Monday, September 29, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Which A-list Oscar winning/nominated actor who keeps on teasing the press about his sexuality forbade his partner/possible husband to appear on any TV shows without his permission. Well, the partner did appear on one cable reality show, mostly as a favor to the show's producer (whom his better half despises). 


  1. I can't figure out what the reality show Kristoffer was on, it would prob be a renovation show right?

    1. Yes@ZZ..he was Jeff Lewis show I think

    2. I did a quick google search for them and don't see anything about him being on either show unless he wasn't really featured in the episode

    3. Million $ Listing on Bravo. Andy Cohen and Renner no bueno. Winters is an A$$, but it is worth a watch just for his diva behavior.

  2. Franco certainly teases the press about his sexuality--good choice Basil.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. James Franco sleeps with women..nitvsaying he hasn't experemented or isn't bisexual. But he definitely not married to a man
    I took the ultimate playing with press is Renner marrying a woman....(and having a kid who was his sister's or something)

  5. wow,I was thinking the Bill Maher show on HBO for the cable Reality show- Leto or Spacey for ambiguous teasers-not Franco,imho

  6. This is a Mr. X blind which means the answer is obvious by the way it is written.

  7. ok @sandy, if you say so... :0

  8. Of course it's supposed to be Renner, but polygamy is illegal in California and Renner just got married to the mother of his child. No possible husband for you!

  9. The only one who comes to mind for this is James Franco, but he was recently busted trying to pick up an underage or barely legal teenage girl, so... and friend Scott Haze really seems more his creative muse to me. I can't recall a single instance of either Jeremy Renner or Kristoffer Winters teasing the press about their sexuality - quite the opposite.

  10. but, @Seven, I think Renner's the one who kinda got married but not really,civilly, & now he's being wishy-washy BI Guy

  11. Good Mornin',BTW!!! argggh, i'm really hung-over-not as badly as Derek's gonna be,rumor has it...derp*

  12. What the heck happened Rolo? You and Derek drunk post last night?

  13. No,not me, I wasn't even around here with you fine folks- I don't have a clue what the BI's were yesterday-never got there-at a party.

  14. RENNER

    Just because he's wearing a ring doesn't mean he's married to a woman

    Remember they got married in secret

    Unless someone wants to look up the marriage license and prove it

  15. Renner's a tool.

    As I said before, Renner's outing didn't hurt his career and his marriage won't help it.

    I try to feel sorry for closet cases but I can't. With teens coming out in high school, and facing being ostracized by their peers, the problems of millionaire movie stars don't move me at all.

  16. where is ted c?? with shelly???

  17. he may be with hoffa @sugarbread

  18. wow @ Irightgood.. earlier I went to Kristoffer Winters IMDb page and couldn't find a recent TV credit for him, but you're so right.

    I put what you said into Google and even found the Kristoffer Winters segment clip:

    Kristoffer Winters on Million Dollar Listing

    Apparently, the "actor who keeps on teasing the press about his sexuality" was meant to throw us off because Renner doesn't do that.

  19. @Seven, we're saying the same thing-he had a marriage Ceremony but they didn't get a marriage License,legally married

  20. Kristoffer Winters does wear a ring similar to Jeremy's wedding ring

  21. @Seven, i'm not stating that as fact,i'm asking if that is wrong presumption on my part..

  22. Oh these Lavender Weddings in Hollywood.


  23. AGC blind guess site called this on Renner, Winters, Andy Cohen.

    Who is planting this blinds???? the beard?

  24. Renner does tease the press about his sexuality. I think there was no wedding to his supposed baby momma and that's the tease.
