Monday, September 29, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What former B-list actress and now a C-list f**kup drank like a fish before what was supposed to be her comeback?


  1. I just noticed who is writing the blinds right now. HI MR. X!!!!!

  2. And answer to the bl is Ms. Oblivious.

  3. so, what's the obvious answer for the last Mr.X BI please??

    this isn't even a BI- what the hell is Richard Shiff doing in that sham of a show anyway?

  4. Mr. X Blind: What A list actor and his foreign born bride rode on a boat this morning?...What A+++ power couple didn't attend a big event this weekend because they were working on a new movie which is on a tight budget and schedule? Escandalo!...What CDAN reader wishes Enty would stop giving slots to Mr. X "blinds" and instead would posted them all at once?

    1. Tee hee hee. I'll bite.

      All of us!


    2. And bellaluna sweeps the board, with correct answers in every category!

  5. Rolo, I wondered the same thing about Schiff.

  6. Of course she drank before hand, during and after the play.

  7. Franco and his house guest @rolo

  8. haha @Jen, I was thanking for stating what we're all thinking.We need Monday Morning Stimulation not oatmeal BIs.
    &,yeah,i don't care what kind of bills he needs to pay,it just doesn't behoove Schiff to do this & he was ill-advised career wise-soooo below's insulting,i think for him.

  9. Hey Gayeld, maybe the Enterns will read these comments like they did the others! Bella, I can't believe you got all of them on the first try! Rolo, I like to think he's so busy with other projects that he doesn't know what a Lindsay Lohan is.

  10. Lindsay Lohan is no better and no worse than any other addict/alcoholic. This site persistently bullies and abuses her. How is that helpful for her recovery?

    With her parents this girl never had a chance. How will calling her a 'fuck up' and other abusive terms help her to turn her life around?

  11. @NHR- who's calling her a fuck-up?More like calling her on the mat.If she has a substance issue,she should be doing everything she can to stay away from that substance while she's under Contract & working w/an ensemble-It's disrespectful to her peers,irresponsible & unprofessional.She,herself told Oprah that she blacks out when she drinks & that she IS,in fact,an alcoholic.If she's actively partaking then she is NOT RECOVERING or attempting to.

  12. agggh ending a sentence w/ a participle...arggh

  13. I think the term "bullying" is thrown around with far too much abandon. Lilo posts selfies completely wasted, has been convicted of a least one hit and run and at least one DUI, lies consistently, uses drugs, failed rehab, stole jewelry (and other stuff) - I don't think a C-list gossip blog's speculations will turn her life around.

  14. I agree Seven. Just because someone points out her slip in sobriety (if she ever was) that doesn't make it bullying.

    And remember MrX. would do all the blinds in one huge lump and no one liked that.

  15. Oh for fucks sake. How many comebacks can this trick have?

  16. Never mind why idiots are still offering Lohan roles unless they are waiting for the trainwreck but if you are going to take on a role, do the work or don't take it. She has no one to blame but herself. If she can't memorize a few lines or at least fake it well enough with the lines in front of her, she does not deserve to call herself an actress. That is outside of all her addiction issues. If you have not got those sorted out, don't take on jobs you know you are not capable of handling.

    If all her addiction issues means she can't memorize lines, find a new line of work or get training and testing to sort that out, but I think her memory is fine when it's all about things she wants and needs.

  17. Get that liquid courage, Lindsay!

  18. @rolo , @seven - what you are describing is the typical, behaviour and mindset of an addict. If they understood what it meant to act responsibly they would probably begin to get a sense that they need help. She is not there yet. It is dull and lazy how some of the posters on this site goes after the same people all the time. As for the word bullying being thrown around - that is because there is a lot of it around.

    It is instructive how judgmental some of the people on this site seems to be.

  19. Well maybe because most people with the same issues don't get all the chances she has had, multiple trips to world class rehabs, people still giving her work. If her "Mind" is still functioning like an addict after all the help and opportunities she has had to turn her life around, I guess there is no point discussing her because the attention merely feeds her delusions and I guess there is no hope so we'll just keep quiet until we get the death notice.

    I am far more sympathetic for people who don't have the resources and more impressed by the people who in spite of that lack of resources and help still managed to turn their lives around through a lot of struggle.

    Maybe Lindsay needs to be a psychiatric hospital then if her mind is so feeble.

  20. You guys are wrong, Lindsay is sober! She went to rehab and even fired her sober coach on her Oprah show because she was so sober that she didn't need him anymore. Who else just made a comeback? Lisa Kudrows show The Comeback is umm coming back.... So my guess is Lisa Kudrow FTW!

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  23. This site runs non-stop pieces on her mistakes and public appearances, even when they're completely non-news. IMO, it veers on being bullying.

    Give credit where it's due. She may well not be entirely sober but she's not having auto accidents or falling on the sidewalk drunk these days. That's an improvement.

    The previews didn't go nearly as badly as some are claiming, according to those actually there. I was a little surprised she showed up at all so, again, an improvement.

    I'm cutting her some slack and taking a wait and see attitude.

  24. The only person bullying and abusing Lindsey is Lindsey. She has no self respect. I have addicts in the family. She makes them sick because she flaunts her enabled self around while real people go through hell and back to get and stay clean. If she wanted to be clean, she would. Period. However, my relatives have self-respect from going through the process and doing the work to get where they are today.

  25. @NHR--I agree---I have a soft spot for her although she can be a real asshole

  26. Why is this a blind?!
