Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Michael Phelps Busted For DUI And Reckless Driving

Note to people who drink and drive. Don't. If you do though, you are going to be pulled over if you are crossing the center line and traveling 84 m.ph. in a 45. Do you think because you are drunk that no one notices your speed? That you can just sneak by without anyone noticing? Michael Phelps was busted for DUI and reckless driving this morning outside Baltimore after doing all of the above and more. Matching his almost double the speed limit speeding was his blood alcohol level which was twice the legal limit. Guess that Olympic training is going well. 


  1. Wow Michael, how stupid can you get?! Hmm, maybe this explains why your turns were so mushy at Nationals and Pan Pacs.

  2. If anything, I thought it would've been Lochte to get busted doing something like this.

    1. Lotta
      Lochte is far too stupid to drive an actual human sized vehicle. he is way safer driving his matchbox cars.

  3. He is most likely never going to live up to his previous glory and is probably most dealing with the pressure thru substances. This is sad.

  4. Before someone in a bad mood decides to critique my writing, I hate my iPad. Edits don't stick. English is not my 2nd language. Take out the 2nd *most.

  5. The last time he got a DUI, he apologized and said he would have to live with this mistake for the rest of life. Apparently, he meant only until he did it again.

  6. He's obviously got issues. Get off the road for good.

  7. So sad. Hire a driver. Call a cab.

  8. Uber, Lyft, Sidecar - hire him as a spokesman.

  9. Pff. 2x the legal limit nowadays is only .16. Anyone w/ a decent tolerance can drive at .16. This guy would have been doin 80mph if he was sober.

  10. Take a fucking cab, man!

    I don't understand this, why it is such a difficult decision.

  11. LOL @ Virginia

    Lochte really is too dumb to live. On his reality show there was no question that was the "real" Ryan.

    As for Phelps, he just needs to cut back on the partying and find something valuable to occupy his time.

  12. Very disappointing. I really liked him. I hope he pulls it together.

  13. Actually TMZ contacted Ryan Lochte for a quote and what he said was spot on. Specifically, Lochte said if Phelps is going to drink he should get a driver. Lochte said that's what he does. In addition, he noted that this arrest is bad for the sport of swimming.

  14. Has all that chlorine seeped into his brain or was he born that dumb?

  15. Seven of Eleven said...

    The last time he got a DUI, he apologized and said he would have to live with this mistake for the rest of life. Apparently, he meant only until he did it again.

    Or, he meant "... this mistake and the ones I make after that!"

    Sheesh, this is not good. Endorsements will dry up, he's aging for a swimmer, and does he have any job skills?

    It's a shame because his story is one you want to root for, and I adore his mother and sister who supported him all these years. I mean emotionally.

  16. He is the definition of butterface.

  17. All that money and he still lives in Baltimore. Great place to visit but there is not enough alcohol to drink away having to live there.

  18. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=783865194992724&set=a.452896211422959.108440.100001077529199&type=1&theater

  19. Aside from the idiocy of drinking and driving, anyone from Maryland knows there are cops at either end of the tunnel and cameras all through it. This was shooting fish in a barrel.

  20. I yhink Phelps is having a very delayed adolescence. And hate when famous apologize to public for their behavior and how they sorry they let you down. Dont apologize to me; concentrate on getting your shit together!
