Wednesday, September 03, 2014

K-Pop Star EunB Killed In Car Accident

A member of the popular K-Pop group Ladies Code was killed in a car accident that has another member of the group in critical condition and and one more singer hospitalized for now. According to a statement from the record label, the group was returning from a show in a van in the middle of the night in a rain storm and the rear left wheel came off. The van skidded and the driver lost control and slammed into a guard rail. Four other people inside the van had no injuries. EunB was 22.


  1. no disrespect but these people are a thing?

    ((looks around confused))

    1. With your Joy....Never heard of them..south Korean pop group.very tragic

  2. don't preface something disrespectful with 'no disrespect'.

  3. I have heard of this group but have only seen snippets of them performing. Very sad. Somebody should have made the call to wait until the weather cleared or until daylight.

  4. They are huge in the East and definitely have a cult following in the West. They probably have more fans than One Direction, you just wouldn't know because the mania stays mainly in the East. This is definitely newsworthy, though if we see the world on a global scale and don't just think in Western terms.

  5. It was not meant to be a disrespectful comment Rx. I dont know who they are. Im allowed to not know who someone is, no?

    I dont like you Rx...


    1. Aw, fancy, I miss your old screen name! ;)

  6. Enty, this is what happens when you outsource some articles to an Asian tweener. (*bitter I wasn't hired)

  7. what, absolutely you are allowed to not know who someone is. it just seemed like an uneccesary comment to make, and the way that you chose to word it, i found rude, really.

    things are happening outside of America, constantly. 'these people' exist, they are 'a thing'. idk just slightly irritated me, sorry to pick on you.


  8. I'm sad to hear that and also sad to say I actually do know who they are, mostly from my pervy husband watching their youtube videos. They have lots of dance practice vids.

  9. So sad, so young! RIP

  10. These K-pop groups have more fans than some of the biggest groups out there right now. Most of their fans are in Asia though do we don't hear about them as much. I have friends who love k-pop though so I'm at least aware of them.

    This is really sad and my best wishes are with those who were directly affected by this.

  11. Listen Rx this is a blog set in America by an American blogger. This blog consists of American celebrity gossip mostly. EXCUSE ME for not knowing who this group is. EXCUSE ME for being American and consuming American celebrity gossip.

    I get kinda stabby when I hear "things are going on outside of America".


    ((i was going to end with "who gives a shit" instead of UGH but i dont want to be rude...eyeroll))

    RIP to the young lady

    1. There is no excuse for being an American and I say this as an American.

    2. No excuse for being RUDE. Someone died, you should just have shut up.

  12. If you don't know who someone is...don't say anything! Your verbiage infers that because YOU haven't heard of them her death is irrelevant. It's distasteful.

    Bless you and your family young lady. May you be in peace.

    1. yay, all the right words, thank you.

  13. I will say what i please if u cannot handle it that is not my problem.

  14. lol, listen. you made a dumb comment about a 22 year old who just died.

    i'm letting you know that you're wrong, origin of gossip or whatever aside. thee end.

  15. @Joy, if you can't handle what people respond when you say something pretty distasteful about somebody who was just killed that's not our problem.

    Google IS a thing and you could have used it to see that K-Pop is one of the biggest groups in the world. As @el said, the way you worded your comment made it seem like her death was irrelevant. That's going to get some backlash. Sorry you can't handle it.

  16. It clearly states K-Pop in the title AND first sentence. I agree that it was the way that Joy said her comment that was insensitive. Because she didn't know who this person/group is they weren't worthy of coverage on this site. How do you ever learn about anything new if you only focus on what you know?

    RIP EunB and best wishes to those still in the hospital.

  17. My daughter is obsessed with KPop. I'm sure I'll be receiving a text at lunch about this. So young...

  18. RIP my cable system has a channel pretty devoted to KPop and that is really big in the Far East.

  19. Joy, don't worry about it. I know what K-pop is, and I still don't care about it. Sorry this girl died but it really isn't American gossip news, it's a very niche thing in the US and the West so I personally don't think what you said is wrong. But you've presumably been around here long enough to know that some people cannot WAIT to get on their sanctimonious high horses and tell you how wrong you are! It seems to be what some people live for, to show how moral and caring and superior they are. So don't sweat it, this is a gossip site, not a hug box and I personally enjoy the bitchier comments. Fuck being nice or fake!

