Thursday, September 25, 2014

Man Arrested In Hannah Graham Case

Jesse Matthew was arrested in Texas yesterday after police found him hiding in a tent a very long way from Charlottesville, VA where he had been a person of interest in the disappearance of Hannah Graham, the 18 year old student who was last seen on the night of September 13. Matthew had been interviewed by police and when he declined to answer questions he was let go and then was lost by police when he led them on a high speed pursuit after he left the station. In Texas he has been charged with abduction with intent to defile. In a video released after the disappearance of Graham, Matthew can be seen with his arm around her. He will be extradited to Virginia to face the charges. 


  1. Maybe he is connected to the other missing student.

  2. He had a lengthy criminal record that the University that hired him didn't even bother to check---many assault charges

  3. I hope they've got some evidence that hasn't been made public, because as far as I can see, he's being publicly demonized for having a friendly conversation in the street while large and black.

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    2. Which, of course, is why he high-tailed it all the way down to Texas and has been hiding out in a tent. Being big and black caused all of that....

    3. @JAS.
      He did more than have conversation in the street with her. He bought her drinks at a bar and then they left together with his arm around her waist.
      (She's also only 18, is the drinking age diff in Virginia?)
      There's surveilence of that and he admits to it- but says they parted ways after that.

      I'm not saying this makes him guilty, just that there was more than a curbside conversation

      Also, police say they've collected 12 items from his apartment n car that could be evidence, they're being tested at lab.

    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      You are such a race-baiting asshole for saying that. Maybe read about the case first before you write inflammatory shit like that.

    5. Oh Jeezussss....

  4. this is sad and scary. my daughter is 8 and my paranoia is increasing exponentially every year as she approaches puberty. i am starting to investigate careers that allow me to work from home so that i can always be around, for the most part anyway.

    i am so bad i was thinking about buying her a watch with a GPS in it. ((crickets)) i know...i am not well ((smh))

    i feel bad for Hannah's parents this has got to be hell on earth.

    1. @Virginia I feel for ya, Darlin'. I don't know how parents do it these days. Hugs to ya. :-)

    2. Me me a 8montg girl...I am.....horrified at this place we call the world

    3. Just imagine if your daughter was black or Latino. Pretty low odds that her disappearance would make the national news.

  5. But if you dont answer questions, then lead police on a chase, then you hide out in another state, OH and you're conveniently the last person seen with her? That doesnt seem demonizing...

  6. @Mad---I agree. I am not sticking around this thread for an argument about racism---the proof is in the pudding chocolate, vanilla or butterscotch.

  7. This isn't about racism. This is evidence that has been gathered since Hannah went missing.

    The drinking age in Virginia is the same as other states: 21 years old.

  8. My sympathy is with victim and her family.

  9. JAS - seriously? Sorry but when you are the last person seen with someone who is missing, you have questions to answer. When you flee after not answering those questions, then you are in double trouble.

  10. Oh Jeez...
    i dont know much about this case. i have not been following this closely at all ((deletes ^5 post))

  11. Ginny...No it's not wrong to want as GPS on your daughters watch. I say go for it.

    The possibility of finding Hannah Graham alive at this point is slim. Sad. Maybe he didn't have anything to do with it but he needs to get a good lawyer and talk to police so maybe they could at least find where she may be. Running certainly invites some speculation not good for him.

  12. Virginia, put your daughter in Martial Arts (preferably not Tae Kwon Do). She will develop confidence and skills to protect herself. And DON'T LET HER QUIT. Find a style that covers a lot of different things - punches, kicks, joint locks, throws, grappling......I cannot express how important this is. It will also settle your mind, knowing she will be able to protect herself.

    1. Martial Arts is a much better idea than a GPS watch. Kids don't want to wear watches anymore, plus it could be removed, lost, etc.

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  14. Abduction with intent to defile is a crime? I am guilty of that everytime I pick up a date.

  15. This has nothing to do with him being black. He just happens to be black and he left the bar with her. He also went to the police station of his own volition, with a lawyer, to turn himself in, then refused to answer questions and fled. I know you can say he was afraid because he is black, but he had a lawyer with him.

    Jordan, thank you for not reproducing. You are a true humanitarian.

  16. @Seven---lol! yeah really---Mr. Misogyny knows best...

  17. So now a black person can't even be a suspect in a murder case because of racism?

    derek, they couldn't have refused to hire the guy because people like Jonathan would cry racism because obviously they didn't hire him because he's black, not because he has a lengthy criminal record!

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    1. Sugar, you're too stupid to realize that's not me, that's an actress named Tatiana Maslany who stars on a hit show called Orphan Black. But tell Mrs Bates everyone says HI!

