Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lainey Blind Item

She started out as a song girl, then acted, keeps trying to do both. At the beginning it was promising but mostly, over the last few years, it’s been a series of disappointments. Personally though, she seemed to have it together. A steady relationship, a solid commitment, no drama…

Or maybe it’s because we weren’t paying attention.

She and her playing partner have been having problems for a while. They’ve been trying hard to work it out. But that might not turn out so well if she finds out that he hooked up with a much more successful song girl, someone with a similar early sound and origin, though that’s evolving now. Despite her many changes, contrived or organic, this was probably not the intended image.


  1. Rumored to be sparks right

    1. Oh I thought ure Moore guess...hmms sparks I guess was the guess..

    2. It could very damn well be Moore. So who is the similar sounding lady? Willa Ford?!? LOL

    3. Derulo and JHud? As if.

  2. I thought we did this one already as Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams?

    1. Me too:(
      Tbinkr we be off on NO lol

  3. selena bieber ariana grande

  4. Moore or Sparks fits. :(

  5. Bay bey. I say this cos im remembering maya rudolphs imitation of beyonce on snl. HYSTERICALLY FUNNY.

  6. Sparks hasn't been around long enough to fit this

    1. Sandy: Sparks has been famous for at least 7 years though

  7. Think it's Mandy, which makes me sad.

  8. It's supposed to be Mandy Moore. In the Daily Fail: She's a rock chick! Mandy Moore puts her pop past behind her in edgy leather jacket and ripped jeans. Talks about her beginnings as a tween singer, then acting (hey, I liked Walk to Remember!), then singing again, now acting with Octavia Spencer, and planning on a new recording.

    1. No idea about "the playing partner", though.

  9. I'm not so sure Sparks is currently unsuccessful

  10. as I said in a post the other day Ryan has an on again off again relationship with Juliana Hatfield for years. She is not really commercially successful but she is well respected

    Mandy Moore music makes m wanna throw up

    but I still think its Bieber and Selena

  11. also--my friends friend is neighbors with Lainey and says that she and her husband are very nice people

  12. Mandy Moore
    Ryan Adams

    1. OR

      Faith Hill
      Tim McGraw

      Swifty is in there somewhere. I find it beyond belief that she just hangs out with her cats all day.

  13. Mandy/Ryan Adams/Taylor Swift?

    Swift changing to pop music. Not the intended image as an 'other woman'

    I don't know.

  14. ahh CoBe beat me to it!

  15. definetly NOT Taylor loll she would never date that junkie

    1. Li'l Tay Tay has a nose candy habit. She keeps the junkies in the back room, but she's not quite so innocent.

  16. Lainey likes to give clues and I think we are missing one. "Contrived or organic". Maybe Lady Gaga is somewhere? Otherwise, who is a proponent of organic foods?

    Swifty has evolved from country to pop, so that works on some level.

  17. No "organic" can also mean anything that is natural, vs "contrived" meaning fake or put on.

  18. I thinks it's Mandy/Ryan/Lady Gaga(the drug thing)

  19. Well, last shot. Song girl sounds a whole lot like Jessica Simpson with her "player" husband. So . . .

    Eric (Mr Simpson)
    Swifty (even if it's not her, it's her)

    1. @Derek. I loved the Selena guess but I re-read and I don't think it could be. "She had a solid commitment"... Think that rules her out. It's been a good spell since split, even before I dunno if Dweeber was considered her solid commitment.

  20. This was on DListed. I think Michael K guessed Moore. Wtf is a song girl.

  21. gagas music is not evolving its dissolving.

    Cant picture those 2 together

    Courtney Love maybe---she keeps boasting about how amazing her new album will be and she usually needs a calibrator --like Billy Corgan

  22. Similar origins makes me think they both started on either a singing competition show or a kids tv show.
    None of the tv show girls (Duff, Gomez etc) seem to have steady relationships. So, I don't know...

