Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 9, 2014

7) What star of that '90s teen sitcom was worrying fellow diners in a restaurant when she began having an entire conversation with herself? Somebody's been off their meds...
8) Which reality show sibling is courting a possible deal from NutriSystem, saying he'll drop a ton of weight for a price? If they only knew how he gained that weight in the first place *puff puff pass*

#7 - Lark Voorheis
#8- Rob Kardashian


  1. Uh oh, Mr Z, the sock king is coming for you!

    Wasn't Lark Voorhies the actress E claims to have met who waitressing and sat down after shift to share a bunch of stories? Sad, that E seemed to like her. This one snarks that she's off her meds.

    1. Never mind, that wasn't Lark Voorhies. E has always been on her about being bi-polar and a druggie.

    2. Wasn't it the actress from Ally McBeal?

  2. 7. Maybe there weren't any interesting people nearby.
    8. I think it might have been EATING, but wtf do I know?

  3. (because even if you're high you only eat raw almonds, you don't gain 100 lbs. See? Food. It's always that ratbastard food)

  4. Rob is addicted to Sizzrup or whatever its called---that cough syrup stuff that all those asshole rappers and Bieber drinks

  5. Isn't Lark Voorheis the one who changed her face so dramatically? Sad that she's got mental issues. Seems to be somewhat common.

  6. Hey, as for number seven, i can chat myself up all day long, no meds involved, lol

    1. LOL!
      Me too. I even start to annoy myself and tell myself to "ShuuuuudUppp!"

  7. @Sherry, she has lupus. You can see it here: What Happened to Lark Voorhies' Face?

    And this is what a lupus butterfly rash looks like: Lupus Butterfly Rash (Malar Rash)

    The same stuff was being said about Ashley Judd when her face puffed up from prednisone. A friend of mine's son has juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and when he flared up, the prednisone would make his face puffy, and kids would pick on him, calling him moon face.

  8. Take it for what it's worth, but here's an excerpt from Dustin Diamonds book. This may explain what happened to her even if only a little.

    When Lark Voorhies was engaged to Martin Lawrence, he abused her (at a minimum verbally). This might be the strangest (and most abstract) scandal that Diamond tries to expose. He basically suggests that Martin Lawrence did something to make Voorhies even more reclusive and non-communicative.

    He says that he saw Voorhies shortly after her fiance, Martin Lawrence (yes, the famous one) ended things with her, publicly, on the "Arsenio Hall" show. Diamond says "She flinched whenever a man was near her or a man's voice was suddenly projected toward her. She rocked back and forth mumbling to herself in a very disturbing fashion, as if in her own world. You can draw your own conclusions from that."

  9. @Seven-that was Lisa Nichole Carson, the black best friend on Ali McBeal, she had a break down, from abusing drugs & bad BF & unable to get acting work.

    Lark, I think was very sheltered & Jeovah's Witnes, schizophrenia was the culprit. It usually starts when someone get closer to 30 if I remember right.

    1. Thanks, @Shelly. I think it was the restaurant reference, plus drugs, that was confusing me. E posted a BI that said she (Lark) was in a head to head competition with Shannen Doherty to see who could snort the most coke at a party in a restaurant.

      Lark's mom said she's bi-polar, and Lark said she wasn't, and then started talking to herself about the "all-in-all". I feel for her, imagine going from such a sheltered lifestyle to mega teen fame and then mental illness and then lupus.

  10. Thank you Seven for making that more clear. Now I know why her face has changed dramatically. Lupus is not fun and there is no cure to my knowledge.

  11. @Seven, They say alot of creative people, artist are bi-polar, they actually kind of like it, they are creative when manic. They also say with Mental Health Issues, when someone gets meds & starts getting healthier, they feel like they don't need the meds anymore.

  12. Ooooooooooooooooh, Rob smokes pot? How DANGEROUS.

    *rolls eyes*

  13. ShellyShell...I can see that a lot of artists are possibly bi-polar. They relish those manic times and the meds also dulls their senses. To not have to take meds is always ideal and if hey you feel "cured" then you go off of them. It's a sad vicious cycle.

