Monday, September 29, 2014

English Teacher Sentenced To 9 Months In Jail For Having Sex With Students

Another school teacher was sentenced to jail after admitting to having sex with students. The teacher this time is a married high school English teacher who had sex with two students and sent sexts and naked photos to others. Lauren Harrington Cooper is married and 32 and a judge decided she should be sentenced to nine months in jail. The most time she can serve is 23 months, but chances are it will be closer to 9.

Every time I read or hear about one of these sentences I am often troubled by the fact that because the teachers are women and their victims are male that the sentencing and reaction seems much lower than it would be if the roles were reversed. If this was a male teacher taking advantage of female students and having sex with them and telling them he was all the candy they needed I think that the sentence would probably be double. For some reason in these cases, when the victims are boys or teens or even 18, the perception to me is they are treated as less of a victim then if the victims are female. Why is that? Isn't the purpose of the crime to protect children or teens regardless of gender? Do you think a male teacher would have been given a nine month sentence? Do you think there would be outrage?


  1. It's disgusting no matter what gender the child is. I think with women, people try to understand them too much. They want to know their mental state, see how this could have happened. A pedophile is a pedophile. No need to try to understand it.

    1. This isn't pedophilia. Get a dictionary.

    2. Maybe not but it is someone taking advantage of children. Another judge needs to go to pasture. A psycho is a psycho.

    3. No need to be cunty about it, 0_0. I'm talking about teachers having sex with students. A majority of the time we hear about a teacher with a 14 year old.

  2. I know this is a bit touchy but besides a jail sentence a sex offender has other penalties afterwrds. They are restricted to where they can live and work (if they can get work) for example. Restricted when and where they can go out, cant be near kids mostly. So they lose almost all of their freedom, but the jail sentences in every state should be longer and similar in length.

  3. Hey Sherry and Gayeld, I think someone must have read the comments from the last posting about the female teacher.

    1. I think it all depends on which Entern is writing that day.

    2. Probably Jennifer. Now if only Enty could properly label Linda Evangelista after all out cries of foul on those pictures.

  4. Also, she taught English class at a school in Pennsylvania in case the headline throws anyone.

  5. WTF is wrong w/ these people? I stupid do you have to be to sext and send naked selfish to teenage boys? All boys will brag and show it off....even the adult ones will brag about it and show the sexts/naked selfies to anyone who will listen and look! It's a given.

    How in the world did these morons become teachers? If this is what is teaching our children today, then we live in a fucked up world and it's only getting worse. /shakes head in disbelief of the stupidity in this world/

  6. ROFL at my typo....should be ***selfie, not selfish.

  7. I worded my post in a weird way. It seems like with these types of cases, people dig into the psyche of the female perpetrator more than the men. There were specials on Letourneau, highlighting her childhood and mental state. You don't see that a lot when it comes to the male teachers.

  8. weeeeellll, @nora,it WAS kinda selfish of her not to send them to the teenage girls as well, non?? ;)

  9. in all fairness,certain States HAVE slammed the female perpetrators as hard as their male counterparts-there are no Uniform(Federal)Sentencing Parameters.Each State views it differently-Hell,look @the male teacher who got like 2 months & the poor young girl committed suicide-such an uproar they resentenced him(wholly unheard of)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think it's an anthropological issue. It's hard to understand a female predator, much less a female predator who is a teacher. Many people view women in authority as either maternal or anti-maternal (this is why McCain's people brought in Sarah Palin - the anti-Hilary). The idea of a teacher - the "other mother" - as a sexual predator is something that, with good reason, doesn't settle well. But like Pip said, you don't need to understand it, you just need to condemn it.

  12. I'm shocked she only got 9 months. Should have been more.

  13. Plus the statistical Fact that Pedophiles that Aggressively PHYSICALLY brutalize/kill youngsters are predominantly Men-like 94%

  14. Maybe if Americans paid their teachers the salary they deserve you would get better quality teachers, male and female. I have met American teachers who disclosed their salaries and I was gobsmacked, we pay our janitors better. You get what you pay for.

    1. My SO makes a very good living being an educator. She works monday-friday (8-3:15) has several weeks off each year for vacation, and health benefits for herself+2.
      Granted, she has a masters, and that does make a difference in pay scale, but i just dont always agree with the mind frame of "poor teachers" -its a choice, and if u want to make a difference and all that koombayah shit, i guess its the price ya pay, right? Or, maybe choose a different profession(for the money)
      I work more hours and get paid less(its a koombayah career)and rarely complain because i love it and i am making a difference for sure. But for those in education, getting more educated will probably raise the pay.

    2. Im not trying to argue, i just wanted to make that statement from personal experience. If i ever compared her career and pay to a janitors i'd have the porch to sleep on hahaha

  15. Okay, so how about the teacher in Montana that was originally sentenced to time served and an additional 31 DAYS because the fuckwad judge said the 14 year old girl "was chronologically older" and "invited trouble"? The judge was FINALLY overruled and the guy was re-sentenced last week to 10 years, thank god, but it's not always a case of a woman getting off lighter. The 14 year old killed herself a while back, so that may have led to the tougher re-sentence, but still....