  23. I'm on board with Mandy and Ryan

    But can't seem to figure out who he is cheating on her with

    I'm not convinced that Taylor and Mandy have a similar sound/origin

    I think we need to keep digging

  24. I came across this while researching Ryan Adams--Yikes!

    Here are quotes from Ryan Adams(lucky bastard) taken from various interviews on his relationship with Winona.

    "I made an ignorant choice of girlfriend
    I met this famous person and thought, 'I'll date her!' But all we did was torture each other, it was really silly. I don't know what I was doing with her in the first place."

    ''Hey, sweetie,'' Ryan Adams coos into a cell phone. ''It's Ryan. If you want to meet tonight I'll be at my place.'' Adams is leaving a voice-mail for a movie star. A really famous movie star. One he used to date. And no, he won't reveal who it is. At least not yet. ''I went to Los Angeles and fell madly in love with her,'' he says. ''It was the worst decision of my entire life. It all fell apart. It isn't that we were bad for each other. It's like, she's no good for the world, and neither am I. I always get s--- like 'Ryan's a f---ing drunk, Ryan's a f---up,' whatever. That might be true, but I'm also an intelligent person. She gets s--- as well. She's a f---up? So what if she's a f---up. Everyone's a f---up.'' So who, exactly, are we talking about, Ryan? ''I'm not going to say.''

    “I mean, everyone knows I dated Winona Ryder. Big f---ing deal. Who would not? I really like her. She's actually a very nice person. She's nothing like anybody thinks. She's a normal girl with normal girl problems who talks about normal girl things, who needs a guy, needs her hand held, needs to walk across a f---ing street. So what if she dates musicians. She likes music!”

    And there's ''Suicide Handbook'' -- inspired, he says, by an ill-fated fling with a starlet (It's obvious it's Winona)

    “Suicide Handbook' included songs like ['Demolition''s] 'She Wants to Play Hearts' and 'Cry on Demand,''' Adams says. ''I don't think you have to throw a f---ing penny to f---ing find out what that's about. 'Cry on Demand'...acting...hello? I love the line 'She dies every night with her face on the news/Nobody cries, they just smoke and stare at their shoes.' That's how I really felt about her. And then, weirdly, s--- happened and she was in the news.'' Okay, really, WHO are we talking about?”

    In his recent album "Gold" Adams thanks Winona for inspiring him.

    1. How out of the loop am I?.... I kept thinking y'all were talking about Bryan Adams, the Canadian rocker.

  25.'s Parker Posey he is referring to

  26. hmm---good I don't want our girl to be too cray cray lol ; ) xo

    but when was Parker ever in the news---I doubt she was ever even on Entertainment Tonight! lol

    1. Not so much scandalous,but she was replaced /recast in 2 different shows over the Years...usually symptomatic of a problem

  27. @dodo
    nope not Bryan this is a blind about a man in a relationship with a woman ; )

    check out his music though---very cool. I love the new video he did with Elvira--the song is called Gimme something more and its on youtube I suggest everyone who hasn't it to check it out---is new sound is very late 80s Don Henley esque

    1. @derek thanks for the knowledge and I will. And I will absolutely quit reminiscing about the summer of '69.

  28. Can we just agree that anyone on this site who reports dating Parker Posey, will be shot?

    1. Huh?? @doodoolemonque what you mean???

  29. I still think its winona
    although he dated Parker Posey---both seem to have some issues--and Ryan is a man whore ---good luck with that Mandy Bore!

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  31. lol--did you date PARKER POSEY Tricia ---you can borrow my bullet proof vest...

