Monday, September 29, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #8

What newlyweds were seen going into separate hotel suites after their elaborate ceremony? Wonder if their real significant others were waiting for them?


  1. george and amal obviously

  2. Clooney and Amal!

    Someone other than Miley is hung over.

  3. these blinds are boring as fuck

  4. Rande Gerber +George Clooney 4eva

    1. I always thought George's
      +1 was Richard Kind.

  5. I think Mr X meant separate yachts.

  6. Kimye to be different
    George ceeemonyr was 10 minutes and simple

    1. +100 for Kim Kartrashian + Kanye

  7. Plus a million The Clooneys.
    And her next day dress was awful, in my opinion. For her. She's not a model and doesn't carry herself very gracefully, as opposed to Cindy Crawford who was draped over the water taxi like it was a photo shoot.
    Amal had no Night Visitor.

  8. Good Point @Tricia! absolutely.

  9. I wonder if Brad Pitt didn't attend (which surprised me) because he just couldn't handle the charade aspect. He and Angie refused to marry until it became easier for others to regardless of persuasion.

  10. Emily Blunt looked sensational

  11. I liked that white dress she wore the next day, I like her style a lot actually

  12. I thought Angie & George were like oil & water...or maybe she just didn't like his Ho Parade. So judgy.

  13. howeva, it was a 4 DAY AFFAIR cuminating down the Canal,under The Bridge Of Sighs, so, I think BOTH, G'Mal & Kimye, FTW!!!

  14. I liked the dress, I didn't like it on her.
    She's a bit awkward, like she never got used to managing those incredibly long legs. I'm probably projecting.
    I thought it was wrong for her. To young & too fluffy. I like her in sleek styles, though she hardly ever asks me.

  15. seriously? their significant others are actually WAITING back at the suites? ((hard eye roll))

  16. Amal gives Ange a run for her money-she's no longer the only real Celeb/Well Recognized force to be reckoned with re:Human Rights/Issues & Amal actually Brokers/negotiates deals between Countries/International criminals-she's not just bringing awareness by being in a certain worn/torn area-Both Important/Angie's just not the only one one the dusty trail any longer.

  17. If George and Rande are the real couple, and George's girlfriends the real partner for Cindy, what made Cindy decide she was ready to settle down? They've previously had a 1-2 year rotation of new women in George/Cindy's life.

  18. But @ Kno, she's a lawyer, not a seasoned red-carpet Pap Poser,ya know?? she's seriously upped her game fashion wise- that's stressful & shouldn't be on HER big day

  19. Amal's outfit reminded me of Pretty Woman Scene w/ Julia on rodeo drive
    "big mistake...HUGE.."

  20. Many comments that this is a politically aspiring union. I don't understand why he chose a woman with such polarizing views -and with a family equally outspoken as to these views.
    This would make for great reading.

  21. Rande&Cindy are one of the sexiest couples ever. If that set up is true, its perfectly hot. Maybe Amal IS just what cindy wants, and I think george&rande are a great couple. Oh What I would do for a cindy/amal sandwich

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  24. Brangelina didn't attend because they are in Malta shooting a movie.

  25. That is funny because one can see having separate suites to get ready before the wedding, bad luck and all for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony and all

    Be even funnier if all this elaborate staging Clooney fools no one.

    Or maybe they both snore.

  26. If I had a huge, pricey wedding you better believe I'd have my own separate hotel suite for wardrobe, makeup, and friends/family to mill about! This blind is worthless.

    @just saying, how are her views polarizing? As far as I can tell, they share a passion for human rights.

    1. Yeah, I bet she went to change. All her clothes were in the other suite.

  27. Some of the things she/her family has said about Israel have been polarizing. Additionally, she is currently acting as counsel for Muammar Gaddafi's enforcer.

  28. I suspect Angelina and Amal are not the only ones blazing trails in the dust just the ones with high profiles due to celebrity.

    I have to say again that being married to Clooney is likely going to hamper Amal's work in this field - just occurred to me, though I realize the threat is there with Angelina as well, high profile = desirable targets for abduction. Keep away from any areas infected by ISIS. I can see they'd have no qualms beheading a female.

  29. I agree she has gravitas, isn't a hollow be classic! With her complexion, rich, simple, jewel tones, maybe. He wedding band is a great example of a perfect style for her. Sleek, obviously expensive, not at all flashy.

  30. Please lets not put the Jolie/Pitts above a little fakery
    They are the masters…

  31. I think this whole thing is suspect...stacy kiebler marries almost immediately after GC and her break up. not even a rebounder for either one? What is this elaborate show for anyway? Geez.

