Thursday, September 04, 2014

Joan Rivers Has Died

Melissa Rivers has just released a statement that her mother, Joan Rivers, has died. She was 81. 


  1. Rest in peace Joan.

  2. What a difficult decision, to turn off the life support. I really feel for Melissa. This is heartbreaking.

  3. Wow JR I thought at the end it would have been you and Cher left on this planet. RIP Diva!

  4. I had a feeling when they took her out of ICU and to a private room yesteday that this was coming.
    Bon Voyage Joan, you lived a hell of a life and you worked and performed right up to the end, just like you wanted to.

    My sympathies to Melissa and Cooper, they were a very close little family.

    1. Car 54, you said it all. Rest in peace joanie, or raise some hell, its all good. What acway to go: killer performance, dr s appt, go unconsciencioys and pass over. No pain, no lingering , a blessing for Joan.

  5. Oh no, I am so sorry. She was so full of life just like 2 weeks ago! :-(

  6. Shit I really thought she was going to make it, so I'm shocked. Joan I grew ups up with you and Johnny, RIP.

  7. Rest in Peace, Joan!

  8. 'Can we talk?' She paved the way for every female comic. RIP.

  9. This breaks my heart. Joan was needed on the earth.

  10. RIP Joan.

    Think Johnny Carson will speak to her now?

  11. Make God laugh Joan..., as they say......thoughts to the family.

  12. So sad.
    RIP Joan.
    Condolences to Melissa & Melissa's son.
    When the reports said Joan was being moved to a private room & made comfortable ... I just knew it was a matter of time. It was the same way with my mom towards the end with her being on life support. Hardest thing I've ever dealt with.
    No matter how you feel about Joan, just remember she was also someone's mother & godmother.

  13. I just loved when she slapped that cop!

    *jokes jokes* and Joan would like that joke!

  14. Noooooo
    RIP Joan. Thanks for everything- you will be missed. RIP

  15. This is sad, god hard to believe she was 82 & still working at the level she was.

  16. Rest well, Joan. You'll be missed by many!

  17. RIP Joan, you'll be missed! She was/is an inspiration to not just women comics but women in general.

  18. RIP, funny lady. Not everyone's cup of tea, but that's how it goes with humor.

  19. I know sadly, we thought this was coming, but we all held out hope.

    My heart goes out to Melissa and Cooper, and those they considered their family.

  20. Love you, Joan! RIP

  21. This broke my heart. She was still so sharp and so funny. I was listening to her last Howard Stern interview on a loop during my commute before any of this started and at one point during the interview she's talking to Howard about how she planned to fly to Sweden to kill herself if she ever got dementia. At one point she even says "As a comic, all you've got is your brain." This was too early. The world needed her. I love you Joan. RIP.

  22. I had the good fortune if seeing her perform her stand-up show years ago and she had the theatre in tears - she was absolutely hilarious. RIP Joan, you will be missed.

    1. Truly heartbreaking. I was hoping to see one of her performances soon.

  23. Queen of Snark. No one has the balls to fill her pumps.

    Much love to her and her family.

    She, Diller, Totie Fields.... those are foundation for all that follows.

    1. Wueen, glad u mentioned Totie, she was friggin hilarious!

  24. Even in death, she showed us how it's done. Full hair & makeup, professionally decorated suite...what a fabulously badass bitch. She will never be replaced.
    Happy Trails, Joan!

  25. Two comic geniuses gone in less than a month.

  26. Be comforted. There is no death, shes not dead. So its only sad for people on this end. Youre welcome for the good news. RiL.

  27. I did my RIP last week, because this was the obvious outcome.

    I would just like to take a moment to say we need more Joans in the entertainment world. Take no shit and make no apologies. Real people, not contrived PR creations who shit their pants at the thought of offending someone. I hope she left her brass balls to someone worthy.

    1. Excellent epitaph!

    2. Perfectly stated, Count!

    3. Yeah truer words were never spoken.
      Rip funny lady...go see your husband now..

    4. + 1 million!!!!!
      RIP, Ms. Rivers; & may your family and friends find peace (& laugh through their tears) in their memories.