    1. Hahaha was very Basic instinct!!!jokes....

    2. I just think that girl too cra cra and a danger to the world for sure as Adam's quote suggests.

    3. Gotcha@doodoolemonque

  32. What the hell is a playing partner? I thought Ryan and Mandy were married?

  33. Mandy Moore is married. You'd think that would be mentioned, as opposed to "partner".

  34. Mandy/Ryan, with Michelle Branch as the other woman. Lainey titled this "Notes on a love triangle" on her site...Branch's album "Hotel Paper", anyone? :)

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  36. ROFL!!! @Derek and I were concerned that @Tricia just got greenlit but @doodoo meant that one day Parker Posey will go all Fatal Attraction and put a cap in her man's ass...

    BTown: Branch is a great guess

    1. And please all, understand I deny no one whatever curry they wanna flavor their lives with. And I've dug into the cray cray and it was exciting until the whole world flipped and the sun started coming up in the west. But let's just say I value all 'y'all too much already, to see anyone here pull back the cover on THAT dark rabbit hole.

  37. I like the Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams guess....I'll throw Miley Cyrus in as the sidepiece.

  38. @LH..nooooo greenlit?! The plot
    Parker posey would put a cap in anyone's ass Gurl

    You see House of Yes- gotta be a lil cray to play...cray

  39. BTown with a serious contender!!

    Good call

    ALSO Wiki shows that Branch wrote a song for Mandy's album "Wild Hope" in 2007

    Branch has gone country and then back to pop, hence to the "evolving image"

    Guys I think we've got it

  40. What about Rhianna/Rita Ora? Not sure about the guy.

  41. Mandy Moore
    Ryan Adams
    Laura Marling

  42. I am not hating on the Miley guess
    That girl has talent--she just needs to stop act acting a fool

  43. He moved to Los Angeles and became friends with Johnny Depp, who co-owned the Viper Room, the nightclub that would become notorious for being where River Phoenix died.

    “The Viper Room has this reputation because of River, but to me it was what I imagine the Left Bank to have been like,” says Duritz. “There were so many artists and musicians hanging out – I met William Burroughs and Allan Ginsberg, Tom Petty was around, the Hughes brothers had just made Menace 2 Society. Johnny knew all these people.”

    When he wasn’t hanging out with Johnny and his famous friends, Duritz was dating some of the most desirable women in Hollywood, including Christina Applegate, Lara Flynn Boyle, Gwen Stefani and Winona Ryder. He is also possibly the only man alive who can start a sentence with the words: “I dated a couple of girls who were in Friends.”

    That doesn’t sound like a bad way to spend time, but Duritz claims his reputation as a ladies man is more myth than fact. “I had never seen Friends because I was on the road at the time,” he says, “and a friend brought a girl [he wouldn’t say if it was Aniston or Cox] and lied to me by saying she was obsessed about me and I lied to her, saying I was obsessed about her. We ended up dating, but within weeks realised we had absolutely nothing in common.”

    What about Christina Applegate? “We never dated – she was my landlady when I was living in LA!” Fine, how about Winona Ryder? “I did know her,” he concedes, “but she was dating my friend Ryan Adams and watching that was lesson enough to never, ever, ever to date her.”

    Adam Duritz quote Tricia

  44. and Parker Posey is obnoxious regardless---kinda like a drugged out version of Shoshanna from Girls

  45. I want what shes having!

  46. I actually REALLY like the Miley guess---the VERY underated guesser Princess NobodY FTW!

  47. I thought this was supposed to be Moore/Adams and Jenny Lewis. He produced most of her latest record, she was a child actor turned singer. Not convinced it's accurate, but it fits.

  48. I concur @Robbie or Miley

  49. BUT ITS NOT jenny---sorry : (

  50. it is 100 PERCENT mILEY!

  51. @Robbie: Jenny is also an excellent suspect, along with Princess Nobody's guess of Miley!

    Can't wait til RD in a few minutes, @sugartits

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  53. Jason Derulo's wack ass got his sidepiece pregnant. I think she's the one that broke up Kim & Reggie Bush. This is supposed to be Mandy Moore. Idk who the other woman is. I also dk who Ryan Adams is, so there's that. Every time I hear his name I think of Bryan Adams & Summer of '69 plays in my head. That was the jam.

