Monday, September 29, 2014

NeNe Leakes Is The Number One Choice To Replace Joan Rivers On Fashion Police

Rumblings this weekend have NeNe Leakes of RH-ATL fame along with Glee and some other television shows as the number one choice to replace Joan Rivers on Fashion Police. First, as much as I think the show should and that Joan Rivers wants the show to continue I don't know if NeNe Leakes is the right person to replace her. The role being replaced is that of a comedienne. I know NeNe can be funny and she definitely has a lot of one liners she uses and that most of the jokes will be written for her, but I'm not sure she has the comic timing to pull it off. Is there not anyone else out there who can do it better? I would be willing to let her fill in and see how it goes for a couple of episodes, but I think they should rotate people through to find who is the best fit and not just commit to one person, no matter how good someone might think they are. You know who I thought would be good is Wanda Sykes. She is incredibly funny and comes from that same kind of Joan Rivers mold and has lots more experience and is used to working within a group. I think she would be perfect. Plus, they can even change things up and maybe even add a sketch or two which would make the show even better.


  1. Sorry but the perfect candidate is the one comedienne who stole Joan's shtick from day one, KATHY GRIFFIN. Even in Joan's roast Joan joked about it but it is true without Joan there would definitely not be a Kathy.

    1. Agree. She's seems to be the logical choice. I won't watch if NeNe is on there. Don't like her. And yes, I did used to watch the show sometimes.

    2. @Montana Exactly! Kathy Griffin is the obvious choice; anyone else would be almost blasphemous! And if Kathy passes on it, my vote is for Andre Leon Talley!!

    3. Or Miss J from America's Next Top Model! He can smack a bitch down but good!

  2. If they are looking for someone black to attract more black viewers it might help if they got someone people have heard of.

  3. Show sucks. Who cares? Needs to be canceled.

  4. I actually find that show that critiques fashion with the 2 gay black gay guys and the fat black woman to be more amusing and entertaing. I only caught it a few times but it had me in stitches a couple of times.

  5. Ugh no reality losers. Kathy would be a good choice. Wish they would give an unknown a chance too.

  6. Not going to watch then

  7. I'm so pissed off if this is true. NeNe is just the worst and has no fashion sense. All she does is buy expensive things and call it fashion. And she's obnoxious. It's an insult to Joan and has to be a joke.

  8. They shouldn't try to continue it-They should just reboot it w/new Everything.Too many Joan's Rangers for trying to emulate my humble,hung-over opinion.

  9. This is beyond ridiculous! They need to stick Kathy Griffin in there for sure. Or even Whitney Cummings just not Nene.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Cannot stand this woman.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Why settle on one person Shake it up with an assortment.

  14. I think Isaac Mizrahi would be fabulous. He's not a comedian but he's witty and sharp.

    I read over the weekend that Wendy Williams was being considered.

    I think they should change the name of the show and the set. It should just be a fresh start. Nobody can replace Joan Rivers. Nobody.

  15. If they are trying to attract more viewers wouldn't hiring someone that is at least somewhat likeable and tolerable be high on the list? The only thing I have ever heard coming out of this woman's mouth is yelling at her fellow housewives in a shrill angry voice.

  16. Personally, I think Kathy Griffin would be a good fit, but I think E! feels trepidacious about hiring KG, as she has shown to go off script many times. She's unpredictable and E! is all about control.

    NeNe isn't so bad when she's not acting self-righteous, as long as she doesn't act like she's owns the show, it might actually work. All depends on NeNe's attitude.

    As for Whitney Cummings. I just don't think she's funny at all. She's like fingernails on a chalkboard. I tried many times to watch her in different shows/performances and she grates on my nerves.

    If they had to choose one person who I truly believe Joan would approve, it would Kathy Griffin.

  17. I'm not a fan of NeNe. On The last season she was so rude for no reason. There are times where she could be amusing but there are times when she can be flat out mean. Joan always said things in good nature.

    I think they should have some guest hosts like they did with Kelly after Regis.

  18. I hope whatever they do to the show and set, they display her "J" pillow prominently

  19. I would love it if they went really high fashion and hired Victoria Beckham or somebody like that. I would love to see Stacy London, too. I don't think the host needs to have a background in standup comedy. That's what writers are for.

  20. Actually, Kathy IS the top contender. However, producers are looking at NeNe because she has a successful line on HSN or QVC.

  21. I don't watch the show but I totally agree with Susan. Posh would be absolutely perfect for fashion critique.

  22. I would love to see Carson Kressley get this gig. He is witty and hilarious and is a genuine authority on fashion. He also has a unique way of being both personable and snarky. Better yet, pair him with someone fresh and funny and beautiful like Francesca Ramsey - I would watch the hell out of that!

