Monday, September 29, 2014

Miley Cyrus Gets One Step Closer To Rehab

Remember a few months ago when Miley Cyrus said she never smokes pot or parties while on tour or before a show? Yeah, well no one believed her when she said it, but she liked to think she kept things totally professional while on tour and that she saved her partying for when she got back home. Well, this weekend in Rio, she admitted she was more hungover than she ever has been while she performed in that city and apparently the show was really bad. after partying until nearly 9 a.m. and then throwing up all day Miley decided to go ahead and perform which at least shows she is willing to take one for the team and didn't call in and say she was exhausted or had flu or whatever combination of excuses she came up with the postponement of all her canceled shows a few months ago when she first made those public statements. Last time she ended up in the hospital because of per partying. Oh yeah, I know the standard line of some kind of reaction to medicines, but I wouldn't be shocked if in the next few weeks she says she needs a little break and ends up checking herself into rehab for a month. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Enty sounds and looks like you were hungover when you wrote this.
    If she needs to rehab she probably won't go.

  3. Lol oh Mikey whatever

  4. Not a fan of Miley, the chick is a train wreck. Liam probably thanks God every day he dodged that bullet. That being said, I hope she gets clean soon because hungover is a rotten way to live.

  5. Don't care of this little girl who tried to grow up too fast and feels she has to continually show her crotch to get attention.

    That being said, I will give her props for showing up to work even w/ a hideous hangover. Unfortunately it was a bad show, but I think the fans would have been more pissed off if she cancelled.

  6. I watched a TV news brief about her artwork featuring bongs and vibrators, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

    She'll learn that working with a hangover sucks ass like the rest of us did. Hopefully. I'm not a fan of her music, but she does seem talented. She also seems really really really needy.

  7. Wow. When you're hungover, the slightest little noise feels like an ax going into your head. Imagine being at a loud concert that leaves your ears ringing for days after? Even with earplugs, how annoying would the noise be!

  8. her 'artwork' proves how young/literally immature she really is...not slamming her just factually no wisdom yet.childish.

  9. Who among us hasn't gone to work with an epic hangover?

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  11. Miley didn't "admit" to being hungover, she bragged about it. Hashtags like #ipuked and weird twerking selfies may or may not be rehab material. The tongue thing, though....

  12. I went to work with a hangover. Threw up in the bathroom and all that. Whatever.

  13. Who gives a shit either way about Miley?

  14. Yawn. Don't care.

  15. Right who hasn't gone to work with a hangover? Hopefully she's learned her lesson and won't do that again.

  16. Why do people need to go to rehab to get their shite together. Take a break and reassess.

  17. I agree w/ Veronica - Liam's credibility would've surely suffered if they had continued with their relationship. I don't think I've ever seen drama with him, outside of the little Latin chippie he kissed shortly after the Miley breakup, but even that seemed PR-ish, like a show to prove he and Miley were through. If he had to deal with whatever it is that Miley is doing, I think he would look like a joke side piece in her weird coming of age fuckery.

    As for Miley and rehab, you have to realize that what you're doing isn't normal to want to seek help, and I just don't see her making that realization yet. It's like she THINKS her life is cool and normal, and looking at it from the outside, it's clear it's not. The fall, if it happens, will be huge.

  18. +1, Meghan, on Spawn of Satan The Trailer Park and rehab. She isn't even close to thinking she has a problem.

    More likely is an o.d. or several dozen, if it hasn't happened already.

    But with the o.d.s you can still glue a wig to their head and cue the vocal track, just ask Daddy Spears.

  19. @QueenAnne - yes!! I wanted to say OD, but trying to stay positive. Actually, her public antics are reminding me more of Amy Winehouse, only in a weird, acid-y, HDR-saturated hallucinogenic perma-state instead of scary dark heroin and crack dens... I wonder sometimes if her sober state is more terrifying to her than the weird shit we see her do in the public eye. Having to come face-to-face with the aftermath of the shit you do while high is probably a rehab deterrent in itself...

    Is it raining up there yet? Outside of Tacoma here it's just gray and cold yet, no rain... Good hot tea or coffee weather!!

  20. Hell ya I've gone to work with a colossal hangover but my coworkers also hadn't paid me 100+ bucks to make me dance, twerk and entertain them all day and thank god for that cuz it would have been my last.

  21. Not everyone who abuses drugs and alcohol has an addiction issue. I never got the addict vibe from Miley.

    She certainly abuses drugs and alcohol, but I have many friends who also did in their 20s, and then just grew out of it.

    A condition for addiction is the inability to stop using. Not being able to stop using is different from not wanting to stop using.

    1. Sophie, here's the difference as I see it. Money..... The excess of it and having no sense of its power to attract those who mean you no good, has set apart those who have it. It can make you feel invulnerable and partnered with the invincibility of youth, has become a deadly pairing over and over among Hollywood young.

  22. I've also worked hungover

    And I learned my lesson

    She will too I think

  23. I never worked with a hangover. Mb a bit high from natures own, but never hungover. I drank a few times in my late teens ansd early 20's and got a migraine or i threw up. I got the message; i dont drink. However i came of age in the late 60's so i found my poison there, lol. Got bored with that too after few years. Extremly obviously mot an addict, lol. Thankfully.

  24. Ugh. You know you're old when this cross-eyed tongue shit causes severe reactions of WTF?!?!...... Go. Away. Forever.

  25. shes annoying but has a beautiful singing voice----she needs her godmother Dolly Parton to smack some sense into her

  26. She needs to do a fat line of meth about an hour before she goes onstage, and she'll be fine.

  27. @Derek, good call. I'd like to be there to see that.

  28. When I managed a fast food joint, I had to work a double since our other managers were "sick". So I get there at 7:30 am as usual but that night was inventory (which we couldn't do until after we had closed) which kept me there until about 1 am. I then went over to my then girlfriends house and we started drinking with her friend that was over, things happened (it was a female friend) and then I remembered about 7 am that I had to open again, so I rushed out (thankfully I had kept a spare uniform over her house) and got there at 7:30 again and didn't get to leave until about 6 that night. So boo freaking hoo that she had to go do an hour and a half show after partying the night before. I'd love to see celebrities try to work normal jobs for a month, then let them complain about how hard their lives are after that.