    5. @Sugarbread Maker, it was a comfort to know she was getting to see her Edgar again. I am sad for Melissa and Cooper though.

  28. Sad news indeed. I definitely feel for Melissa.

  29. Well said @Count, very well said.

  30. There ya go, Count. Very well said.

    RIP Joan. My heart aches for Melissa and her son :(

  31. My favorite joke she told..."Posh Spice, that bitch. Does this tampon make me look fat?" I loved her. The original ball buster.

  32. The other day I saw a video of her on reddit and thought she was a funny person (I didn't know her), that afternoon she was taken to hospital.
    Let's hope there is a video sean penn or some other asshole soon and I can see if I jinx them or it was just a coincidence.


    1. Kermit, can I send you a video of my ex-boyfriend? ;)

    2. Watch Bieber videos for awhile okay

    3. +1 Sugarbread. Or Chris Brown.

  33. Rest in peace, Joan. :(

  34. The red carpet will not be the same without her. RIP Joan.

  35. Rest in Peace Joan….

  36. She will be missed, RIP

  37. Another icon gone.
    Not so much haha funny as Ican'tbelievetheylethersaythat funny. Is offending in the afterlife as we speak.
    RIP and laughter.

  38. I'm so happy Fallon had her back on Tonight Show. That must have been wonderful for her.

    RIP, Joanie.

    1. At least she had that moment before she passed. I need to Dvr all the tonight shows tonight and tomorrow because they might have already taped today's on east coast already. .

  39. RIP Joan and thank you Count for the fitting tribute.

  40. This just goes to demonstrate again that there are no routine medical procedures with elderly people. For those of you with older relatives, please make sure they get second opinions and insist that any surgical procedures be done in a hospital and not a clinic. RIP Joan.

    1. Nj firefighter, u so right. Im not that old but 6 years ago hade knee surgery with complications yhat led to pancreatitis, which led to diagnosis of ulcer which then led to mesenteric panniculitis. So no sugery is benign, no matter how healthy you are when you go into it. Tjink carefully begore ANY
      sugery for ANY reason.

    2. I came thisclose to dying!!! Imagine all of you without my bon mots, lololol

    3. aunt liddy...i am intrigued, how did a knee surgery end up as pancreatitis??? i am going on 18yrs this mo w/ Chronic Pancreatitis

    4. Umop- ok, i had the ulcer, unknown to me and drs. For years and years i had digestive problems but never diagnosed. My body interpreted surgery as trauma to body which inflamed ulcer. Constantly nauseaous for 3 wks, punctuated by bouts of throwing up. Good times. Meanwhile i keep calling dr,who thinks its from pain meds, so i try every pain meds on the planet, still in pain. Finally go to reg dr, she says diverticulitis, prescribed antibiotics. No improvement, she finally sends me for lower gi series where u hv to drink that chalky crap while u feel like vomiting. Somehow i got it down, had xrays taken, threw it all up, went home, where dr had already called. Told me i had inflamed gall bladder, inflamed gallstones, pancreatitis and diverticulitis and i had to go to hospital asap. I guess the ulcer inflamed whole area. So go to hospital and they say gall bladder has to come out, but one dr says, this doesnt seem right, i think endoscopy. So knock me out, do endo and when i wake up, they say good news, no gall bladder surgery but u hv huge bloody ulcer! Pumped out load of blood. I cldnt hv cared less by this point. Meanwhile im walking around on my replaced knee, and everyone's saying wow, u r doing great with your knee, while i couldnt hv cared or noticed less. Sugery end of may, and i didnt feel right until end of august! Cld hardly eat anything, and everything tasted differnt and salty. Then, because hey, that wasnt enough, almost a year later, i had pelvic pain, was in and out of er coupla times, more xrays and voila! I have mesenteric panniculitis, of which there are 650 cases IN THE WORLD. It inflammation of tissue around intestines, so i cant eat any roughage, no fruit no veggies and so very many other things, no dairy. So u think i lost any wreight with this?! I did not, lololol. Recently had xray for a case of pleurisy-( my daughter:" what is this, the middle ages?")lol, and mes panic is progressing. But very slow and i just hv to adjust to it. Its a pain but there are far worse things. So thats how a knee replacement turned into a corosion of my inner organs, lol Oh, and its idiopathislc, and there is nothing to take for it! Sorry u hv the pancreatitis, i know only too well the misery of it. How do u deal with it? What do u take? Only thingvi take is protonix, and thats really for acid reflux. Thanx fir asking and reading!:)