  23. Whoever they hire I hope they aren't as mean and nasty as Rivers was. Unlike everyone else, I didn't watch the show because she was so awful. I hope the new person doesn't try to copy her. There is no need to be hateful in order to be funny.

  24. WTF?! If Nene replaces Joan I will never watch another episode. They don't even compare!

  25. I respect Posh's opinion but she wouldn't be entertaining IMO Wendy Williams ftw!

  26. I won't be watching if this happens. Can't stand her.

  27. I think Kathy Griffin would definitely work, and I LOVE the Wendy Williams suggestion, but I'm going to have to go with Enty on this one. Wanda Sykes is magnificent in everything she does! She can be caustic (but in a funny way) and she seems very comfortable in ensemble-type programs.

  28. I want Carson Kressley, Elizabeth Hurley & Rita Rudner...hell, & wendy sykes

  29. @Susan, just read yours-that's what said-new show- Isaac Mizrahi, great idea with Posh Spice!

  30. @VIP Blonde,speaking of which(was it on here I saw it)?
    Did you see Andre Talley& his reaction when he found out Kimye 'Blurred' his presence out of their wedding pictures??? He was talking to Andy cohen

    1. @rolotomassi Yep! I had also never thought of him for FP before WWHL, but then it was like, obviously!! His reaction to being blurred is exactly why he would be an amazing FP host!!!

  31. I can't stand either Nene or Kathy Griffin! I think they should put Daniel Tosh in that spot! I would watch then!

  32. I'm surprised a show like this has any kind of shelf life. It seems boring to me, but I don't claim to be on the cutting edge of what's trendy.

  33. Ugh can't stand Nene! She has a diva attitude with no talent or pull to back it up! Hopefully she'll fade away like the Krapdashians!!!

  34. From Joan Rivers to NeNe Leakes? Not much of a drop off in talent there.

  35. Wowsa! Three is a lot of Photoshop going on in that picture!

  36. There's no way they'd be that stupid to replace an icon with trash on the tail end of their 15 minutes...although it is the E! Network so I don't know what I expected.

  37. I don't watch this mess anyway but I audibly gasped when I read this. No just no. Not gonna propose any replacement but just not this witch with her white blond hair. Ugh, that's attrocious.

  38. I like the idea of trying out guest hosts - seems the smarter way to go.

  39. Nora so agree on Whitney. She makes Chelsea Handler look like a comedic genius.

  40. Just for fun what about Roseanne Barr?

  41. I love the RuPaul guess

  42. Here's my choice: Brüno Gehard. He's the only fashionista that will say it like it is. He's just sublime.

  43. If the show is to continue, I think what they really want, more even than another comedienne, is a performer, someone who can carry the show with humor, timing and consistency.

    None of the other people on the show is a performer, and part of Joan's talent, aside from putting over comedy, was the ability to carry the show.

    While Nene can certainly be funny, I think she's the wrong choice for this.

  44. Look what Nene wears for chrissakes!!!
    Done-this is just stupid.

  45. It has to be someone who has fashion sense and can wear clothes. One thing about Joan: she was always well dressed.

  46. Yes the host has to have fashion sense or they have no credibility to take pot shots.

  47. Does anyone exist who is funny, fashionable and has a Broadway background?
    Also, like Guiliana and Kelly or not, it's their show and they were family with Joan. It can't be revamped by removing them or there will be serious hell to pay. Literally, Joan will come back and make the producers pay ;)
    I love Kathy but she's not known for her fashion. I love Carson or Isaac or possibly Andre but I don't see him having chemistry with the others. Carson and Isaac are loveable dolls.

  48. What about Mario Cantone? I fucking love him. Nobody puts baby in a corner.

    I just feel like a fabulous gay would make a great host. Kathy Griffin would be forever compared to Joan. Who wants to live like that?

    Carson would rock, too.

    I love me my Wendy Williams - I have since the radio days, but i don't know if I would like her in this role. I watch her show quite faithfully, but i could just see her screwing up the details of things. Do you ever notice how she flubs a lot of facts? Not on purpose. She just mixes shit up. LOL.

  49. Joan Rivers is irreplaceable. In a million years, no one could compete with that woman. Everyone is right though...Cathy Griffith comes the closest.

  50. I saw the Cohen show mentioned above and Talley was dull. He almost seemed sedated. Not a good choice.

    The ideal host, though he'd never do it, is Kunty Karl.

