Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 16, 2014

This still young pregnant reality star from a very popular cable reality show was doing shots yesterday. The person who saw that also saw a bong out but didn't see the reality star actually using it but others were making heavy use of it while the reality star was at the same table.

Jenelle Evans


  1. I feel bad for her babies :(

  2. I hope that at some point in my lifetime, the term "teen mom reality star" will die a quick and not very quiet death.

    1. Executed....like Saccho and Venzetti.

  3. dumb bitch
    "Here Barbara I have another baby of mine for you to raise---this one has some complications though---make sure to give it some Malibu rum in the morning or it tends to shake and cry a lot"

  4. Ugh. Too bad we cant do mandatory sterilization in cases like these. Bummer that

  5. Enty- I say ban all blinds that include kids under 18. If it involves sex with someone under the legal age, take it to the authorities instead of worrying about getting more clicks.

    1. @Lace...the Teen Mom title is deceptive. The girls from Teen Mom 1&2 are no longer teens. I believe Jenelle is at least 21 by this point. Old enough to know better!

  6. I blame Mtv for continuing to have this trashvag on their payroll. How can they ethically promote someone who has an abortion one day, then weeks later purposely (by her own admission) gets impregnated by the next loser she moved on to. Sad to think of all the infertile couples who could be wonderful parents, then there's this ho who gets knocked up every time any alcoholic/drug addict/domestic violence offender so much as looks at her. Jenelle's behavior is her fault, but Mtv should be ashamed for giving her a platform that showcases her disgusting antics.

  7. *trashBAG. Oops. But the v & b keys are right next to each other, and trashvag actually fits here.

    1. I'm totally using "trash-vag" now.

    2. You had it right the first time, Erica!

    3. Trashvag it is then! Thank you crappy smartphone and your little keypad that is too teeny for my giant man hands.

  8. Instead of attempting a boozebortion, she needs to step up her game and blow a meth cook to get some stuff to take care of that fetus once and for all.

  9. Erica....I love trashvag, it is like prostitot

  10. As with all Janelle blinds, we should expect someone totally not Janelle (Janelle) coming to defend this post and claim the shots were water in about 7 mins

  11. LOL my fav was "so this is the sight where rumors get started?"

    1. That was def one of my fav ones

  12. Such a selfish twit. So unfair to the baby.

  13. Selfish twat.
    Who was providing the booze & did anyone try to stop her?
    Her own responsibility obvs but still ...

  14. @Erica, I know your right. They're beyond legal age now. I just feel that MTV initially and now the media feed their urge for attention. Get them out of the spotlight and let them deal with their issues. My initial rant went a little of topic.

    1. From one ranter to another, @Lace, I couldn't agree more!

  15. @derek, your comment (the first one) made me crack up and then I realized how wrong I am to laugh at that because it's more true than not.