    5. OMG aunt liddy. That ish is cray cray, I think I'm using that in the correct context. Thank you for sharing your story w/ is always interesting to hear from other people that have dealt w/ Pancreatitis. It is not a well understood illness by most people and some doctors even.

      I was diagnosed in High School. Out of nowhere I got this EXCRUCIATING pain and had to be carried to the car/ER. I was diagnosed w/ Pancreatitis but they never explained exactly what that meant. They believe it was caused by birth control pills.

      Fast forward from that time, I have had numerous surgeries and had stents placed. It has also developed into Chronic Pqncreatitis.

      My Dr whom I found around 2008 has been incredible. I've been to many specialists, but feel I get the best care w/ this one.

      I have had 2 surgeries this year, and 5 last year. It's def been a roller coaster. When I have a flare up of CP, it messes w/ my liver too. In my labs, my liver is elevated 3x the normal limit.

      It is a super PAINFUL illness that strikes at ANY time. They had me change my diet, but even that hasn't helped much. I can eat a salad and get a flare up, so I might as well eat steak, LOL.

      I use pain meds, at this point I know how to deal/cope with the pain and usually don't go to the ER. Dr's there are clueless, and when my lab work CSS back normal (which it will after many years of damage) they look at me like I'm crazy...maybe just a tad ;)

      I had my gallbladder removed, don't know if it's helped or made things worse honestly. After it being removed, I spent 2wks in hospital cause of my liver, they thought I had hepatitis.

      It's crazy I tell you. Hope I haven't bored you too much, lol. I tried putting it into a nutshell. You will def be in my prayers ;)

    6. Umop, u r very kind and story did not bore me at all. Only those of us that have these digestive issues understand the misery of never knowing when u are going to implode. Shld i go to the wedding? Will it be 3 hrs in car? Will i be ok? Is there an ER near there? All the stuff most people dont even think about. As for diet, i just basically eliminate anything that bothers me. Once i cldnt resist small spoonful of broccoli-laid up for a week. Either something inflames it, or its inflamed and anything u eat
      Is gonna be trouble! I sympathize about your numerous surgeries, which i hv not had, that us rough. Im sending you healing noogies, which I'm told have an 67% cure rate, so fingers crossed! Hugs! Anytime you wanna talk, u know where i am, lol

  41. RIP Joan Rivers!!!!

    I'll never forget meeting you in NY last yr. You were classy, gracious and warm!

    Kick-ass up there at the Grand Comedy Central! Friendly company in Robin Williams awaits to welcome you with open arms!!!

    You will be missed

  42. RIP JR, sending warm thoughts to her loved ones. She was one of the trailblazers, but also rubbed ppl the wrong way with who she was. For all those who want kind words said about her because of her family, keep that in mind when someone unsavory dies,can't have it both ways. Would love a comment from Himmm about now.

  43. This makes me so sad. So sad. To think she was healthy and something stupid took her is hard. My condolences to Melissa and Cooper.

  44. She was not done. I'm so sad.

  45. Piss on #JoanRivers ! Her comments about the Cleveland hostages showed what a cold, attention-craving unfunny b*tch she was.

  46. I was never much of a fan but it is still sad all the same. I wish her and her family much love, strength and peace.

  47. I first heard of Joan when she was listed in the closing credits of Spaceballs, which I saw when I was 8 years old. From then on I loved it every time she appeared on David Letterman's show because she was one of the few people that could make Dave really laugh and if you could make Dave laugh, you were A-Ok with me.

    1. +1 ^5 I think spaceballs was the first time I saw her to.. I'm 37 so about same age maybe.

  48. A real Lady, in the best sense of the word: smart, independent, courageous, strong of character and loud of voice.

    "I succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking." R.I.P. Joan.