      Oh, and I'm out, so you can insult at will. Have fun!

    2. So if a woman's straight, that's supposed to make her run sobbing to bed and wonder, oh god of all that's holy and feminine, what she has to do to redeem herself enough to get the Fuckable-by-Jordan seal of approval? What sort of diet, Botox injections, lessons in subservience, stupidity and pole-dancing-to-please-your-man combined with the right VS undies will be enough for Jordan to declare she's fuckable?! Because, without that designation from Jordan or other self-important misogynistic assholes out there, life is just simply not worth living, right?!
      That's the great thing about getting older. You rip men like Jordan to shreds, like a cat with a rat, because you see them for the utterly petty assholes they are.

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  20. @derekharvey - in some states it's either illegal (or a law has been proposed to make it illegal) to check a potential employee's criminal past. They say it's a form of discrimination. So if you have a CPA firm, you can't check to see if a potential employee has a record of embezzlement. Or in a hospital, with sick or unconscious patients, to see if a potential employee has a history of assault (including sexual assault). I'm not saying if someone did their time and is trying to go straight that they shouldn't be given a chance, but at least give them a chance to do something that isn't so tempting.

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  22. @Susan ---that is ridiculous not to do background checks at a school!

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  24. @astra. Yep. Good points u make!

    @Jordon. I don't think one person here has said he IS guilty; that he should be convicted. Not one.
    You're saying the commenters are guilty of claiming this man should be convicted even though you have no evidence that anyone is saying that.

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  26. Paris is right. Jujitsu is best for girls. I've had a black belt since I was 17 back in 1975. I will be paying for my granddaughter to study. Jordan, the Route 29 corridor, which includes Lynchburg and Charlottesville, is a very integrated area. People are well-educated, for the most part, and race isn't the factor that it is for other areas of the south. Virginia has many immigrant, government and military folk from all over the world. I live in Virginia Beach and before you call me a white girl, I am half Puerto Rican and proud of it. oh, and while we're at it, my son is Special Ops and uses lol. Cunt.

  27. Thanks, SYF!

    Wow SusanB, I didn't know that. But I'm not surprised in the least. God forbid we protect people from predators (regardless of color, sex, etc) because that might be discrimination! And people think I'm too paranoid. Obviously you can't be paranoid enough when the laws are actively protecting criminals and putting innocents in harm's way. This country is so fucked up.

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  31. Gilchrist, Texas was wiped off the map by Hurricane Ike. You may remember pictures of a devastated beachfront community with one lone house left relatively unscathed in the middle of destruction...that was Gilchrist. The up-scale rebuilding there has been phenomenal. A camping individual (sleeping in one's car?) would've stuck out like a sore thumb. Glad they found him.

  32. LOL Count that is a odd wording for a charge, one would think defile = sexual assault which is a separate offence unless abducting someone with the intent to carry out a sexual assault carries a great penalty than just abduction or rape separately but at this point how would they know his intent was to defile - two drunk people leaving a bar often have consensual sex as consensual as drunken sex can be.

    So like if you are a stranger who grabs a poor woman and drags her into a bush, is that abduction with intent to defile because at the point of grabbing her that's abduction in my view.

  33. And you have the name of a British skank, Jordan. I nominate you to take the place of whatever hostages IS is holding. It's a win win for the planet.

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    1. You are doing too much. Quit while you are ahead

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  36. I'm actually surprised that a black man turned out to be true, at first I thought it was the first man who went to the police trying to cast off his own guilt b the typical "a black man did it" especially because no video was released of the supposed black man with his arm around her.

    I can understand being a black man anting to run because let's face it, blacks get it far worse when it comes to suspicious suspects. Hoever the guy was clearly no good and seems like he was running for the border.

    How I feel for the family.

    Virginia - yes to marshal arts! It's so difficult having a girl, not wanting to instill fear in them of everything but also trying to to get them street smart. Good luck.

  37. UGH so many typos, sorry!

  38. Id just like to take this opportunity to thank jordan for showing up. I can use the break.

    You are a dick- black,white,blue,purple, whatever-
    also, a man named jordan pointing out that lol isnt manly? Uh. Oh-kay. *eyeroll*

  39. Better your children be afraid and know what real life is actually about. I want my children to be very afraid, so they won't do stupid shit like go out and get drunk and wander around alone in the middle of the night. The days where you could do that are over and I don't want them to ever have a false and idealized view of the world. It might get them killed. This girl is not to blame for what happened to her, I am not saying that, however it's just not smart to put yourself in potentially dangerous situations like this. You do have a choice, and if you have accurate information, you will hopefully be more likely to make a smart choice.

