Monday, September 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 16, 2014

This A+ list everything except movies drank three bottles of champagne in about 90 minutes while waiting to appear on the big premiere of a show. Drunk out of her mind.

Mariah Carey


  1. three bottles? thats nothing for mariah

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah! Sounds like a good time to me

  3. @Derek Harvey FTW!! It's raining men (victories) today at CDAN!!!

    I know right, ducky? Last week's blinds suggested she polished off three bottles with a truck load of Funyuns!!! Good morning!

  4. I don't really believe this. I'm not a lightweight and drinking one bottle of champagne on NYE in under an hour had me sleeping on my bathroom floor.

    1. +1 @Karen. I doubt this too. I'm no lightweight either and one bottle is enough for me.

  5. That would make me feel so bloated. For reals.

  6. Wow, how did she hold her pee while on air? That's a lot of liquid to consume in 90 mins.

  7. Champagne prease Dahh................hick up.....ling.

  8. good question FearN I'd be passed out after 2 bottles for sure, maybe even one -are these magnums?

  9. Oh please. That's an appetizer for our Butterfly of glitter. .

  10. I love champagne. Was there pâté?

  11. I believe that Mariah can easily drink three bottles of champagne

    The most I've had is two over the course of several hours and I was DRUNK

    That being said, she does sound like fun :)

  12. I prefer prosecco over champagne or cava.

  13. Ugh, while i feel for her addiction, i wld hate hate hate her life. It must go like this: wake up, cotton mouthed, dirty, sleeping in clothes or pjs, stumble into bathroom, brush teeth. Look in mirror, sigh. Take bath or shower, with help of course. Notice its 1pm. Remember you hv kids, ask where they are. Relueved they are out with nanny. Have breakfast, toast or something, with a little hair of the dog. Get dressed in today's ridiculous outfit, and commence " working", which means sitting at an ornate desk in a room with a full bar, thinking up ideas fir songs or whatever. By 3, crack open that first bottle of bubbly of the day. At 4, namny brings children in fir a viewing. Play with them btwn sips for about an hour. More "work." By 6, prety polluted, wonder where your husband is. Remember u r seperated, and u meant to walk the children in the daylight today. Damn. Of well tomorrow. Visit children eating dinner, draw and play with them, perhaps rasp out a story, kiss them goodnight. Lurch into your bedroom and drink the night away, falling asleep anywhere. Next day, repeat. I WLDNT BE ABLE TO STAND IT!!!!!!!!! I dont know how she does, except shes an addict. Ugh.

  14. So she drank three bottles. There's approx 5 champagne flutes in a bottle (cuz Mimi on does flutes).

    So that's 1 bottle in 30 minutes.

    On average, every 6 minutes she was refilling her champagne flute.

  15. FearN- way to break that shit dowwn Sheldon Cooper like. I dig your style!

    Awww such a cute lil puddycat!!! Time to rise and shine!!!

    We went over this a few days ago everybody. It is completely possible for a seasoned drunk to drink that much...tragically. Besides, look how big her flutes are :(

    1. Thanks LadyH.

      I believe she can drink like this. Esp with that picture.

  16. IDK about anyone else, but I can sit down with one other person to some nosh & Veuve Cliquot and the bottle will be empty in 15 minutes.
    If I had 90 minutes to wait and was anxious, I might consume 3 bottles in 90 minutes. Was she smoking or no?

  17. Remember Mariah was the BI cuz she couldn't stand up @some Music awards show & she was all over the Piano...& she wanted to wear a see-thru gown but her peeps told her if she did none of her photos would be able to go into the tabloids or any media.

  18. Three bottles in 90 minutes is about as likely as Mariah being "A+ in everything except movies". A+ writer? Director? Reality show host? Lunch lady?

  19. I can knock them back but truly 90 minutes for 3 bottles is pretty fast and hell yeah, I'd be wasted.

    They must have had to wheel her outta there.

  20. Two I could see...but 3 wow. I'm impressed.

  21. walk the kids today!!
    poor kids. those jack russell terriers get more attn than her kids..

