Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 19, 2014

This former A list entertainer(singer) who had his time back in the day has spent the rest of his life since either being arrested or on reality television. He should have been paying more attention to his kids. Anyway he tried to punch this diminutive permanent A list entertainer(singer) over the weekend before being pulled away by security. Apparently our old and ragged former A lister was promised he could sing a song during the set and it never happened. He got very angry.

Bobby Brown/Prince


  1. It was his prerogative

  2. Congrats to Zelda and Tricia who pinned this one down right away.

    1. Wish Prince had stuck a purple stoking boot up his way he deserves to share a stage with Mr. prince

    2. 100% agreed!!!

      Let some Purple Rain rain down on him.

  3. @Zelda....come out and play:))
    Good team work baby:)we nailed it

  4. @zeldanailed Bobby and @Tricia with the assist! Well done!!!

  5. Please, he's probably like that one asshat in TN who can't even remember all his kids' names.

  6. Begging and denied & arrested. Sounds about right for him.

  7. Bobby Brown was a sweetheart when he was in New Edition; I'm convinced the legendary Whitney Houston ruined him.

  8. Who tries to deck Prince? I mean, really now. BB should be happy Prince even spoke to him.

  9. The shock and horror of BB trying to harm the lovely and super cool forever PRINCE!! Shame on him. They're not even in the same stratosphere talent or class-wise. Prince 4Eva!! :)

  10. I'm everyone's candygirl..

  11. @Sugar, I'm with you all the way.

  12. Bobay!!!!! Does he really think anyone wants to hear him ding? If so, a bit sad. And you know what? Neither he nor whitneys mother can do anything about bobbi christina. Right now, shes hardcore junkie.

  13. OMG who the fuck tries to punch Prince, ffs?

  14. Prince deserves a punch in the face. He'd probably shatter like porcelain.

    Do you know what he did to The Roots' Captain Kirk?

    1. @loopymommy Thanks for posting this, but did you read the entire article? Prince made good & Kirk looks as thiis incident adding to the rich history of his guitar.

      Although, I did chuckle when Kirk said he wasn't going to let Prince be the last one to play that guitar. ;-)

      Again, great article. Thanks!

    2. Hi, Cornflowerbluezz,

      Thanks! I did read the whole article. I'm married to a guitarist. They get emotionally attached to particular instruments. If you have five of the same make and model of guitar lined up, each one is going to sound a little different. When you find one you love, it's like the sun has come out and you can hear the Hallelujah chorus in your head.

      You can't really replace something like that. Prince was a spoiled brat and smashed the toy he wanted when he knew he couldn't have it.

  15. BB is lowlier than a pimple on Prince's ass. Now I have even more reason to loathe him.

  16. Why would he want to punch Prince? Was he in charge of the line up? And if he was promised I can see why he'd be mad but if he showed up fucked up then yeah, no way should he go on.

  17. ROFL @ sugarbread
    best first comment of the day so far! [=

  18. No the guys in New Edition were sweet, polite, friendly and down to earth. Bobby already had his own entourage and did even hang out with the guys anymore. He walked around like he owned the place and didn't like people to look at him or speak to him. He was a dick...with super skinny legs and a bobble head. He and the band came to stay in the Hotel I worked at at the time for a concert. This was not too long after they hit hit it big, but a year or more before he went solo.

  19. Well, if you're not going to follow through on your promises, you can expect the duped person to be pissed off.

  20. Prince sounds like a little asshole. The dude from The Roots was a lot more gracious than most guitarists I know. He would have gotten knocked off his high heels with most guitarists (and rightfully so). Sounds like Prince doesn't like it when somebody tells him no. I don't care who you are, it doesn't give you license to shit all over people. As for Bobby Brown? Who cares about that lowlife? He couldn't even be bothered to raise his daughter in a safe environment. I feel no pity for him.

  21. MinPinGirl: +1
    LOVE MinPins!

  22. Ha ha that's pretty funny.

  23. He tried to take a New Jack swing and missed.

    Prince's epic side-eye skills would have nailed his ass anyway.
