Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 11, 2014

This permanent A list singer brought his new fling with him when he went to the next city on his tour. He told her that he wanted a threesome with his foreign born B- list mostly movie actress/former reality star who is his sometime hookup. The new fling balked. The actress didn't and found someone in about 20 minutes. I guess that is why she gets flown around the world and also is the one who hooked up with our singer just prior to...

Mick Jagger/Bai Ling


  1. There is no way in hell Bai Ling is B list anything.

  2. Just prior to what? Or who?

  3. Wren's death would be my guess.

    At least Bai and Mick are height compatible...

    1. Where's @Ray to say that Mick is gunna need some aloe @Vera for that Buuuuuurn!!!! LOLOLOLOL (see what I did there?) ;)
      But the real question is: are they genitally compatible?!

  4. Well who knew Bai Ling was on Mick's FWB roster.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Replies
    1. Awwww @Gweeds: I assure you that the feeling is mutual, baby! I'm still all hot and bothered over that urinal shaking metaphor of yours ;)

  7. It starts to make sense why Bai Ling gets press.

  8. Bai Ling from all people? WTF, Mick!

  9. Bai Ling from all people? WTF, Mick!

  10. Please no video, please no video please no video

  11. They are both utterly repulsive so it's not surprising. Horrifying, but not surprising.

  12. Mick has done EVERYTHING. I am surprised a threesome excites him anymore.

  13. Mick has done EVERYTHING.

    And possibly Everyone - male, female, animal...

    And Everyway

  14. I have always liked Bai Ling but she is crazy. I know she has hooked up with a ton of holly wood guys and she definitely gets invited everywhere.

  15. her giant nipples are horrifyimg

  16. Was this just after his girlfriend killed herself?

  17. The man is polymorphously perverse! Love the Stones but, um, ew. This is rather sad. New fling had the right idea.

  18. Ugh..Bai be cray cray and no way would I wanna see Mick's saggy nutsack.

  19. Jesus H Christ who the fuck wants to have sex with Mick Jagger?! Gross.

  20. I honestly believe this hook-up (which was probably going on around The Stones Tokyo dates) is the straw that broke the camel's back. If you dig a little bit further back on CDAN, there's a photo of Mick and Bai Ling looking quite cozy together. I think it was posted before 3/17.
    I think L'Wren knew exactly what she was getting into with Mick, warts and all. Did she think she could "change" him? Maybe.
    I don't buy the "No, we didn't break up" story. I don't know why; something about it seems false to me.
    I think that Bai Ling's age probably bothered her the most. If Mick had traded her in for a much younger model, maybe she could have weathered the storm while Mick looked like, well, Mick.
    Bai Ling's Twiiter page placed her at a number of Stones gigs this past summer. Her Twiier activity is practically nonexistent in March. (I wonder if the ballerina knew she was being used as a cover.). Bai Ling is perfect for Mick. She lets her freak flag fly and I'm sure he loves it.
    Her suicide still saddens me. Sometimes you think people have it all and are so happy and you couldn't be more wrong.

  21. 50 years of treating women like crap. I've never seen Mick get too hung up on any woman ever either. At least he's never pretended he wanted to get married or was remotely monogamous. With Mick, the clock is always ticking until he finds someone or a bunch of someone else's....

    I'd like to know if it was Mick rubbing his affairs in her face that caused her to crack, along with having nothing to fall back on. She didn't even think to change her will, he got what she had... When's the karma train coming for Mick?

    He's still a great artist, but as a "human", he leaves everything to be desired.

  22. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I believe this officially makes it Paul McCartney, FTW.

  23. Well I guess he is old enough that risking syphilis isn't that big a deal and probably won't kill him before something else.

  24. Anonymous8:02 PM

    @lady heisenberg thanks!! im a terrible guesser normally

  25. Bai Ling is freaky deaky.

  26. Dirty old man saggy balls. I love the Stones, but they're all horrid as human beings.

  27. Throughout this thread I've been picturing Fan Bingbing. I was wrong (thank goodness).

    And for anyone who thinks that was racist or culturally insensitive, rest assured I do the same with the Ashleys (Greene, Tisdale, Simpson, etc) and Chrises (Pratt, Pine, Evans, etc) of the world as I do with the "ings".