  22. @Karen--she's tall and heavy, so it would take her more to get smashed to begin with that. Add to that a high tolerance built up from years of drinking and you've got what's called a functional alchoholic. I come from a family of alcoholics, so I've seen first hand how an alcoholic can drink enough to kill most people and still be able to head off to work.

  23. I'm willing to bet those were 3 MINI bottles of bubbly..

    Guess Nick is leaking things out. too bad it makes him look like an ass instead.

  24. @Kat: Fallon / Tonight Show.

    1. Thanks Skittle. I'll look it up and I hope it's funny!

  25. I cringe every time she posts a night time picture in the hot tub with the twins. Thank God she can afford lots of help. Someone has to watch out for dem babies.

  26. Poor thing. She must be going through hell with all the Nick Cannon cheating rumors going around. Hope she gets better.

  27. I don't believe this. Yes, she's probably a bad drunk but that's just beyond.

  28. I thought I could drink but clearly I am just a rookie compared so some of these celebrities. I am twice the size of Mariah and I could never drink even two bottles of champagne let alone three

  29. Great scott!! How is she not belching like a ill-mannered kid? Champagne makes me burp just after one glass. Cannot imagine drinking three bottles and not burping every five seconds.

  30. Sigh...I really need to start proof-reading before I hit publish comment.
    ***an ill-mannered kid....

  31. But good champagne is like all good liquor - you can suck it down quickly cause it takes so good but then all of sudden the room is spinning. And champers give tequila a run for worst hangovers EVER.

  32. I don't think Mariah is that tall [she is always in the honking heels] nor that big even with the extra weight cause she looked like she could have played any of the orphans in Les Miserable when she started out, she was a truly a waif when she started out. Cannon is not a big guy either.

  33. @auntliddy - nice breakdown, I think you got her routine spot on

  34. The day will come when her child grows up and video records her laying in the floor trying to eat a hamburger.
    Nothing glittery about that.

  35. I saw a video clip of a chick squatting on a full bottle of champagne. She took the lil metal cage off the cork, then slipped the neck of the bottle inside and started going up and down. Next thing you know, she grimaced, foam started emanating from her pussy and she jumped up and shut off the webcam.

    I wonder how bad it hurts to get shot inside the twat w/ a champagne cork?

    1. Count: that's even worse than my Bill Maher story. My pootie hurts just reading about it :(

  36. @AuntLiddy---loved that

    BUT I love Mimi and hope enty is exaggerating

    The guy that runs The Dirty is friends with Nick Cannon (Shocker right?) and says Mariah sleeps all day BUT does spend a lot of time with dem babies and gives them a lot of love---but she has become anti-social and fedup with life.

  37. AWWWWW, Lady. It gives me the sads that your poor wittle pootie hurts. Would you like me to num it for ya?

    1. Thanks @count! You're always so considerate in that department! Time to get this party started, boy ;)

  38. MMMMMMM. Between Aubrey's flat tummy, tanned skin and bright pink pussy, her vids are my fave. Surprising since I'm such a waxed anus fan.

    Here's a gif you may like: NSFW

  39. I've drank 2 .750 ltr. bottles of Quervo in 45 minutes, and that shit is a lot harsher going down than champagne, so 3 bottles in 90 minutes isn't too unbelievable. I admit at the time I did that I was going through a lot of problems and was secretly wishing I'd end up dead, so I took about 5 or 6 Oxycontin with it. All it did was get me high (from the Oxy and when I'm high, I'm a bundle of energy) and drunk (I'm the fun type of drunk) so I was up all night just annoying people with lame jokes. (This was right after my Mom passed away and my Dad had a mini-heart attack after having 3 major ones in one hour 8 months prior. I was a bit depressed to say the least. But to quote Buddy from Night Court, "But I'm feeling MUCH better now!")

  40. I can guarantee you she was sharing those three bottles with some of her minions. I highly doubt she drank all alone in a room by herself. She is always surrounded by a team of people. Some people just need to leave her alone. Poor woman is going through a lot.

  41. That is a lot, but possible. I just had a bottle of wine and I'm completely sober. Sometimes it kicks after a glass, sometimes it takes 2 bottles.
