Friday, September 05, 2014

Four For Friday- Traditional

It's Friday and I'm sure many of you are spending your day productively working on your Fantasy Football leagues. OK, maybe that is just me. I can usually mourn the passing of someone by watching their television shows or movies, but that is more difficult with Joan Rivers. I couldn't handle a Fashion Police marathon because it would inevitably include Giuliana and Kelly. It has been a tough month for comedy legends and really makes you think about mortality, especially when you know Joan went into that procedure, probably without a care in the world. Now that I have depressed myself, perhaps I will fill my coffee mug with some whiskey and watch one of her standup specials. I will be here all weekend, so if you can find the time between college and pro football and wondering when children's homework got so hard, stop on by and read the site. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer.

#1 - This B list jerk of an actor who stars on an ensemble network show which is on its very last legs spent time filming out of the country and hit on anything that moved, male or female, but his girlfriend is still planning on marrying him. Probably. She did walk out on him the other day when he was hitting on the waitress during dinner.

#2 - The girlfriend of this singer who alternates between A list and A+ list says they have had sex once in the past nine months. Someone should tell her to put on a wig and tell him to pretend she is a man. That is what his ex-wife did.

#3 - This former C list reality star with much higher name recognition who seems to move from one celebrity boyfriend to the next recently gave birth. She hired three nannies to cover the 24 hours in a day and even a weekend shift. One of her friends asked her about it and the answer was that the baby was her retirement fund and she has no interest in actually spending any time with the baby except for photos to show a judge in any custody hearing.

#4 - Kindness- This Teen Wolf actress was at the mall last week when a man had a heart attack. She performed CPR on him and brought him back and was there until the paramedics got there. No one knew who she was. One of the paramedics who came recognized her, but wasn't sure until she gave her name for the report.


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