    1. You lack any sort of empathy. I feel very sorry for you and the pathetic life you must lead.

  20. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Holy shit! I'm a bit of a fan of there's. :( This is really sad. R.I.P

  21. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I'm not one of those people who thinks everything should be lollipops and gumdrops, but I do think people should give the same respect to others they would want in return. I imagine things would be different if this was Joan Rivers. A lot of people would be carrying on about how "classy" some of the more tasteless comments are. I think in general we as Americans lack empathy, and it shows

    1. "We" Americans? Speak for yourself!

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I see you missed the "in general" part of that statement

  22. Yeah, @astra. Fuck human decency and respect for the dead. Who needs it?

    @Shiro, "I think in general, we as Americans lack empathy, and it shows." Hit the nail on the fucking head.

  23. Unless there was a funnel and a bucket of baby eels in the van and they going to shoot a video, then I don't care.

    Here is a Your Turn for ya: What is your Least Favorite Style of Music?

    I would be torn between American Bluegrass, Japanese Pop and Mexican Gangster Rap.

  24. We expect you to lack empathy, Count. Joy tried to backtrack. You would never backtrack.

  25. I caught a snippet on BBC Worldwide the other day about K-Pop. Apparently the whole K-Culture scene was a politically created phenomenon to create interest, and then derive revenue. They deliberately focused on emerging economies that were not targetted by Western b(r)ands. Pretty successful, if not a tad cynical.

    RIP to the young lady.

  26. There's another thing that's a thing - it's called It's been a thing since 1995. If you go to and type in "K-Pop" you'll find out - by clicking through to any of the 343 MILLION results - that yes, indeed, these people are a thing.

  27. RIP. Twenty-two? What a shame.

    I'm not a fan of K-Pop music, I prefer my pop a little more raw (think 1960s U.S. girl groups), but these girls (Ladies Code, Girls' Generation, Wonder Girls, After School, 2NE1, etc.) have a work ethic and, in many cases, talent, that puts Western pop stars to shame.

    Shout out of support for Joy Staley, a.k.a. #bitchstolemythunder a.k.a fancyscreenname. CDaN is not a place to come expecting political correctness.

  28. Of course you are a gentleman, Count. The nobility would never grant a title to an uncouth, perverted, mouthbreathing tosser now, would they?

  29. @Count Jerkula
    See? This is why Enty needs to give you and Seven of Eleven control of 'Your Turn'. That's much better than TV Guides.

    Contemporary R&B (but I love 1960s/70s) and Contemporary Country (I wish Jesus would take the wheel and crash the fucking car), I admire avant-garde Jazz but I don't understand it, which makes me fractious.

  30. @Haywood Jablomee
    I'm guessing you're not British.

  31. I guess since this is an AMERICAN gossip site Enty really needs to stop all blinds on foreign born people and stop posting foreign born celebs in the random photos. And all foreign commenters need to GTFO! I mean, that's what I'm learning from these "sanctimonious" comments. Damn, I didn't know Reese Witherspoon was on here! Hey girl hey!!

  32. RIP.

    Apparently there are a lot of experts in K-pop here (not me). Not dismeaning her death, though.

  33. Least fav music: country/bluegrass, metal, Bieber/children's music

  34. @Yoj, I prefer the old country. This stuff today is not country. It's all gimmicky, no substance. And half of it is crossover. I was really disappointed when Reba sold out.

  35. @Jennifer
    That's exactly how I feel, Jennifer. But I didn't like to say so, since Country music seems to be such a beloved part of many Americans' culture.
    What I love about old-school country is the raw talent and emotion, it wasn't glossy or slick. The same contrast is apparent when you compare authentic R&B with that of today.

  36. @Yoj, don't worry most of us won't care a bit if you put down new country.

    Totally agreed on old country. Love it to bits but they need to find a name for new country. The eighties is when it started going bad. The eighties ruined everything. Why is it making a comeback again?

  37. @Annie Hall
    As someone born in '83, I can tell you that they don't remember how bad it was.
    Seriously, what happened that decade. The hair?!
    Having said that, '80s pop is my guilty pleasure.

  38. I'm pretty much into Momoclo, but that's jpop

  39. Good point, @Yoj. I am 5 years older than you and it makes quite a difference because I remember every painstaking year. Even as a kid I knew that we were fucking our culture up. I hated every second of it.