  51. PLEASE NO!!! Her head will be larger than it already is! I rather see Kathy Griffin than that big headed NeNe

  52. @Susan, Oh WOW, Again, Another great idea w/ Mario Cantone!!- he IS Funny & calls it like he sees it.

  53. Appalling.

    Cancel the show. Joan is irreplaceable.

  54. NOT Kathy Griffin, please. Get someone who actually knows about fashion. Kathy just wants attention.

  55. The show's nothing without Joan.

  56. Nene - just please no. And why do you all think KG would be so great? Joan told jokes the entire time. KG doesn't even tell jokes, she tells stories. And she really hasn't been mean to a celebrity since Allegedly. KG is way too softcore. I think Wanda would be great, Joy Behar too, or possibly Lisa Lampanelli. Must be a comedian though. If they replace Joan with someone with no talent like Nene i'm def out.

  57. OMG. Thanks. Maybe I need to get the hell out of Jersey and become a producer for E! LOL.

    I have a family member who tests television shows, and she said that E! is shitting bricks because of Chelsea Lately ending and now Joan passing away. They are really looking for a new star of the network. OMG. If it was Mario Cantone I would DIE! My girlfriend works for the city of Atlantic City and she got to meet Mario Cantone last year because he was a judge for the Miss America pageant and she said he was really sweet.

  58. Ten bucks says Nene's camp leaked this. I could actually see her maybe getting it. Not the best choice but... uh... kinda random. Very random, actually.

    Remember, Joan didn't get the job b/c she was a comedian. It helped, for sure, but what set her apart was her long-recognized sense of style. That's how she got the red carpet gig to begin with. It evolved from there. Kathy Griffin can crack wise on Meryl Streep all day? But critiquing fashion and styling? Sorry, she' doesn't have the high ground Joan did. *IF* they cast a successor, her style has to be impeccable.

  59. Agree, NomNom. It has to be somebody with style and an understanding of fashion. But, if I do recall correctly, Joan didn't necessarily get this gig at the top of her game. And in fact, didn't E! fire her from doing the red carpet interviews because she offended so many people. Then she was banished to the TVGuide Network.

  60. You have two completely different shows without an insult comic. When Joan wasn't on (remember when me and miss Jay from Top Model were on?) it was less funny and more serious. Joan either started or ended the group critique with an insult. If she wasn't insulting the celebrity in question she'd make a joke about someone else. One thing they could try is having the weekly shows more serious and bringing in a Kathy Griffin for the award show specials. But Joan did have the funny and the fashion knowledge and that will be hard to replicate. As for her being fired and going to TV Guide I think it was because she'd get confused on the carpet. Maybe some people were insulted too but I think she was better in the studio. Melissa was there and she had more control.

  61. What and why this person? Not necessary. She presents herself as trash. Who would look to her as knowing a thing about fashion? Could you imagine her on the red carpet trying to speak normal English instead of amped up reality/drama seeking/fight starting dribble?

  62. Nene is a bad choice. She has awful fashion sense and unless it's planned out she has nothing to say--she'll do that lower her eyes and smile thing--which gets old fast.

    KG would be the obvious choice but they would have to make one of the others kind of a moderator--because Kathy is kind of ADD and can't shut up--she gets on a riff and loses track of what she is supposed to be doing. Her Bravo talk show was bad because she didn't know how to host/interview--she knows how to do her schtick. I love her and I think if they made George or Guiliana kind of the moderator to keep things moving and just let Kathy comment it would be fine.

  63. I don't think Wanda Sykes gives a flying f*ck about fashion. Then again, I'm one of those chicks who doesn't understand how anyone could. In any case, I could have sworn I read just last weekend that Kathy Griffin is expected to be named as the replacement. And good for her. I like her a lot more than NeNe, that's for sure.

  64. Victoria would priceless because she's so deadpan that it would be hysterical. believe Kathy would be Joan's choice though.

  65. Enty already has a blind about Kathy trying to get the role. The problem is, she has more cancelled shows, she's been given numerous chances, and her shows always get cancelled, and no one wants her to take down this one too.

  66. Oh I love Wendy Williams! She would be fantastic! I can't get enough of her!

  67. I can't stomach Kathy Griffin in anything. Talk about over reaching.....she's a loser in most every imaginable metric.

  68. Two concepts I agree with that have already been stated above:

    1. Try out guest hosts to find the right fit/chemistry. However this might already disqualify some of the best choices that don't want to audition publicly.
    2. Complete revamp - name, set, structure, etc. This might result in replacing violet head and lollipop, but that's ok with me.

  69. Kathy griffin would be funny but she's not really into fashion. Wendy Williams on the other hand could slide right into that seat no problem.
