Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 17, 2014

This B+ list mostly movie actress is doing some press for her latest role. Traveling with her is a sober coach. That one will be tough to explain if anyone bothers asking who the guy is. No one will though because reporters are just so happy to meet her. She is pretty amazing.

Emma Stone


    @Dixie you just made my day *wipes away tear*

  2. I love Emma Stone. Glad she is dealing with any issues.

  3. Maybe I've been living under a stone (no pun indeed), but this is the first I've heard of her having issues.

  4. LOL @Dixie! Hey, long time no see!

    The WTF Award goes to this weekend's Entern. Emma Stone is not an alkie. She even came out and said it was a performance, not reality.

  5. * intended, but I guess the other works too

  6. Still not certain how I feel about sober coaches as a thing. So many different paths to sobriety and I do wish everyone the best.

    But short of being a BritBot under constant court ordered baby sitting, you will have to succeed/fail on your own.

    Not for, not against. Wish everyone well on their journey.

    1. Yes, but no one is asking the hard questions: Do they have sobriety cheerleaders? What are their cheers? Do they wear uniforms?

    2. Only at the Sobriety Games™, bellaluna.

  7. Wow. Did not see that coming. I wonder if the BlindGossip that was widely known to be Taylor Swift and Emma Stone doing lines of coke in that fancy hotspot in LA is true then. Kinda disappointing. Wonder if it esclated after her mother was diagnosed with Cancer. Least she's getting help.

  8. She's never given me the addict vibe. I love her. Hope she stays sober.

  9. Also emma is A list at least. Fuck these dumb ass grades.

  10. I thought a few months ago there was a blind here about Garfield and Stone staying together because one of them was a sober coach for the other.

  11. Emma did drop a lot of weight which always seems like addiction to something to me. Probs because I can't imagine eating so little to get that skinny because I'm a fatso

  12. It's more than a little depressing at the number of young performers with addiction issues. If this is true, I hope she beats it.

  13. Not a fan of hers

  14. Not a fan of hers

  15. What's she into? I had no idea she had issues.

  16. Ok, just googled and read about her and now i love her. Good luck with the issues sweetie.

  17. No! Nooooooooooooo! Lies! It's lies! LIES I SAY!

  18. Enty has alluded she parties and uses coke. Plus I wondered why she got so emaciated.

  19. Sober coach looks like a promising career option.

  20. LOL @ Tina - maybe we need to look into this

    Does one get a BA in Sober Coaching??

  21. I adore her. If it's true I'm glad she's getting help.

  22. I remember the blind about taytay and Emma snorting lines at the château marmont too. Taytay and Emma like to Lick the jar too..often hinted at lainey site that they are lovers and Emma and Andrew have a bearding relationship.

  23. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Sober coaches, at-home rehab, whatever the new fade seems to be, from a historical stand-point Hollywood has really grown in how much longevity an ex-child/teen star with addictions can go on for. In the 60s-80s these kids would drop like flies in the same scenarios. The "fixers" have devised treatment ways that are definitely expanding peoples lives.
