Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 12, 2014

This A list celebrity/rapper bailed on a show today because the designer wouldn't give the celebrity ten seats just to himself. Or even five. Meanwhile an Oscar nominee at the same show was grateful to be given a seat in the front row and offered to sit anywhere.

Kanye West/Lupita Nyong'o


  1. maybe he wanted to bring his fat ass wife who needs at least 3 seats for whatever is being called a "hot ass" these days

  2. How is kanye not A+?! These listings are fucking annoying. Lupita looked great too.

  3. Replies
    1. But she's a size 4 don't you know

    2. In her dreams she is. I do not know how her damn ass could have gotten any bigger. It is cartoonish at this point.

    3. In her dreams she is. I do not know how her damn ass could have gotten any bigger. It is cartoonish at this point.

    4. Maybe her ego is in her ass

  4. How can you really compare Lupita to Kanye though?

  5. I wonder if Kanye realizes what an asshole he truly is. A legend in his own mind, as the saying goes, and rapidly approaching irrelevancy, as ticket sales to his latest concert tour demonstrate. Every time he speaks he underscores that he is an imbecile. Please go away and take that wife of yours and her family with you.

  6. Hopefully a few years of success wont give Lupita
    A huge ego. Unlike certain rappers who cling to fame by marrying into a family of whores.

  7. @Lotta

    kanye is a jacka$$ but COME ON! lupita is no kanye.

    apples n oranges.

    her a$$ BETTER take what she can disrespect. ((evil grin))

  8. I don't think Kanye IS A+ anymore.

    I think the act is wearing thin... and I think the money's starting to run out.

    His best friend Jay Z didn't even attend his wedding, so that tells you how much power he really has.

  9. ^ 10. @DerekH

    I think one of the e worlds greatest wonders is,
    "Why do the ese narcissistic idiots continue to get paid even though no one likes them?" Especially US, UK, Canada.
    Are the ones paying them just making bad business decisions year after year?
    I do believe Kanye's dwindling in the entertainment sector, but I'd day he should cease!

  10. i love the size 4 claim! delusional bitch

  11. Kanye has talent but he really blew it by marrying Kim

    I give their marriage another year tops

    He'll make a huge comeback and hopefully she'll fade away...

  12. @Brea Love - Kim's ankles might be a size 4.

  13. Kanye's way overrated. He has a pathological problem with his ego. And I'll never buy his overpriced APC collaboration outfits.

  14. You think Kim and Kanye ever tag team bi tricks? They could probably get a nice upsell for that.

  15. So typical of kanyes grandiose personality, thinking he is way more important than he is. Oooo, hope he doesnt call me to yell at me, lol

  16. No offence but Lupita the Oscar winner was a flash in the pan. Most people do not even know who the chick is and I really dont think she deserved that Oscar. She was not that good. Must of been politics or something.

  17. Kanye = grumpy cat.

  18. Kanye ego has already cost him in overspending. Jay z swooped in and took his $$$ ego is costly ya'll.

  19. There was a blind about Kim not fitting into the clothes for a shoot. I think it's the recent GQ one.

  20. @Count Jerkula
    You might want to read this.

  21. You know, many celebrities display narcissistic behaviour, but I think Kanye does actually have a narcissistic personality disorder.

  22. Anonymous6:54 PM

    It's very true Lupita Nyong'o is no Kanye. As in her talent has no ceiling or expiration date, as his tired shtick does. West is a decade past relevant and marrying-reality-trash-desperate. While Lupita just snagged a Oscar on her very first feature film at-bat, smart money's on her in the future.

  23. I've thought for a long time that Kanye's mother's death - may she rest in peace - broke him. HIs behavior before and after her demise is night and day.

    Size Four in his life doesn't help.

  24. @Aoife I thought the same thing. Although I didn't follow him closely, I never got negative feelings from him in interviews prior to his mom's death. Then a year or two later the Taylor Swift incident, and it's been downhill from there.

  25. When is Kanye gonna figure out that nobody really gives that big of a shit about anything he does? I'll be surprised if Lupita's doesn't sink into obscurity pretty soon. I have no idea why everyone got so jacked up about her in the first place.