    And then like the next day, I read about this lady that Enty's talking about and I thought "wait, she gets 9 months and the asshole in Montana got ten years?" Until I remembered that he originally got ONE MONTH. Don't get me wrong, I think they should ALL get ten years, but I really did pause for a second at the vast discrepancy of the sentences.

    The state of the education system in the United States is deplorable. It's not just about education - I know there are perverts everywhere, but you want me to leave my kid in a building 8 hours a day with people who may or may not have pedophilic tendencies, and then when they get caught they are slapped on the wrist? No thank you.

    I'm not articulating very well because I haven't had enough coffee yet, but I think there is still a lot of uncertainty in our judicial system when it comes to sentencing sex crimes in education.

  16. Scum of the earth.

  17. It is abhorrent. Male or female, i dont understand having sex with children, which is what 14 yr old are. And enty is tight; if 15 yr old boy seduced by older woman, its all wink wink good for you, man. If its a girl, its all oh my god, shes been defiled and damaged in some way. Just the social mores of the times i guess but that diesnt make it right.

  18. Ridiculous sentence - a joke.

  19. @Meghan-that was the case to which I was referring above,good detailed synopsis!!

  20. There's one thing I don't understand that no one ever talks about. A lot of the teachers in these scandals are very attractive, married and not lacking adult male attention. What kind of ego trip are they getting from having young males worship them? I guess I am diving into the psyche of the predator but I think its a question worth asking if we want to prevent this in the future.

  21. Okay....did EVERYONE this side of the Mississippi wake up on the Wrong side of the Bed This A.M.??

    @0_0, I apologize if I misrepresented the subject-matter at hand & I hope I didn't offend you or anyone else. :)

  22. @rolo - I figured!! I just got on a roll and kept going with it, ha! I'm prone to pre-caffeinated internet rants, to everyone's misfortune, ha

    @ 0_0 - yes, I know. I used a general term that is indeed incorrect, but I was typing for speed & should not have generalized. I hope I didn't offend, but I assure you I don't need a dictionary. Cheers!!

  23. I actually woke up on the RIGHT side of the bed, though, and went to sleep last night before 10:30 - which NEVER happens!! - but one of my favorite things to say is that if there is ever a thing that makes me want to pack up and pioneer Mars, it's the comment section of anything on the internet anywhere (my comments included, since I'm such a humble lady...)

  24. 0_0, don't bother, caring about the proper meanings of words and speaking accurately around here merely marks you as a creep according to the CDaN Brains Trust.

    As to the story, let's be honest: Our culture views male and female sexuality in very different ways, both pretty screwed-up, and impose those strange definitions on kids as soon as they start showing signs of sexual differentiation.

    Culturally, to put it simply, we commodify female sexuality. You've never seen a boy or man cautioned that once he gives away his favors, he'll never get them back.

    So when a young woman is the victim of an older man, she is seen as having had an important commodity stolen, damaged, or devalued.

    We view male sexuality, though, as acquisitive. A man who has had sex has "scored." A teenaged girl who has sex has "given it up" and the boy she's with has "taken" her virginity.

    So the teenaged boy whose teacher has sex with him has made a bigger score, he's scored with -- and thus taken a thing of value from -- a woman who should be way above his station and out of his league. The teenaged girl has been ravished and defiled and devalued by an adult who used his power to take a thing from someone weaker and more helpless, and shame on him.

    If you want to see sexual predation by adult females on adolescent males treated with equal severity, you have to start out with changing our cultural views of sexuality. You have to abandon the idea that there's anything wrong with a woman or a girl who takes charge of and enjoys her own sexuality. You have to abandon the idea that sex is an unequal transaction in which the female offers something precious and the male takes it.

    I've seen nothing on this website that gives me any indication that anybody here is willing to even look in that direction.

    1. Jas-im pretty sure thats what i was trying to say, but not as eloquently as yourself. No snark intended.

    2. I would look in that direction. Then again, im on cdan's most hated top ten(ok- top 3) so take that for what its worth

    3. Well said, JAS.

      Rosie, don't flatter yourself; you're not even in my top 20 ;)

  25. An elephant in the room here is that parents are fearful and suspicious of men around their daughters, yet little concerned about women around their sons. This gives these female predators more opportunity.

    For queer predators, much the same bias - more fearful of men around sons and less worried about gym and English teachers around daughters.

  26. I genuinely don't understand the minds of these people who get involved with pupils. As a teacher, albeit in my 2nd year, I only think of my pupils in two brats when they drive me up the wall and 2. As young people to impart knowledge to and encourage to make up their own minds about history. No more, no less. I just don't get people who do otherwise!!!

  27. Sorry, auntliddy, I missed your post. Yeah, we're saying much the same thing.

  28. I could be wrong, but I'm assuming the boys had erections during these incidents. You can't rape the willing. I never had a hardon I didn't want.

