Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kneepads Scores Another Wedding - George Clooney

A world renowned lawyer married an actor and People paid for the exclusive photos. It must kill the other tabloids that they don't have the kind of pull necessary to score the photos. I'm sure all of them would be willing to pay the money, but, as much as they kiss butt, they just don't kiss butt at such an elevated level to get wedding photos. For three weeks US Weekly has been milking Lauren Conrad wedding photos while over the course of a couple of months, People managed to snag Brangelina and now George Clooney while Ashlee Simpson probably cries every night wondering why no one wants her photos. So, do you think George asked for $1 more than Brangelina or did they get less? He will probably donate it to charity, which is always a good thing for the groups on the receiving end.


  1. Picturs ar gorgeous and tasteful. Refeshing change.

  2. Her dress and veil are gorgeous!

  3. George wouldnt do a second-rate wedding.
    I wonder if AnnE looks at this woman and says this could have been me if I actually liked men and George actually liked women.

  4. sandybrook - AnnE was in the running?!? I had no idea.

    Her dress is gorg.

    Not for nothing, but People does give off a classier vibe than USWeekly, InTouch and Star. I could see why Clooney went this route.

  5. Susan she looks a lot like AnnE

  6. Aw! I'm happy for them!

    Even though, there is something strange about them. Can't put my finger on it.

  7. sandybrook - Got it. LOL.

    I think he's going to run for office or something. I think that's why he got hitched.

  8. Is she tall, or is he short? Very nice pics anyway.

  9. The dress is absolutely stunning. And to think George, you could of had me. I even loved you with the dorky Facts of Life hair.

  10. He is pretty short.

  11. Happy he tired the knot and jumped the broom and all that good stuff. Wonder how long the contract is for.

  12. With bad news slamming the world, I like believing A&G are truly in love, not in contract.

    Is that toooo naive?!

  13. Beautiful wedding where was my invite ?

  14. Her dress is beautiful.

  15. I somehow get the feeling it's a "sham" wedding; that he's secretly gay. Always thought so.

  16. I absolutely LOVE her dress! I still love George, and wouldn't mind if someday he leaves Amal for me... (A girl can dream!)

    That said, I think he looks more feminine next to her. There's just something...different...about him now, and it isn't that "he's in love".

  17. Embarrassing grab for attention from a man who claims to crave privacy. Fake and posed. Wedding costs $13 million. People paid $14 million. Gross.

    1. Bitdam, they are donating the $14 mollion to charity, so hold your water. As what wedding cost, i guarantee it bought same amt of revenue as that!

  18. Her dress is beautiful!

  19. I love her dress. I wonder if she has flats or heels on?

  20. I think if he married to go into politics he would have 1. Married an American and 2. Married in the U.S. I don't think he'll run for office. I think he'll try for an appointed post (ambassador, cabinet secretary, something like that. Can't wait to watch the Senate hearings!)

  21. This whole wedding thing reminds me of the Cruise and Holmes wedding. If he is running for office I don't think he'll get many votes from Americans married to a Muslim.

  22. Bit Dams - I agree...I thought he craved privacy too.

  23. How did AnnE get in there? When did she ever go out with Clooney?

  24. I love looking at celebrity wedding photos! However, I was seriously disappointed with how dull the Brangelina spread was :( this one looks more entertaining for sure.

  25. I just looked and passed at the brange.
    Amal dress is Beautiful. ..who cares why they got married they look happy and hopefully he won't be as bad as tammy.

    Fwiw get stays at the Carlyle in nyc and always has a train of young male models immediately sent to his room..

  26. Who stays at the carlyle?

  27. Classy dress. Those strapless wedding dresses always look so cheap and cheesy. This is classic, lovely dress.

  28. That dress is gorgeous!!

    Work it AMAL

  29. I love it! The stud man that other men have watched over the years - isn't shy, embarrassed or afraid to declare his love for his woman!

    Take notes boys!

  30. Gorgeous dress. My friend gets People, I'm going to have to snag it from her!

    I'm with you, @Tinsel. I like her a lot and I believe there's a real chance that they're in love. And I've loved George since ER and then again in Three Kings.

  31. Enty, I have a bone to pick with you (or whichever Entern wrote this).

    First you call her a world-renowned lawyer. Yes, she's world-renowned and yes she's a lawyer but she's not world-renowned for being a lawyer, she's world-renowned for marrying George Clooney.

    Second, you write about what GEORGE CLOONEY will do with the money. Sexist much? They both got married, they both signed the contract with People. And if I were Amal, I'd be keeping my half. We're talking MILLIONS.

    I wonder if she really did get a $20 million signing bonus?

    And if she's ever going to practise law again?

  32. And fer chrissakes, will you all stop saying he got married because he's going to run for office?


    She is nothing but a negative for any future political career for George Clooney.

  33. @Prunella, Amal actually is a world-renowned lawyer. Besides representing Assange, she clerked for Sonia Sotomayor (before Sonja became a Supreme Court judge), has co-authored noted books and papers, lectures internationally (on international law, of course), has been on UN and other foreign commissions on human rights issues.

    I agree, though, this isn't a marriage of political convenience. A friend of mine pointed out that he got tired of the "red carpet girlfriends" and I agree 100%. George finally decided contract relationships were tedious and chose an intelligent, lovely woman who obviously liked him, too. She didn't need Clooney's clout.

  34. At least the contract wife got to be on the cover too, poor Brad Pit wasn't deemed important enough.

  35. Most hadn't heard of her until she hooked up with Clooney so I think "world renowned" is a stretch. She's a lawyer who has represented some awful people.

