Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 15, 2014

This A list reality star from an A list reality show went ballistic the other night because the person who was holding her drugs left the club early. The reality star was yelling at a bodyguard to locate the guy because she wanted him and the drugs back before she left the club.

Khloe Kardashian


  1. No way! Khloe is so "real, and down to earth". She would not do drugs! That is Lamar!!!!

    Ok, that was my "Shmuck Khloe Fan" impression.

    Now I will go barf.

  2. Khloe get that pussy back in charge!!! Ohhh the sacrifices you must make when you hire someone else to ride dirty with your stash :(

    Score for @MontanaM

  3. Inconsiderate bastage! How dare he leave and not give a ho back her drugs!

  4. So thats how she lost the weight

  5. Isn't Khloe the one that is papped going to the gym for hours but doesn't work out?

  6. It's a hard life ain't it?

  7. It's a hard life ain't it?

  8. All lace, that would be all the Kardashians. They don't work out - they don't have any muscle at all.

  9. The first rule of Drug Club:
    You don't let anyone else hold your shit.

  10. Maybe she should tell her dad... whomever that may be.

  11. Veruca Salt "but I want it NOW!"

  12. POS PMK is working overtime to make Kong happen. LOL

  13. Two faced judgmental liar. Can condem/judge everyone else while she's basically doing the same thing.

  14. Hey, u dont take off with someone's drugs. Other than that, who cares?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. *Breaking News*

    CDAN newsdesk has been notified about hundreds possibly thousands of men, women and teenagers taking to the streets all over the world over the devastating loss of Khloe Kardashian's drugs. Reports indicate some are hysterically running and pulling at their hair in distraught.

    CDAN's CelebOnCrack Sr. Field Reporter, Joy Rider, is among the crowd in one location.

    "Joy, describe for us what you see. What is the mood, what are people saying?"

    "Well, people are frantic! Khloe Kardashian's drugs were allegedly lost after she attended a social function. There are conflicting reports whether her bodyguard took the drugs to help her or not. People from all ages have taken to the streets in search for the drugs but I can tell you the mood is bordering on hysteria. Some are so devastated, they seem completely lost. They've left their family and homes to help with the search. It's been reported the Kardashian family have ralied around Kloe and will be holding a vigil later today. Kim is flying in to be at her sister's side. We've been told the family's attorney will be issuing a statement within the hour."

    Stay with us as a panel of CDAN CelebRCrackHos panel of experts join us to help clarify and understand this devastating situation.

    1. That was impeccable @meme deemed! Where should I send your Pulitzer?

    2. Thanks LadyH! I couldn't resist...

      Would love to read the insightful opinions from the CelebRCrackHos panel of experts :)

    3. Btw - @LadyH - you honour me with The Will Ferrell!!! Love him!

      For CDAN viewers, the CelebRCrackHos panel of experts included:

      Renowned Celeb Publicist and owner of ShitHouse PR International, Ms. Carrie My-Blow

      Sr. Medical Advisor, Dr. Meth

      B.S. Unit Criminal Profiler, Agent White Powder

      Sr. Legal Expert, Needles N. Joints

      Pop Culture Media, Hosts of "W.T.F. Are They On", Pussy Hound and Jack Me-Up

  17. Dealer should have stuck around, she's probably one of their best customers.

  18. Thanks Enty! That's why Khloe's #1 on my celeb's at risk of early death list. Rob's right behind her. Great job with your train wreck kids PMK.

  19. why not hold her own drugs? she has a vagina (I think)...stach them down there!

  20. She should just call the cops ;)



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