    This woman should be hailed as a hero and her behavior held up as an example to other attractive women. But only the attractive one's, no uggos or fatties. They need to keep it in their pants.

  29. She's a predator. God, I would snap if that was my son she did that to.

  30. I really enjoyed the responses served up by @seven and @JAS. In addition, think about the history of "hysteria" and how even today women are not only viewed as less predatory, but their behaviors tend to be pathologized more often. ie he is a sick fuck but she is just sick...

    Enjoy your time in the pen, lady! You have earned it!!!

  31. Are American teens considered less mature than their counterparts in other parts of the world? Or is sex simply more taboo here?

    Teen sexuality is a big shrug in most of the world.

    1. ((raises hand and waves wildly, there is a teacher present FFS))
      can someone answer DEXAMYL's inquiry? preferably someone smart or at the very least talkative and way too sure of yourself/opinions. i'd like to get an intelligent conversation going about this but i am only GED educated.
      i am serious but lack the maturity to not do THIS^^

  32. Our French teacher left her former hs after she married a former student. I had just transfered to the school, but dropped out of French cause it creeped me out. She married the student the second he turned 18, so who knows how old he was when it started...We had a young teacher, just 22, and I am pretty sure she slept w/a least one senior. That didn't creep me out much. Heck, when I was 22, I had a crush on an 18 year old freshman...we also had a substitute who dated former students once they turned 18. Guessing he was late 20's, but it was creepy. This of course, was before Mary Kay...

  33. The answers to Dexamyl's question are "Yes" and "Yes."

  34. Dexamly, there is generally less maturity in the USA, be it teen sex, teen drinking, or politicians and others having extramarital affairs.

  35. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I don't react with outrage because it's becoming so. fucking. common. For every story we hear about a man doing that to a girl, you hear 10 about a woman doing it to a boy. This bitches are repulsive.

  36. Enty: Totally agree with you. The idea that the perpetrator was somehow less of a predator is disturbing and minimizes the manipulation and damage done.

  37. It's a ridiculous double standard.

  38. They're all of them, the men and the women, losers and perverts who ruin peoples' lives. There should be one standard for all.

  39. GREAT POINT @Tina Mallette!!!

  40. 0_0, all's well in this land of badhair. I forgot to state 2nd point of my reply-I was not calling these teachers pedophiles,although the term,BY DEFINITION actually may cover somesuch cases.I'm saying many people's minds hear these set of facts & their natural thought progression goes down that road veering to the left & pedophilia comes to mind in the imagination.

  41. I work in academia and it's worse. I can't tell you how many male profs sleep with "former" students and even marry them. It's a huge high to have some young face just listen to your every word. It's actually a huge part of academic culture that really hurts students.

    I think it's even worse with female teachers, because many of these teachers get pregnant and a 13 year old boy should not have to be a father.

  42. Her husband is also an English teacher. He was actually my 10th grade English teacher. They're still together. Very weird situation

    1. John J: Holy shit this just got real up in here...

  43. Lady H: Yeah. They teach in two different school districts. the one she taught at was only five minutes from his though. They also opened a dance academy together here.

  44. Pip, you still don't know what you are saying. Good thing auntliddy and JAS (and others) are balancing out your ineptitude.

    Yes the teacher is wrong, no it isn't pedophilia and you still need to look up the definition, and yes I would've been enthralled in high school if an attractive teacher had put the moves on me. And I still want to eviscerate the POS who went after my niece when she was a 13 y/o student, but they are still together 8 years later and she denies anything happened until she turned 18.

  45. Women always get light sentences for rape. It is disgusting and one of the many examples of courts coddling women.

    Add to that the fact that many men are ashamed to report that they have been raped/sexually assaulted by women and it allows the testicularly challenged carte blache to abuse whoever they want.

    By percentages women are just as likely to rape as men are.

    "And now the real surprise: when asked about experiences in the last 12 months, men reported being "made to penetrate" — either by physical force or due to intoxication — at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (both 1.1% in 2010, and 1.7% and 1.6% respectively in 2011)."

    Horrible they are allowed to rape at will and get a sentence akin to possession of a doobie.

    @HairyDawg: Wonderful! Another stupid comment from you. "He got hard, so he wanted it" is as stupid as "She had an orgasm, so she liked being raped."

  46. There are far fewer men teachers, particularly in the lower grades. Why do you think that is? Because people have this idea that men will be predators. What we're finding out is that women are just as capable of crossing the line. they ought to get the same penalties as men... there is no difference in their crime.

  47. Who is writing these, blinds, a 9th grade dropout?

    ...a judge decided she should be sentenced to nine months in jail. The most time she can serve is 23 months, but chances are it will be closer to 9.

    Um, WHAT?

    Every time I read or hear about one of these sentences I am often troubled...

    So, are you troubled every time? or often? Or, out of every time you read about a sentence, you are more often than not troubled? So sometimes (among the every times) you are not troubled? If you're sometimes not troubled, how come?

    Less moralizing, more hitting the grammar books please.

  48. JAS, you summarized the issue well. I tried but couldn't formulate anything nearly as clear and concise.