    The only thing nice I can say about 80s pop is that I get a very nice nostalgic feeling when it comes on. I understand it being a guilty pleasure, though. With great sadness, I do. I do love the fuck out of some Talking Heads, though.

  40. @Annie Hall, Holy crap!! I invariably listen to Talking Heads every time I ski- "Psycho Killer" blaring while hitting the bumps is the definition of HAPPY for me!

  41. re Country:

    The day Willie Nelson passes will be the day country music dies.

  42. Shit is gettin' real up in here. Can't we stick to catty gossip?

  43. Wow! Why is everyone giving Joy S shit? Many a time people confess they don't know someone or some other cultural reference and I cannot negotiate a Google search on my iPhone.

    She clearly said "no disrespect" (regarding KPop-not the girl who died). Take that as her true intent. I'm not aware of Kpop either because I am older and not "with it". I AM saddened that this bright young talent was killed and that her other band mates were injured. Has nothing to do with KPop which, no disrespect I simply am not familiar with either.

    Be kind people!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Is Psy considered KPop? He has the most viewed video on youtube absolutely smashing all others worldwide.

    Anyways, a little empathy does go a long way.

    To the world you may be just one person, to one person you may be the world.

  46. @Sherry, it was all in how it was said. It could have been worded differently or at least that's how I feel.

  47. @Count, I see it as Willie and that gen are true country, George Strait, Vince Gill and that group are the last of classic country and these acts today would trade it all for Billboard Hot 100 pop or rock songs.

  48. @Sherry: it was the qualifier that people are reacting to.

  49. Gina sz, your comment is exactly the kind of sanctimonious bullshit I was talking about. Save your armchair psychiatry for someone who gives a fuck because I'm fresh out.

    If this site had ever written about K pop or J pop or anything of the sort, it might make sense to post about this. Pointing this out doesn't mean you don't respect the dead. What else am I supposed to say beyond I'm sorry she died and I wish the best possible for the family? What words are the "acceptable" words in this situation and who decides what's acceptable and what isn't?

  50. Aw, leave Joy alone. I've never heard of this "worldwide phenomenon" either. RIP to the young lady, but ultimately this post is only meaningful for the few in this culture who have heard of her.

  51. Enty has posted about K-pop before & I'm not just talking about Psy. He had a blind item & reveal about a singer from a popular group who went through some hardship. I don't recall all the details.

    This discussion wouldn't have been dragged out if @Joy wouldn't have been so rude & defensive when people were stating their opinion. Saying that this is an American blog for American celebrity gossip is not an accurate description about this site. Enty posts about several UK celebs that I was never aware of but will not protest because it is still celebrity gossip.

    For the record: I would gladly take 100 posts about K-pop (even though I am not a fan) than another one about any of the teen moms.

  52. Wow. This post is proof, as though proof were needed, that CDANers will snark at each other about absolutely anything.

  53. Green Girl I'm with you there re: teen moms and Kpop. Same with Sprink.

    Everyone loved FancyScreen buy JoyStaley has gotten people in a tizzy.

  54. K Pop is kind of big in the States but it's something you either know about or you don't. My daughter got me into it a few years ago and while I don't look for it if a good song or group comes out she lets me know.
    One of the more influential groups has opened for Western acts in the US.

    I'm sorry to hear about this young woman's passing at such a young age. May she Rest in Peace.

  55. Jeez. I'm a mid-30s Australian and know about k-pop...we have a show (with accompanying app) devoted to it over here.

    Just for the record, while I know this is a US site, there is a helluva lot of content written about English, Australian and European actors. Poor old Chris Hemsworth is bought up a lot. K-pop has been mentioned before.

    And what about Korean Americans who read the site...surely they would be interested? Am sure the Enty audience is not necessarily homogenous.

  56. Greengrl, how was Joy rude? I still don't see it. She has her opinion, and I still think that many people here wait til something isn't worded to their liking, and then they pounce so they can play morality police.

    I don't think anyone was protesting this post, just saying that they have no clue who the person was. Comments like that are rampant on Bachelor/ette posts, Teen Mom posts and various others. It's only bad to say that they don't know who she is because she's dead? Why? Nobody is happy she's dead, condolences have been expressed, what more can or should be done? You want to see some nasty shit, go to the Joan Rivers comments. If people want to play morality police THAT is the place to do it! But it's OK to do it there because she's not actually dead yet?