  49. What joy this woman gave a gawky pre-teen to teen age girl who stuck back in the living room late at night in the 60s to watch the Tonight Show. You made me laugh and taught me fashion as an adult. You lived your Life with Joy and zest. Condolences to Melissa and her son.

  50. Probably the most energetic 81 year old I've seen in a while. She was very smart. I'd see her on the Canadian Shopping Channel and if the cameraman didn't focus on one of her items properly she'd give him shit. Sad to see her go, but she never stopped working, which was her biggest fear. God Bless you Joan, wherever you are.

  51. RIP Joan.

    Been away from computers and radios and televisions so I was a bit taken aback as I heard it on the car radio - they were playing an clip from an appearance on Johnny Carson, pre-raspy Joan, sniff - and yet not surprised if you read between the lines especially if you've ever been through this yourself.

    Big hole in the cosmos left with her passing. Heartfelt condolences to Melissa and Cooper, the lights of her life.

    Well this has been a good exercise in the importance of discussing your wishes with your family in this kind of situation and needing to be more careful about even routine tests for all of us but especially older loved ones.

  52. Sad for Melissa and Cooper. That had to be the hardest decision ever. She's cracking jokes with Robin and the higher power now.

  53. I was just reading about how they decorated her room, playing her favourite music etc. I reminded me oddly of the death room in Soylent Green which always seemed to me a good way to go, never mind what happened later. Even if in this case JR was not conscious.

  54. I'm really heart broken. I loved Joan, and I didn't want to see her go. I didn't always like everything that she said, especially some of the bawdier things, but I loved that she said them, if that makes any sense. I fell in love with her on Johnny Carson because of the things that she said, that no one else was saying. I love the quote that she made her reputation saying what everyone else was thinking. Always wondered about Johnny that he never spoke to her again, even when her husband committed suicide. Loved her that she came through her husband's suicide and being banned from late night, and still came out swinging. Imagine what we missed all those years not having Joan on TV. I don't watch much late night anymore, but I would have been glued to the TV for the last 20 years if she was on. Loved her style, and loved that she cared so much about her appearance, no jokes, she always dressed like a duchess.
    I just wasn't ready to see her go. I'm bummed. Wonder who they will get to replace her on Fashion Police. Irreplaceable. No one can replace her. Ah, well. I'm glad I got to see her all these years. Like some of the best, they didn't use her talent enough. God Bless you Joan, I'll miss you.

  55. Auntliddy glad you made it through your surgical nightmare!

  56. RIP, Joan. So sad. Condolences to Melissa and family :-(

  57. Well, this one just hits me REALLY hard. And yeah. The writing has been on the wall all week.

    I hate that all of the tributes to her keep focusing on that douchebag Johnny Carson and their feud. To shun someone and blackball them and not take their calls. Sorry, you must have some MAJOR insecurities.

    She is just a class act. I love Joan.

  58. I remember watching her talk shows when I was a kid and thinking that she was the funniest woman in the world. RIP Joan, you will be missed.

  59. I'm so heartbroken. She was so vibrant and upbeat on the last/final episode of Fashion Police -- I'm at a loss for words. I often feel a feeling of "aw too bad" when a celeb/famous person passes away but with Joan, my heart literally hurts *Joan Ranger Salute* RIP Joan :(

  60. This is so sad to me. It's truly awful because I believe she had at least 20 more years in her. She was so sharp, on point, and hilarious. I guess if you have to go, this is probably one of the easiest ways. Too bad it's not so easy for us. What a fantastically entertaining presence.

  61. This really upsets me. I grew up watching and laughing with Joan. She was a real trailblazer.

  62. RIP. Prayers and condolences.

  63. feel the same @Gina Sz

  64. She was a trailblazer, for sure, but she was a miserable, mean, nasty person. Condolences to her family.

  65. Old bitch is worm food, but half of her fucking face is not biodegradable.

  66. RIP Joan. Much love&support sent out to her family at this difficult time.

  67. Can we talk? Thanks for the laughs Joan. Rest in Peace.

  68. Loved her, LOVED HER, and looked forward to Fashion Police every week.

    RIP Joan.