  54. lady h.. dont you get showtime eastcoast.. rd ended for me 40 minutes ago but will wait till you catch up to talk..

  55. @Bunni and het Sbrbrd---I am just on one tonight I guess. night,รง. xoxo


  56. that made no sense -------even if we don't speaksTRICIA talk--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your annoying get a clue

  57. did that sound bitchy


  59. I know I know........but whatever I guess...

    : (

  60. It does sound a lot like Ryan-Mandy-Taylor.
    Mandy and Taylor did both start out the same--- as teen country singers...Mandy was supposed to be a big star, but it never happened. She concentrated on acting for a while, but always kept singing. C

  61. I just hope to hell it aint Taylor--LenaD girl where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  62. @Derek: *rubs eyes* holy Franco on s stick, buddy, what is going on in here?! Better go get that beauty sleep, we have another big day of blind busting ahead of us! ;)

    @Sugarbread: I don't actually have "premium" cable channels so I resort to other viewing methods along with the rest of the shitmunchers! Sleepy, but I'll crank out some thoughts since you've been waiting ;)

    *I love the disappointment in Abby's face as she sees Jim's set up for the kids.
    *Abby finally sees that she wants to roll with the real thug. Ray will bust a cap and bring home the bacon...Jim IS just bacon oink oink ;)
    *I'm still kind of unclear about exactly what the motivation was to fuck over Cochran too, but I'm guessing it's just fodder to build S3 around
    *I liked the touch about the "cycle" of crime. It mirrors not only the victim turns to perp dynamics, but the cycle of violence that runs within the family.
    *Speaking of which, Conor's weed smoking, pill popping and are you the guy dad said mom could fuck comments are making me concerned that he's next in line for that fucked up legacy.
    *Where was Snowflake the entire episode? We never saw her again after she left for school...just sayin
    *Just because Cookie is gone doesn't mean that they are safe, especially due to what we know about him.

    *Lastly, I never expected it to end the same exact way as Stealing Harvard - robberies go awry and everything is resolved by a million to one shot at the horse races. I'm serious, that's the entire plot of that movie...
    Thoughts on the finale?!?

  63. @Lady H ---yeah yah yea lmao xo

  64. derek is hitting the sauce and i loves it!!
    i loved it when abbey saw that ray handled the cookie situation..when the bf cop couldn't.
    did anyone think abbey was going to live in 1 room over RAY!! abbey loves the thug glad hank azaria got screwed over..
    i thought ray was going to kill ezra though..

  65. Derek, darlin'...take 2 aspirin and call us in the morning. :)

  66. ***MORE RAY DONOVAN SPOILERS*** yep sugarbread. She knows exactly who she is married to...and that is why she married him. This is a departure from the other anti-hero TV wives like Carmela and Skyler.
    No way Abby was gunna downgrade like that.
    In my opinion, the not killing Ezra made sense in terms of the storyline. First and foremost because that's what Ray said he would do if anything happened to whatserface. Both Cochran and Ezra are liabilities in my opinion, old Ray would've and probably should've whacked them. They can both flip on him. No half measures betches!!! This also fits more thematically in the sense that incarceration is being framed as a faith worse than death, probably because it's now an actual threat to Ray.

  67. they were also digging up the bodies at ezra's wife's land. ray made the call from ezras land line phone.. maybe sending ezra away will kill 2 birds w/1 stone..
    ray cant go to jail.. we have no show..
    ray will get w/ the blonde pop singer (secret baby momma) dont tell naomi..

  68. Norah Jones, her guitarist guess on other person.

  69. Interesting info all around, derek. I'm still intrigued by Ryan and Juliana Hatfield! I guess I thought she was still a virgin at the age of...what, 45-ish? Gosh, blast from the past. I haven't listened to anything from her since Clinton was in office.

  70. Mandy/Ryan Adams/Miley

  71. Ciara/Future/Rihanna?