    My kids will learn martial arts and how to use weapons. Knives, guns, and whatever else. Your safety in this world is your responsibility, and things are only going to get worse so better face reality and prepare your kids.

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  41. Isnt this less about what coloe or size he is than him being shown with her and getting close and gvng her a drink? He is simply the last person they have on video with a now missing/ prob presumed dead woman. If the video showed mickey mouse he wld be a suspect. And anyway he wasnt arrested for her disappearance, but for some other pending stuff he had. We see whats what.

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  44. He looks like the drawing of the suspect in the 2009 morgan harrington murder. A bit fatter now, with dreadlocks but very similar features.

  45. auntliddy - yes but at first there was absolutely no video, just a white guy on video following her who claimed he then saw a black guy with her. Once I learned there was actual footage it was clear nobody was using the tried and true, "it wasn't me it was a black guy!"

  46. Jordan's ungroomed pornstache is making him cranky, y'all!!!!

  47. I think they caught a serial killer who hides the bodies in remote places in adjoining rural areas. He's 31, he easily could have been killing women for over 10 years. He's huge, nearly 400lbs to overwhelm a 115 to 130lb woman. To stifle screams, to render unconscious, I don't think Hannah Graham was his only victim he saw an easy target and forgot about the CCTV. He'll never talk because he's a monster.

  48. @ those who asked - I think the ONE exception is you can check the sex offender registry if the applicant is going to work with children - a school, pediatric hospital, etc. Otherwise, I think everything else is off limits. It's a damn shame.

  49. But, Jordan, this IS my 'something mindless to keep me busy'.
    Thanks for contributing!

  50. Nah, I didn't think you were black, you have no flavour. I just figured you as a troll and all trolls need their heads removed. To check for rabies.

  51. If they don't find the body or some other very incriminating evidence (like something with her blood on it) in his possession they will have a hard time convicting him of anything no matter how he acted after getting questioned by cops. Even if they find a body and his dna present won't mean he gets slam dunk convicted since they have pictures of him with his arm around her and that could be how dna got on her. I wonder what his story will be?? What he says is important if a body turns up. Although it looks bad for him with no body or other blood evidence he probably walks.

  52. I often wonder, when were the halcyon days when people weren't murdered? When folks weren't abducted? Oh, right! Never. There has ALWAYS been violence, women have always born the brunt of it. The happy fact is that statistics show that violent crime if dropping. That's right, your kids are living in a world that's safer than the one you grew up in. Please, don't raise your children in fear, the odds of them being kidnapped by a stranger are tiny. Any danger they encounter will most likely come from a family member or intimate partner.

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  54. "Don't threaten my well being again"
    Hahaha hahaha

    Jesus christ man. Fucking learn proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You wanna get all CharlieBigNuts, AT LEAST come prepared with the proper tools.
    Take a seat Jordina.

  55. Don't feed the troll, guys. He comes on here all the time making terrible comments about women, wanting to create a scene so bad...

  56. I agree Brenda L. We just need to NOT address it. Ignoring someone who insults others just makes them go away faster. There is never any reason for anyone to insult someone. And Jordan wasn't the only one who did it either.

    Remember to treat people with respect even if you don't like what they say (or ignore them!).

  57. Hey Jordy La-troll,
    would you mind not using "retarded" as an insult? Disabled people have nothing to do with your bull.

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  59. Susan - not sure where you heard that but that is absolutely not true! I'm a recruiter and virtually ALL my candidates have a background check run - with their knowledge and permission - before they get an offer/start work. If they refused to allow the background check, they would not receive an offer.

    Virginia - my friend got her niece self defense lessons and a can of pepper spray for her high school graduation before she left for college. I say DO IT!

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  61. I am more interested in the white guy that was supposedly caught on camera following her to two places...out of concern? Perhaps I am too cynical....

  62. its a shame that a legitimate point--prosecutors and LE putting out incriminating information to try suspects in the press before they are put on trial in a courtroom and the very real institutional racism faced by minorities, especially African americans--is getting lost in the silly ad hominem. back to gossip, I guess.

  63. and the "no criminal background checks" when hiring claim is bullsh*t. the only problem is if the employer only does criminal background checks on, for example, all muslims, or all Croations, as opposed to everyone, or if the fact that a check will be run is not disclosed.

  64. Sherry

    u guys are very sweet for responding, bless your hearts. ;^)

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  67. Hmmm is Jordan's computer broken too? Patterns are repetitive - Jordan is just a Derek Harvey troll.



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