  69. What, no morality police on some of the nastier comments here? Interesting!

    RIP Joan. My sympathies with Melissa and the rest of the family.

  70. RIP funny lady.

    She wasn't for everyone, but I admit, I watched a couple of episodes of one of her reality shows with Melissa and couldn't stop laughing. Condolences to Melissa and Cooper.

  71. I didn't always laugh at Joan's jokes and towards the end she was kind of an old lady in a young world but here's why I loved Joan. She defied expectations and said screw you to other's expectations. Do you know when at Barnard studying anthro she was a research assistant to Margaret Mead? She built up a comedy career in an entirely male field and when she crashed and burned she built herself back up. She said some shitty things like the vast majority of successful male comedians. As far as I know she didn't do shitty things like many of those other comedians. She's listed as a major influence by most current female comics. She kept friendships for decades and has a child that seemingly adores her despite being raised with fame. RIP Joan. Don't be too tough on St. Peter's robe.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This one is hard for me, but at least she went like this and some other LONGER way. Tough decision for Melissa, but this is why you should talk about something like this before it happens.

    Tonight I will watch "The Girl Most Likely To....", which Joan wrote and directed in the 70's with Stockard Channing. Saw it when it first aired when I was 7 and thought it was a horror movie! lol RIP Joan, and hugs to Melissa.

  74. @portlandgirl Betty White has NOT died.

  75. My heart goes out to Melissa and her son, I know firsthand what a heartbreaking decision it is to switch those machines off. But it sounds like Joan, like my Dad, had had a conversation prior to her passing about her wishes on that. Better to take control than waste away slowly surrounded by beeping machines..
    I was no fan of her snark in later years, just didn't find it funny but she was a trailblazer of her time and comics (esp insult ones) are meant to be divisive and I am sure she would rather people talk about her meanly or kindly than not talk about her at all!
    Vale Joan....

  76. Thanks for all the laughs.

  77. RIP Joan. You will be sorely missed.

  78. Did not like Joan Rivers, but I truly do feel for her daughter. I'm an only child myself, and this is my nightmare. If something like this happened to my mom, I can't imagine how I would deal with it.

  79. I also heard this on the car radio (yeah, it's old!), and almost had to pull over.

    RIP, Joan. And thank you for the laughs on that TicTacToe show (with Wayland & Madame) I used to watch with my mom as a child (while she explained to me that you were a pioneer in comedy as well as women in entertainment), and the laughs you evoked throughout my life.

    Condolences to EVERYBODY, because, how could you not?

  80. @delete . joan said on one of her tv shows w/ melissa her biggest regret was not having more children. she was trying to tell melissa to have more "while she still could" you can see the sadness in her eyes she was upset over not having more
    just watching E! news and howie mandel said he tried out for johnnie carson 10 times and kept getting rejected but when joan filled in for johnnie on his vacation, she liked him and brought him on when she hosted and he was sooo good that from then on he was a regular on late night, but that joan was the one who mentored him not jc, j just took the credit.

  81. I honestly thought she was going to make it. It's so sad. I will miss her on Fashion Police. My heart goes out to Melissa.

  82. It's hard on the family when it happens so suddenly, I imagine. An 81year old's death cannot be entirely shocking and it is not tragic except in the sense that once we become aware of death everyday is a tragedy. She was a horrible vulgar and nasty woman while alive and death will not make her anything else. I understand it was her schtick to be mean but I don't know that the fact that she made a whole ton of money insulting people.All that indicates she was a full time professional a$$hole whereas most of us find it impossible to sustain that level of awfulness. And if you admire her speaking her mind at all times,try to imagine how intolerable life would be if everyone behaved like this woman and told you exactly what they thought about you and made nasty mean spirited vulgar jokes about you and got meaner and meaner in proportion to how many bad things were happening to you.

  83. I love you beeharbour

  84. I love you beeharbour

  85. I love you beeharbour

  86. And Also, GO SEAHAWKS!!

  87. Grew up with you joan, you created the red carpet and made it interesting to watch, thanks for all the laughs.

  88. Heartbroken. Loved her for her fearlessness and guts. She was very young in spirit and kind, did so much for charity. Feel so bad for Melissa, was so sudden.

