in this. Nick did admit that their marriage is "difficult" right now. Yeah, it must be especially challenging knowing she is talking to lawyers. He wants to be portrayed as the good guy which is why he did this Twitter rant. He leaked that he offered to go to marriage counseling with Mariah and that she turned him down. More stuff to try and show that he is the good and noble one here which no one is buying. 


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