Monday, September 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 16, 2014

Despite all the eyes watching her, this A list tweener/singer hasn't stopped using coke in public places. She is going to crash hard from the lofty position she got herself to this year. Her show is at a tipping point right now. A coke bust will see the show go bye and a long time before she gets another.

Ariana Grande


  1. Bitch is 21! she is not a tweener for fuck's sake.

  2. Meaning she appeals primarily to tweeners, I guess.

    I know I haven't ever heard a single song she's done.

  3. I can't stand pedo poster child or her brother, Mango.

    She can't sing without autotune. Here in Seattle she slaughtered the national anthem with one off pitch note after another. I swear she changed keys midway. She's as fake as her stupid hair

    1. I much about this comment...

  4. She's a little spoiled brat which isn't at all surprising considering her manager is the same as beiber's. they both suck and I hate everything today. god I"m so pissy

  5. Her ass looked great in "leaked" photos, however, if you consider that a talent.

  6. Eh, they all do coke.

  7. proper coke etiquette as per Enty = bathroom

  8. @QueenAnne

    Lol @ Mango! I knew Frankie reminded me of someone.

  9. And they're still blaming the demise of 'Sam and Cat' on Jeanette McCurdy. I guess if you give Nick executives all the tail they want, you'll get more.

  10. Six months later the vacuous little prostitot is still here. Peachy.

  11. Ariana Grande Coketurdlette was identified by our resident stud @texas rose right out the gate!!! It's raining men!! Maybe wash this gutter rat out to sea with you? Mmmmkay? Thanks!

  12. Lolita appeals to children and sick pedophiles. I want to yank those silly knee socks and cat headband off her. At least Miley is true to herself.

  13. Oh balls, Lady I'll have It's Raining Men on repeat all afternoon. Mt suitemates curse you.

  14. @Kno,I have "Sweet Sweet Fantasy Baby" coming thru my earrings thanks to Lady H.... I'll trade your Chinese torture for mine. ;)

    (I don't even know if those are the right words)

  15. Sorry @Kno and @rolo
    Buuuut.... this...Would you like me to get a less appropriate song stuck in your head for you to sing to them? :D I dedicate that one to the men of Magic Mike!!! <3

  16. Maybe the coke use ends up destroying female-Bieber's voice and singing career and she finally goes away. Yeah, I know I'm dreaming, that's why they have autotune these days...

  17. Prostitot is indeed a brilliant term.

  18. No wonder she has such a kick as body. I personally think this girl is gorgeous/adorable.

  19. She is mesmerizingly attractive.

    Her voice should be used to torture prisoners of war or terrorists or really bad awful evil people. God. I hate her voice.

  20. bella thorne looks like she's next

  21. I can't understand anything she is saying on her song. I was in the boonies recently, Pandora stopped working, and we were stuck listening to Swift and Grande on repeat on a shitty pop station.

  22. I am a huge Big Brother fan so I am so sick of anything Frankie or Ariana Grande.

    Make them go away for awhile puhlease!

  23. @Queen.. OMG Yes Mango!!

    He is totally MANGO!

  24. She's annoying but I love Problem! I like Iggy on it but I wish a different pop singer sang it because her voice is annoying but I think the son is so good that I can overlook her voice. And the video is cool if I ignore her surprised smirk.

  25. @Kno Won Uno--
    "Prostitot" is the perfect description! Love that! It needs to be sent to Oxford to be added to their dictionary. For real--they get new words submitted to them all the time. :-)

  26. Now that she's got a hot single and blowing up everywhere, I figure a coke bust will just kind of blend in with her current image instead of ruining it. *shrug* It would have that veneer of "of course she does coke, whaddya expect?!" that kept Kate Moss from sustaining any real long-term damage. And, yes, that's the first and last time I'll ever make even a remote comparison between Grande and Moss.

  27. Good riddance! Haven't heard/read a positive thing about this brat. Special place in hell for the bratty grande and bieber.

  28. I can not stand this girl. She sings like she's got a mouth full of dicks. I'd have said marbles but this is the prostitot we're talking about. So dicks it is.

  29. I find it interesting the NYPost's Page Six has been printing disparaging blurbs about Ariana Grande almost every day for the last week & a half.

    Seems the media has recently turned against her in a big way, makes one wonder what caused the turnabout.

  30. I second that motion, anyone else for a bag of dicks? Going once...

  31. Oh come on. By now you had to have heard her songs this summer. The one with Iggy Izalea, Problem -- "I got one less problem without you" -- was on the radio almost as much as Iggy's Fancy song was. And that Bang Bang song with Jesse J and Nicki Minage is still playing everywhere ("Bang bang into the room, I know you want it, bang bang all over you, I'll let you have it").

  32. @Queen Guido, I didn't realize she was totally auto-tuned.I heard her 1 time on a morning talkshow & I thought she cld carry a tune-dopey me,didn't assume they manipulated her voice & she was probably lip-synching-it WAS EARLY.

  33. Thank goodness I don't listen to the station she's on. I'v only hear the other songs from looking them up on Youtube.

  34. "Oh come on. By now you had to have heard her songs this summer."

    Nope. I haven't heard any of her stuff. I listen to my iPod. And I apparently am better for it.

    1. I haven't either, and I'm grateful!

  35. @Zilla I'm the same way. The newest music I have is Ace Frehley's Space Invader album (Really, really good album. Look up his cover of "The Joker" for a sample) and before that was either KISS Monster or Alice Cooper's Welcome 2 My Nightmare (the sequel to his first solo album). On the Ace album, the funny thing is the album sounds more like KISS does than the KISS tribute band with Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer as The Spaceman and The Cat.
