Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 15, 2014

In the past three days this A+ list celebrity/athlete was up to his old cheating ways with his old celebrity cheating partner. She is free and he isn't at least according to his girlfriend. One person said this was the first time they reconnected and another person aid it was the second or third time and they text constantly. They both agree though that the pair saw each other within the past few days.

Tiger Woods/Rachel Uchitel


Gertie Raus said...

Blech...I just about lost my b-fast over this reveal.

CoBe said...

I may be the only person on the planet that likes Rachel, but, what the hell, I do.

I also feel for her. Tough to be in love with someone who uses you.

Unknown said...

perhaps tiger and his girl have an agreement and the relationship is open. she was spotted dry humping some guy somewhere if i remember correctly. no woman in her right mind would go into a tiger woods relationship after him cheating with THAT many THOT's 'n waitresses expecting fidelity. you date him/bone him and spend his goddam money whilst screwing hotter guys.

ms. mesha said...

I'm sure it was part of their settlement

SugarTitz said...

Tiger ♡♡ Rachel 4evah..

SugarTitz said...

Rachel will. Have a little tigercub in her belly in no time

Unknown said...

She cheats as well, tiger's girlfriend. When she has to travel for her skiing public events, where people pay to ski with her or have her speak, she "sees" other people...sometimes it's with the Olympic Commitee. She often is scheduled with Bode Miller bc he's a big name people want to see and ski with too.

All Lace no Leather said...

She must have terrible self esteem to keep going back.

auntliddy said...

He is such an amoral jackass.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Split victory for @mynerva and @stepforded! Way to go!!!

Hello again @Mysti Fy!!!

LottaColada said...

Really not surprised by him.

Unknown said...

Hi lady H!

Woodsy_gal said...

She's a fame ho. I know her through friends. Friends that hang at the playboy mansion

Unknown said...

@Virginia - "spend his money" - are you kidding? He's incredibly cheap. One waitress that he saw many times said the sum total of the money he spent on her was to buy her a $5 Subway sandwich and that's only because he wanted to buy one for himself and she asked him to get her one. I'm kinda surprised he didn't make her give him $5. Even his closest friends say he never seemed to have any cash or credit cards on him and they were always footing the bill at restaurants.

He paid RU millions when the scandal first broke, hoping to keep a lid on it. I believe that when she went on a reality show she somehow violated the confidentiality clause and had to pay the money back.

I think she's disgusting. She has a child now, why doesn't she focus on being a good parent?

SugarTitz said...

yeah uchitellshesahooker went on celebrity rehab and alluded to the relationship and gloria allread who repped her to get the $10 million deal agreed to help tigers lawyers revoke the deal as long as she kept her 40%..she got screwed twice

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I'm Laffin if he's had a vasectomy, at the very least I applaud with a slow golf clap.
Speaking of clap,,, that Rachel chick ...


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