  89. Can't believe the humorless simpletons that never got Joan. You're idiots. I ran across a quote about Joan which does a good job summing it up;
    Michael Schulman of the NYtimes on Joan Rivers: “Everyone who called her the Queen of Mean was missing the point: life is what’s mean, and she was here to let us know how funny that is.”

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  94. @auntliddy
    Poor, poor auntliddy. That's awful.
    Should I have laughed so much while reading of your misery? I'll blame you for being funny.

    1. Yoj, sure go ahead, laugh yur head off, lol, its only my life! Kidding, gotta laugh at this shit, what else ya gonna do? Even dr said wow u hv good attitude. I said what choice do i have? Rather laugh than cry anyday, and joan wld agree! Love u!!

  95. Thank you, NJ Firefighter for your comment, which is what makes me very angry (as well as sad) about Joan's death. Once you pass 80 you can no longer blithely have outpatient surgery, or unnecessary cosmetic surgeries, or even surgeries that will make your life better, because your body can't take anesthesia very well anymore.

    God love her, Rivers was as sharp as a tack and probably forged ahead with this outpatient surgery even if her family or other physicians may have counseled otherwise, but the fact still remains: the doctors at the clinic SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE IT. Rivers was too old. If the surgery was something she really needed, it should have been done in a hospital (and even then there are greater risks for elderly people).

    I think Ms. Rivers had at least another 10 good years in her. I'm so sad she never got them.

  96. Well said Beeharbour. I thought she was such an unpleasant piece of work. It is interesting what we will put up with out of people by dismissing it as humor. She was, in my view, no different than those of the Westboro church, completely unconcerned with the hurt she caused, attempting to make attention for herself out of the pain of others. And no, Don Rickles was very different.

  97. @texas rose, naaah,i don't agree w/your summation of beeharbour-everyone's entitled to their opinion as @Astra Worthington aptly alluded to above..that's koool.
    @rosie riveter is the only real weak link-hoping that someone dies as she did of Joan has got to be one of the most immature & simply lame comments that i've ever read-she sounds like a spoiled 12 year effort,no opinion,no wit,-just a death wish-I just chalk it up to ignorance & laziness.(definitely not a 'riveter')

    1. rolotomassi- I agree - Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just gave mine in response to her's. Even my soulmate silent whisper is entitled to express their's.

  98. For ALL of you who are here to add your negative opinions of Joan (then going to shoot venom back and say you have a right to express your opinion) YES this is a gossip site. Is there any current gossip in this post going on? NO. A woman has lost her life, leaving behind a broken hearted daughter and grandson (not to mention the millions of grieving fans). Is it too much to ask that you traps and be vile in your own head?

  99. No surprise that there are very strong feelings about Joan, both positive and negative. I agree she could have a mean streak when she felt slighted by someone. She didn't say his name publicly, but she blamed Barry Diller as one of the reasons her husband killed himself after the cancellation of her late nite talk show (which was pretty good. I liked it).

    But she really shined when she did her daytime show, which she won an Emmy for. She was never mean to her guests, but she did ask them the questions no other host would ask. Her interview with Leona Helmsley right before she went to jail for tax evasion is a stand out. She basically got her to admit her guilt, but still managed to get quite a few laughs. And that is just one example.

    Oh, she was also one of the first celebrities (ironically enough with Liz Taylor) to speak up about the AIDS crises and do fundraisers while everyone else did nothing. She was probably one of the first celebs to acknowledge her gay fan base and publicly appreciate them.

    For me personally, my world is a lot emptier today. I will miss her.

  100. @texas rose.. simpletons, idiots, morons? It doesn't take any guts or intelligence to sit behind a monitor screen anonymously lobbing stink balls at those you disagree with. At least Joan did it for laughs. There's nothing funny, appropriate, or smart about your conduct in this thread. My hat is off to the rest of the commenters for respectfully allowing everyone to have their say whether you agree with them or not.

    RIP Joanie.