  32. Three days of being on…and changing clothes because you're being photographed for a magazine's stressful….
    Hey I didn't have sex on my wedding night I was too pooped…

  33. George and Amal.

    First runners-up: Brangelina

  34. TBH I actually like them together

  35. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I think this blind is ridiculous and really stretching for a story. It is not surprising that they would have two rooms to dress for the wedding and afterwards, go back to each room to change. It does not say that they spent the night in two rooms, or even that they have significant others.


  36. Does anyone know her specific role in all the large legal cases she is linked to? Not to downplay her expertise, but I'd be interested to know if she is the lead. In many large cases there is a team of attorneys and staff working it.

  37. @Tina M.- oh,believe me,i know all TOO well about non-celebs in the trenches.My sister works IN THE FIELD for Save The Children-I worry about her Every Damn Day-she does great stuff though-she & a few others put together many documentaries too-one called"Born Into Brothels"-if you get a chance check it out.They're All Good,heartbreakingly so.

  38. I think I'm the only one in here who believes Amal and Clooney are real. I want to believe it because they are so well matched, unlike Clooney and his previous bimbos. Amal is not a bimbo.

  39. No kidding...this should be easy peasy. George went back to his boy toy no doubt.

    Is Amal gay or straight? Does anyone know? Just curious.

  40. @Yara, among other things, read her books. How are GC and PR team going to spin that?

  41. Here we go....Of course it's supposed to be about Geo and Amal.

  42. @Zilla3, we know they're filming in Malta,Tight schedule,budget,etc...but still,Malta's right off the Boot Toe of Italy-Brad could've made an appearanceon 1 of the 4 days-more to it than schedule conflict.

  43. george and brad are not tight and close buddys the way the media plays them out to be.. they are frenemies at best. always one upping each other. brad and angie dont go anywhere unless it's about them. the dog and pony show of g/a. b/a are not 2nd fiddles to anyone!!
    i liked the white and roses dress she wore the next day.
    brad and george and matt are all former lovers, only matt and george still hookup..

  44. I would think Kim and Kanye also, but if it were about them, wouldn't this blind have been posted within one week of the wedding? And maybe George's ceremony wasn't elaborate, but the whole weekend sure was! I want to know more about the personal cameras the guests received that had a code to block any leaked pics...

  45. I still feel there's something odd about this whole rushed marriage, but I don't think there's anything strange about them each having their own suite for the weekend parties. Weddings are crazy which is why they invented honeymoons. Also, I don't think most women could keep up with George's partying (see: Danny DeVito on The View).

  46. George and Amal

    I don't buy this BI. I just don't get the cynicism everyone has about their union, either. GC has absolutely NO reason to marry. Not for public office and certainly not for public opinion. There's nothing that getting married to a renowned human rights lawyer "proves" that he didn't already have beforehand.

    The *only* scenario that might work -- and this is a HUGE stretch -- is that being married protects them from being made to testify against one another (is that even the case in the UK?). Which 1.) would suggest that one of them is blackmailing the other into this and 2.) a big, big, big fancy wedding with all your close H'Wood friends to the wo/man who strong-armed you into marriage? Ummm, no. That or Clooney has been selling illegal arms to ISIS. As Clooneys are sometimes wont to do. ;-)

    I realize this is a revolutionary theory but, I think they just fell madly, head over heels in love with each other and he's as surprised as we are. *Maybe* she was like, "Look, this is fun and you're amazing but I'm not interested in a fling or contract. Tell me now so we don't waste each other's time." Which is a normal adult conversation to have that doesn't make either person the bad guy.

  47. Rolo, I saw "Born Into Brothels" and it was an excellent documentary. Your sis is very talented.

  48. George and Amal were not technically married until today (Monday). The civil ceremony was today. Maybe she is old fashioned and wanted to keep her room until then.

    Brad and George are NOT friends and Brad probably never had any intention of making an appearance at this spectacle. Also, Julia Roberts wasn't there and neither was Sandra Bullock and Georgie is supposed to be besties with both women. What's up with that?

  49. Rolo kudos to your sister and all the other mostly anonymous heroes in places all over the world who do great work and risk their lives to do it, definitely look out for that documentary.

  50. Well it might be a courtesy to the bride to not invite women you've slept with, maybe.

  51. Agree @topper. 1 1/2 years ago he had just broken up with Stacy. Next thing you know this chick shows up. They get engaged in a couple of months, now married.

    I believe in true love as much as the next girl but this was way out of character for Clooney and happened really fast.

  52. Every pic reminds me of those old movies where the sugar daddy would tell everyone he was w/ his niece. Just makes me giggle.

  53. Too easy, George and Amal.

  54. I am gonna say Ashlee n Evan.