  36. She needs a cheeseburger with bacon.

  37. @Seven, while - pre-Clooney - she might have been well-known in SOME - but not ALL - legal circles,, I would not have called her "world-renowned" as a lawyer by any stretch. She has a good resume, yes. But world-renowned? Newp.

    Having said that, there are very few world-renowned lawyers. So it's not like I'm setting the bar higher for her.

  38. @Alexa Rose.

    no.. George had to be on the cover so the buying world would know who she was and why she was on the cover. Brad didn't need to be on the cover because everyone knows who Angelina is and that they got married.

    Why is it always necessary to bring up this ONE couple. They had the wedding they wanted just like George.

    some people are truly obsessed with a couple that had nothing to do with this wedding.

  39. Didn't the people at Vogue do all the styling? Of course Wintour or Coddington made sure everything was tastefully done.

    The gown is gorgeous but my attitude still is IDGAF.
    This whole thing doesn't pass the smell test.

  40. Also I read Amal is representing some nice chap associated with the former regime in Libya at the moment.

  41. amal is representing ghadaffi's enforcer.. nice dinner convo right there
    she can't help george's political career b/c she's muslim?? guess who else is a muslim?? obama.
    i don't like who she represents but poor people don't get the best counsel, only the wealthiest and most ruthless can pick up the tab for really good lawyers.
    that aside i think she's beautiful and it is a clear arrangement b/c george got tired of relentless eye rolling and mocking his latest babe on his arm.

  42. @sugarbread maker where on earth did you get the idea Obama is a Muslim? He has a Muslim middle name and lived in Indonesia, a Muslim country, as a child, but that doesn't make him a Muslim. Sheesh - he's a Christian and a member of a Christian church.

    That's right, she would hurt George's political career because she's a Muslim. Damn straight. And because she represented Julian Assange who is a very polarizing figure and because she has represented some people from really repressive regimes.

    There is a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment in this country. Anyone with a Muslim wife who runs for public office has an anchor around his leg.

    Did you see how the NFL punished a Muslim player for assuming the prayer position after scoring a touchdown, but had never before punished other players who went down on one knee (to thank the Christian god, presumably).

  43. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/11/obama-my-muslim-faith/?pb..don't want to fight about this but..this is all i have

    1) Robert Gibbs, campaign communications director for President Obama’s first presidential race, asserted in January 2007: “Sen. Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.” But he backtracked in March 2007, asserting that Mr. Obama “has never been a practicing Muslim.” By focusing on the practice as a child, the campaign is raising a nonissue, for Muslims (like Jews) do not consider practice central to religious identity. Mr. Gibbs added, according to a paraphrase by Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times, that “as a child, Obama had spent time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center.” Clearly, “the neighborhood’s Islamic center” is a euphemism for a mosque. Spending time there again points to Mr. Obama’s being a Muslim.

    (2) He may have made faces and horsed around in Koran class, but Mr. Obama learned how to pray the salat, a form of ritual worship, in religion class. Pak Effendi, his former teacher at Besuki, his school in Jakarta, Indonesia, recalls that he would “join the other pupils for Muslim prayers.” Praying the salat in and of itself made Mr. Obama a Muslim. Furthermore, he still proudly retains knowledge from that long-ago class. In March 2007, Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times witnessed as Mr. Obama “recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them [to Mr. Kristof] with a first-rate accent.” Mr. Obama recited not the salat itself but the adhan, the call to prayer (typically chanted from minarets). The second and third lines of the adhan constitute the Islamic declaration of faith, the shahada, the very utterance of which makes one a Muslim. The full adhan in its Sunni iteration (skipping the repetitions) goes as follows:

    God is the greatest.

    I testify that there is no deity but God.

    I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God

    (3) In a conversation with George Stephanopoulos in September 2008, Mr. Obama spoke of “my Muslim faith,” only changing that to “my Christian faith” after Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted and corrected him. It’s implausible that someone would blurt out “my Muslim faith” unless some basis existed for such a mistake.

    (5) Mr. Obama’s overblown and inaccurate description of Islam in the United States smacks of an Islamist mentality. He drastically overestimates both the number and the role of Muslims in the United States, announcing in June 2009 that “if you actually took the number of Muslims [sic] Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” Hardly: According to one listing of Muslim populations, the United States, with about 2.5 million Muslims, ranks about 47th-largest. Three days later, he gave a bloated estimate of “nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country today” and bizarrely announced that “Islam has always been a part of America’s story. …[S]ince our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.” Mr. Obama also announced the dubious fact in April 2009 that many Americans “have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country.” When referring to religious communities in the United States, Mr. Obama always gives first mention to Christians but second place varies between Jews and Muslims, most notably in his January 2009 inaugural speech: “The United States is a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and nonbelievers.” Mr. Obama so wildly overestimates the Muslim role in American life that it suggests an Islamic supremacist mentality specific to someone coming from a Muslim background.

    In the aggregate, these statements confirm the evidence from Mr. Obama’s childhood that he was born and raised a Muslim.

  44. The Washington Times is about as reputable as News of the World. None of that is true. They're a right wing rag that used to be owned by Rev Moon IIRC.

    None of that is true.

  45. Thank you @Aoife I was just about to point out that if @Sugarbread Maker wants to prove that Obama is a Muslim she should find a more credible source than a "newspaper" that was founded by the crackpot head of the Moonies.