  14. Most of us with bipolar disorder actually have a hellish time with mania, and not the "Whee! Let's party and not sleep and spend money and be creative and have a great time!" mania. It's anger and paranoia and feeling "itchy" in your own skin. I don't have the stats in front of me, but several of my psychiatrists through the years, as well as clients and other social workers, have told me that I am in the majority. Made me feel a bit better knowing that. It actually pissed me off that MY mania was the shitty kind and not the good kind, but few of us get the good kind. Eh...what can you do?

    And yeah, when we feel better -- either way, no longer depressed or no longer manic -- we think we don't need meds. It's a mess. In our defense, the side effects combined with the feeling-better is often a big reason we stop the meds, too. You're feeling better AND you want to drop some of the damn weight you've gained, or sleep better, or stop the twitching? Yeah, no meds sounds like a GREAT idea. :-/

    1. Akm-i really feel for you, i cant imagine how tough it is for you. I hope to god they come up with something to help map out human brains so we can all be at peace with ourselves. Hugs to ya.

  15. Also? I always wanna throat-punch anyone who says "somebody's been off their meds." Excuse me, Enty, but you're no psychiatrist, so STFD.

    1. @AKM, YES! E also did this with CZJ reveals. "She must've been off her meds." You know, it could be a slightly (and I do mean slightly) funny joke if someone was just acting weird, but if you know they have a mental illness, joking about them being off their meds is just mean. Bi-polar in particular, as you said, is one that people struggle with maintaining a consistent med schedule. I have a friend who is bi-polar and almost lost her kids when she decided (for the 5th or so time) that she was feeling good, must be healed, and went off her meds cold turkey. It's a vicious cycle and one I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. She ended up on a 48-hour hold and with a CPS investigation. :(

      Hugs to you!

  16. What is "an entire conversation"?

    How does it differ from "a conversation"?

    I'm far too annoyed to comment further. K

  17. Regarding Rob…who really cares if he gained weight from post-pot munchies? He gained the weight, and he wants to lose it. Good for him.

  18. AKM...Please accept my apologies if I offended you in any way. It was very irresponsible of me to assume I know what a manic episode could be like. I do not suffer being Bi-Polar so truly I am one of those who should STFU.

    I send you sincere hugs for your condition. I know it's no walk in the park. Interestingly a friend was talking about being bi-polar just this past weekend and she too is offended by people who use that term blithely.

    Truly I stepped in in doubly!

  19. #2 was easy, easy

    I'm so sorry for Lark. I think there was a pic of her here a few weeks ago. What she's been through shows.

  20. Hello???!!
    you guys are talking like there are no Bi-Polar Manic Schitzophrenic peeps reading your overly simplistic & inaccurate yakking... talk about stuff you know about don't's unbecoming.

  21. Sherry, no offense was taken! I was just adding on more info that a lot of people don't realise. I'm rereading all of your posts, and I see nothing that actually isn't true, and it all seems to be written in a sensitive manner. You ARE correct that many who have the "fun" mania -- for lack of a better description? -- actually enjoy it and run with it. Totally. And if you can "use" mania/hypomania for productivity and creativity (without causing harm to yourself or others), well, then, why not? Hell, I WISH mine could be like that! Once in a very great while, I'll have a hypomanic epi where I DO have some great ideas and energy, and yeah, that's not a bad thing. It's just very, very rare, and I know The Fog will be coming soon afterwards. Blech. :-)

    (Rereading MY post, too, to ensure I wasn't too heavy-handed. Better to educate than berate!)

    If anything offended me, it's Enty's "someone's off his/her meds." THAT, to me, is insensitive, and he/she/they have written that MANY times. (And frankly, I try to keep a sense of humour about my issues and NOT be offended over every little thing. This one, though, makes me see red.)

    We're good, dear, as always. Carry on! ;-)
