Nev Schulman Expelled From College For Punching A Woman
A story long repeated, but never confirmed was yesterday after Catfish host Nev Schulman was called a hypocrite after a Tweet he sent which said that a real man doesn't punch a woman. Back when he was a junior in college at Sarah Lawrence, Nev was expelled after he punched a woman in the face. No criminal charges were ever filed, but the school found enough evidence to kick him out. In his new book, Nev says the incident was self-defense but reports yesterday from witnesses said that Nev was the aggressor. He was at a party and took a photo of two female students kissing. One of the women pushed his camera out of her face and Nev reached back and threw a punch which knocked her to the ground. A friend of Nev's claims that Nev had no idea the person he punched was a woman because it was a party where women dress as men and men dress as women. Considering how close he was to the two kissing that the woman could actually touch Nev's camera seems to contradict Nev's account. His brother previously claimed that Nev actually dropped out of college.