Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 25, 2014

This B list actress from a hit cable show will probably fade to a C list writer once the show ends but for now she is a star. She is also constantly talking about the actor who wouldn't sleep with her and who couldn't stand the actress. There is not an hour in the day where she isn't mentioning him or trying to find out what he is doing and her talk about him is all talk.

Lena Dunham/Christopher Abbott


  1. I can't wait for the day the world is over Lena Dunham. Although, I do like her show.

    1. Same but it I would like it more if her goof ass wasn't in it

    2. Her goof NAKED ass for that matter

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had to scroll through ALOT of discussion to find that nobody got Christopher.

  4. Lena is A list
    I wonder what happened with Blondie and her asking people more rent money?!

  5. Christopher is hawt.

  6. Chris is a decent actor and easy on the eye but I hated Charlie as a character ---not as much as I hate Adams new Broadway friend from the end of the 3rd season though...

    1. Derek: Charlie is VERY pretty. Yummo.

  7. Sorry Lena. He doesn't love you, he loves me.

  8. she's somehow dating my favorite male musician and it makes me sad that he has such awful taste in women.

  9. The line of guys not wanting to sleep with her goes around the block 3 or 4 times. Maybe you can find somebody besides her blind boyfriend who wants to. Maybe because miracles DO happen (see the b/f).

  10. She is so polarizing. Its funny how she gets under the skin of some people. My husband cannot stand her, and nor could I but after watching her show she grew on me. I am tired of her though, which I why I can't wait for the world to be done with her. She's interesting to say the least, I liked how folks despising her nakedness on the show were accused of fat-shaming. And all the arguing that ensued. Good times man.

  11. I'm a hater. Cannot stomach the creature.
    She's unoriginal, minimally talented and there's a million of her in every city. Yap, yap, yapping about their tedious existence like someone should give a shit. Yawn.
    Not funny, not interesting, not worth the time. Yes, I watched it.
    I can't wait till she disappears forever, which I hope will be soon.

  12. I don't get her appeal either. IF there were stories out there of what a great collaborative, nurturing person she was a la Carol Burnett then I'd say you go girl. But she doesn't seem very kind so off with her head!

    Also I had to look up this Christopher guy and he is very cute! Almost in a Jon Snow sort of way. I can imagine there are a lot of guys who don't want to do her.

  13. I don't watch the show but she seems to be everywhere offering her opinion on everything. If you constantly have to tell me that you're a feminist, an artist, an attractive human being, you probably aren't.

  14. I think she only appeals to millennials. I like her. She might be a dime a dozen, but she's the only one who has managed to finagle a semi-hit HBO series out of her millennial narcissism and neuroses. I can relate to the characters, vapid and self-absorbed as they might be. I honestly and truly feel like a lot of the Lena Dunham hate boils down to "Who does that fat bitch think she is?"

  15. She's disgusting, can you blame him?

  16. I watched all of Girls last year but I can't remember who this guy played even after looking on imdb. Can someone please refresh me?
    (After hating her just for what I've read, when I finally got hbo last year I decided to watch girls to laugh/hate. The second I turned it on she was completely naked. I vomited and turned the tv OFF! Decided to give it another shot and I'm in love! Yes it makes me uncomfortable, but it's a nice change to see an unatractive nude on tv if that makes sense. She's got a lot of balls to do that. And I also like that her character dresses horribly. She's pudgy, not fat but her clothes make her look huge, which is nice to see on tv instead of all the cookie cutter perfectly styled outfits. Which I also enjoy! But a change is good. And I'm obsessed with the show!!)

    1. In case that came out wrong, I was shocked to see not a "tv perfect" body naked. Then I was like well that's what I look like and it's ok not to be "perfect" all the time bc there is no perfect. So I love what she's doing on the show.

  17. I mean look at Californication, written for and by the perverse mind of David Duchovny and friends. I find it bloody funny and I will really miss it, speaking of having sex in rehab, and doing cocaine in rehab etc. It makes understanding CDAN blinds so much easier because yes people in Hollywood are that mother f-in crazy.

    Do millenials find that show funny or are they a more serious pc crowd? Come to think of it Hank's daughter was more mature than Hank.

  18. @Kat, he was Charlie, Marnie's on and off boyfriend who abruptly left. He does have a Jon Snow look!

    I doubt Lena will "fade to C list". She's won awards, including two GGs, for her work, and HBO extended her again. You may not like her, but she's not going anywhere.

    1. Oh thanks 7. The guy with horrible taste in women

  19. Wow! Make sense why he left the show now!

    (I'm new to this site and I love it)

  20. I will never forgive her for chasing Christopher Abbott off the show! He was my swoon factor.

    I hated her and the show as much as the next person, but once I started watching it I couldn't help but love it. I (a female) enjoy seeing a show that paints girls in an unlikable light. We all know girls who are selfish, self centered, lost and make horrible, horrible decisions when it comes to men. It's really honest. Even Lena's unattractive causal nudity because come on, we're not all Kate Upton's and we all get naked once in awhile.

  21. Most guys wouldn't touch her with a barge pole. I have dated some very curvy women who were incredibly sexy, but Dunham is a complete boner-killer, physically and in terms of personality.

    Plus, I doubt she'll even cling to C-list as a screenwriter. She's poison in WGA circles because of how she abused the other writers of Girls.

  22. The best episodes are the ones that Lena writes and directs herself....if I was in a room with sub-par writers I would be pissed off too if they were ruining my creation....

  23. Ha... I knew it. I can't stand that slob and now it comes out she's a creepy freaking stalker? Can't wait until her 15 minutes are up.

  24. soooo adam had to fuck her then?? does he still have to?? is that why he doesn't talk about her in interviews??
    and what about ray?? my ray?? they all had to ride the tele-tubby to get the job??

  25. I have no idea who Christopher Abbott is but I like him.

  26. Durham is one of those women men hate like Sandra Bernhardt. Luckily for Bernhardt, she's a lesbian. I thought for sure this was Adam Driver, who from what I could tell in his GQ interview, hates her guts.



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