Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 18, 2014

I think this former A list mostly movie actress who never really acts any longer despite her Academy Award nomination/win has some big issues. Her A list mostly movie actor husband got a woman pregnant and she had a baby last month and our actress still forgave him and he promised he has changed.

Melanie Griffith/Antonio Banderas (guess she finally gave up trying to save it)


  1. Has the woman ever been identified?

  2. Yeah I would think having a child with another woman would pretty much be the final nail there. Time to get a spine and some self esteem.

  3. Have we seen JJ recently?? Hmmmm

    1. ok, now THATS funny.

      Thanks for the chuckle, SYF.

    2. tehehehehe
      we need to keep tabs on her...SERIOUSLY

    3. Gracias and de nada. @ Cobe

  4. meh...trying to forgive someone and move forward doesn't necessarily mean you have SOME BIG ISSUES, IMO.

  5. OMG!
    Hola Eva. May I borrow your Bambino and a q-tip?

  6. @Princess Nobody nailed this like a champ!!! CZJ was the other popular guess

  7. Isn't he the one with big issues since he's the one who keeps cheating?

  8. Yeah, that would be a deal breaker. Poor Melanie was desperately trying to hold on though. Even in the early stages of that marriage she was always draped all over him in pics and looked so insecure and needy. Guess that gets old too. But Antonio was probably gonna move on at some point no matter what. I hope she gets s good juicy comeback role soon.

  9. Some people are so terrified of being alone and especially women, that a woman's self-worth is reliant on having any man in their life, even if he is a cheater or abusive, and if he has status and money even more reason to ignore all that.

    Unfortunately as recent events have highlighted this is a message that still pervades in society.

    To me nothing could be lonelier than than clinging onto a man who does not treat you right and clearly does not want to be in the relationship anymore and you are alone anyway since he is busy dipping his wick in other women.

    Her mother seems so independent and strong but I think she failed her daughter -she should never let Don Johnson near her daughter let alone move in with her at age 14.

    1. Of course tina is spot on. And im sure melanies father had not to do with her upbringing either. Her mother shld hv had johnson arrested for statutory rape.

    2. Two women I know have stayed with their husbands even though they fathered children outside of the marriage. I can't imagine staying! Ever. No way, no how.

    3. Witwriter-i know of a couple as well. He had a little gurl outside the martiage-she cldnt get pregnant-they split up but git back tigether. Bio mom a bit uninvolved, so little girl spent most of her time with her dad and his wife. Time passes, my friend catches hubby cheating again, divorces him. Since she was most like mom to this now 10yr old girl, she got custody! Life is funny.

  10. We've still yet to see the girl or the bebeh for this blind.

  11. Wow. I actually feel bad for her. That is every shade of sad.

    Good points, Tina, so I won't bother to further expound.

  12. For me, the most surprising thing in this BI is Banderas still being A list in the US.

    1. I thought the same thing, Kermit. He hasn't been A list in a looong time.

  13. Ya I think I'd stick my heel up his butt as I kicked him out the door for that one.

  14. No doubt Melanie has issues, but he's the one stepping out and fathering a child elsewhere, it's HIS issue.

  15. @Aunt, the best parent isn't always the bio one. Bless the woman for being able to not hold her husband's cheating ways against an innocent child.