    1. silent whisper - welcome to the morality police officer core. Just couldn't follow the lead of the other commenters you took your hat off to from behind your anonymous monitor screen. I think we are more alike than you think. I like you.

  101. @ zayrina: No different than Westboro Church? what.the.fuck??????? Do you know what the Westboro Church is even guilty of you idiot? no comparison.

    @ Rosie the riveter: lemme know when your mama dies so I can cheer my favorite hockey team you insensitive cow.

    smh at some of the idiots here

  102. You too John. Talk about missing Joan's point, THE point..

    To quote your fellow morality police officer:

    "life is what’s mean, and she was here to let us know how funny that is.”


  103. @basil that was beautifully put, thank you...

  104. Totally agree
    +1 Basil and
    +1 silent whisper
    Thank you

  105. Didn't like her recent comments re the Palestinians. However I respect those grieving to keep my pie hole shut, and my thoughts to myself, out of respect . My condolences to her family. Must be a huge loss for them

  106. LoL rolo I dont recall wishing death on indifferent and could care less, as I didnt care for her humor. Angry much? Breathe....youll be ok...really, its just a gossip site LoL

  107. Uhhh @John- how do you know my mother is even still here? She didnt hurt one soul in her whole life. Can u say that about joan? I didnt say I WISH her death you idiot, I just simply dont care and said Go to the light. So Fuck you you fucking piece of worthless shit.

  108. @Rosie Riveter- I didn't imagine it- when someone posted that Joan was on life wrote "Good, I hope she dies" or something to that effect,,

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  110. Whatever texas rose - you're going to have to knock off the name calling and personal attacks if you want to be MY soul mate. I'm a adult and act like one.

    1. You don't even realize how hypocritical you sound?

  111. Actually, I've been pretty stupid. I should have realized that saying anything would be useless, so I'm giving you what you want: You're never wrong and you win. Have a lovely weekend.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. @Rolo"Or something like that" ? Are you kidding me??I said GO TO THE LIGHT, and GOOD RIDDANCE. how is that "I hope she dies" ?? I couldnt care less either way, its sad for her family, but as far as her personally, I couldnt care less. Shes not my thing. Where are you when all these other commenters are talkin shit? Thats right, nowhere. You think youre special to jump on the fuckRosie bandwagon? You think youre unique? You think its original? You are a terrible human being. Fuck. You.

  114. What is it with those who have 'rose' in their screen names?

    You act like people with attitude problems and unresolved issues
    forcing the rest of us who open these comments to endure it.

    LOL Sheesh

    1. OK sage - back to the peanut gallery.

  115. silent whisper - You sound like a decent person just trying to add some civility. As awful as you think I was by calling beeharbour and rosie names did you overlook the vile comments about a pioneering female comic, albeit controversial, not yet cold in her grave. I can't take your criticism too seriously when you overlook that (or maybe you agree with it.) Also, on sites like this, criticism about anonymously posting stuff is just dumb. You didn't leave your name? Neither did beeharbour or rosie and anyone else. Complaining about 'morality police' likewise makes no sense when you are, in fact, playing the same role. There is no winning in claiming moral supremacy on sites like these. I have said any number of stupid, hypocritical, and ill thought out things here and maybe even regret the name calling if that was all you are objecting to. Maybe i'm getting too jaded as I have been following this site for a while. Long enough to know you will checking back to this string. Who knows, on some other string we might even agree on something. Have a nice weekend.

  116. I absolutely LOVE our group! It's the virtual version of the family I actually have (and I love them to death). I hope you can let your differences slide and have a great weekend. ;-)

  117. Hey texas, did u see the vile stuff other people wrote? Or just me and beeharbour? You think me saying GO TO THE LIGHT is bad? Okay. And where were you when people were wishing death on suge and chris brown? Does that not count because theyre less human? Go ahead and pick and choose when youre going to take a moral high ground, it makes you look extremely superior to jump on the same bandwagon all the other sheep jump on. You go on w your bad self

    1. Rosie - as usual you have no clue or understand what I wrote about having the moral high ground.

  118. @Rosie, I guess I interpret "good riddance" & "go to the light" as going toward death as opposed to recovery... olive branch offering..

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.



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