Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Jeremy Jackson Disappears After Wife Calls Police

Jeremy Jackson has not had the best summer. The former Baywatch star spent the first part of the summer talking about the beating he suffered when he showed up at a beach party thrown by Paris Hilton. He says that Paris and some guys at the party beat him up. Oh, and he also had a vodka bottle smashed over his head. The police showed up but no one wanted to press any charges.

Fast forward to this past weekend and his wife, Loni Willison called police about a domestic violence situation at her house. By the time police showed up Jeremy Jackson had disappeared. Jeremy has suffered from addiction problems and was on Celebrity Rehab to try and break his addiction to steroids and HGH. He also admitted he has been addicted to meth. His family is worried that he is using drugs again and that if he is not found soon that he will go on a drug bender of even kill himself. Jeremy and his wife have been married a little less than two years.


  1. I cant imagine why a girl who looks like that would stick with a loser like this

  2. Is there anyone on that show who didnt end up totally screwed?

  3. @Sandy, I bet some of the extras went on to lead productive lives.

  4. This girl must seriously be desperate for fame if she married Hot Mess Hobie.

  5. Sad he's slipping back to addiction. When the police start getting involved it's not good.

  6. He certainly looks like an ass.

  7. Wow, it seems that he's really spiraling down. But will he crash?

  8. First time poster - addiction runs in his family. His dad died in jail - he clearly has issues. Used meth all thru baywatch. Was a big fan of him as a tween and wasn't until recently I read what a mess he had become.

  9. All she can hope is the right pap will get her seen by the right people=career.
    Hell it worked for Kartrashian when she tagging with Paris.

  10. Meth + the Juice = hell of a depression during withdrawals. I swung and missed last time, but I'll go again. Motel 6 closet w/ the cord from the iron.

  11. @Sarah, he started meth all the way back then? Oh shit. I wonder who introduced it to him. Pammy? The Hoff?

  12. He's got the proportions of a very short man. I'd say 5'5" tops.

  13. Think he started at 13 or 14 from what I read - he used to be a stoner but that didn't work for him so upgraded to speed then spiralled from there. He was arrested buying equipment for his own meth lab and did rehab. Then did celeb rehab (twice). Think this sounds like he's back on the roids.

  14. Wow, that's sad to have started so young. So I guess it isn't only Nickelodeon and Disney who fucks their kids up.

  15. Perish the thought, Count. Auto-eroticism is vastly overrated.
    Michael Hutchence and David Carridine would probably both second my statement if they could. I fear that your protege, young Harry Knuckles, may have succumbed to that kinky mistress. It would explain his dissapearance.

  16. I know him as the cheesey dude on telly ads over here promoting a clinic for men with erectile dysfunction issues. Yuck.

  17. @Haywood: Harry popped in a while back to thank the people who mentioned him in the Favorite Poster Your Turn.

  18. Anonymous7:12 PM

    what a short little fuck

  19. The curse of Baywatch strikes again!
