Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Latest Star To Be Eliminated On DWTS Blames The Producers

Another week has gone by and another celebrity got eliminated from Dancing With The Stars. Kind of surprising to me was that it was not Michael Waltrip who got eliminated. He had the lowest score and has looked awful dancing every week but I think he must have some NASCAR fans calling in enough times to keep saving him. The person eliminated was Tavis Smiley who did get the second lowest score on Monday night. After being eliminated he blamed the producers because he didn't have enough practice time. He said that producers would never have signed him up since they knew he was going to be on a book tour and have limited time to practice. Umm, if he knew he was going on a book tour he should never have agreed to do the show. He is the one who had to sign. You know he signed up so he could help sell copies of his book and he probably did more for the book then a book tour. He probably made more money for his brief appearance than his book sales too. 


  1. tough luck you have your show to sell books on. They addressed this Monday that you didn't practice.

  2. Should I watch this show?

  3. Jeremy renner married his baby momma. Confused

    1. Some say he's happily married , some say she needed a green card.
      Pick your poison!

  4. Its kind of entertaining I never watched it before last week. I was surprised some of these people dance really well.

  5. Who watches this ?

  6. I just started watching too and it is fun! There's all different personalities and some people I don't even pay attention to like the Duck Dynasty kid. Chong is hilarious and who knew he was such a good salsa dancer? Carlton is amazing! Ive been watching his dances twice before i delete the dvr. Antonio Sabato jr can't dance but he is so hot! And the dancers are all hot so there's that :) oh and can't forget Betsey who is adorable! Of course it's cheesy but it's fun.

  7. Travis Smiley is an ass. Full of himself, ala O'reilly.

  8. Tavis Smiley sounds like an SNL name.

    1. It really does. Or a Simpsons character.

  9. or a poster's name on CDaN

  10. @Auntliddy - Tavis Smiley is even a bigger ass than O'Reilly - and that's saying something.

  11. Had no idea who this guy was so Wiki'd him. It has to have my favorite line ever in an obviously self written Wiki entry: " He is the new host of "Tavis Talks" on BlogTalkRadio's Tavis Smiley Network."

    Apparently, he has his OWN Network on Blogtalkradio (prestigious!) called "Tavis Talks" which happened to have a different host named "Tavis" before Tavis took over as the new host! Talk about synchronicity!

  12. As much as I don't like Tavis, his books tend to sell pretty well.

  13. Tavis Smiley playing the victim. Figures.

  14. Never heard of this guy but he sounds douchey.

  15. Carlton is the best thing about this season of DWTS. I love to watch him!

  16. I do not like Mr. Smiley very much in general. I especially dislike people that are always pointing fingers at other people. He was not good enough and he got booted., Deal with it instead of blaming the producers. He sounds like a big baby

  17. Why does that figure, dizzy blue whatever?
