Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 19, 2014

This B list mostly movie actress who was thrust upon the world as a television action star and has gone downhill ever since has been voted by flight attendants at one airline as the rudest celebrity. Do you know how tough it is to win the Alec Baldwin award, especially if you are not a drinking celebrity? Our actress sends her kids and nannies to coach and settles into first class where she acts like she is in charge of the world and no one does anything right. Flight after flight our actress gets the award for most rude while her husband rushes after her apologizing to those who stand in her way.

Jessica Alba


  1. The Albatross Diva

  2. @FSP FTW!!!
    What a little tyrant shitting all over the friendly skies. Where did this voting occur? I would like an invite next time.

  3. I'd be a rude b***h to if every time I go for a role and they say I can't act my way out of a paper bag.

  4. I thought you revealed last year that she gave her first class seat to the nanny and kids and she sat in coach? Or am I deluded, I am probably deluded.

    1. @badirene. Wasn't Alba. Think it was Poehler.

    2. Lol. Then again I could be wrong.

      The pros will help us out - or help me out.

  5. All she ever brought to the table was a body, so I hope she gains 100 lbs and gets banished, already. People with no talent who get a lucky break should learn & practice the art (& gift) of gratitude.

  6. Fame is poison to simpletons like her.

  7. A chip off the old block...her dad is a huge jerk!

  8. @missinfo
    Waddup with her Pappy? (Off to google)

  9. I'm sad. I thought, she were a nice person.

  10. Do you think people who act like this have at least one parent that behaves like this.

    Saw State of Play - Peter Berg's documentary series on parents pushing their kids in sports. Felt sorry for all the kids.

  11. Oh I just saw Missinfo's post so she takes after the old man?

  12. And she was a child star. All makes sense now.

  13. Seriously, WTF is wrong with her? She's not all that by any means and can't act worth shit. Go away.

  14. Whats that about?! Mb she's fearful flyer, but that is no excuse. I treat stews like gold; they may be saving my life before flight is thru!!!

  15. Exactly Aunt Licky. As I once told a rude first class passenger it makes sense to NOT piss off the person who will be serving you food later. As the F/A mantra goes, "We're here to save your ass, not kiss it. "

  16. She's a stupid POS. She forgets that regardless of our occupation & bet worth, we're all consumers. We have the power to make her products fail. For good.

  17. They need to give her the "Gillian Anderson treatment" and tell her to get her high and mighty ass off the plane - before take-off. I think Jessica, Gillian & Goldie Hawn need to see about chipping in and chartering their planes rides together. Maybe they can get a group rate. Why she thinks she should be treated any differently (she didn't pay more for their tickets than everyone else in their section) is beyond me. Entitled bitch.

  18. Wow and I thought she was a really hands-on mom etc.etc. There you go.

  19. Hmmm..what was the last thing she was in anyway? Maybe she acts like nobody can do anything right because she's projecting. She's a real crappy actress.

  20. @MinPin Girl, what is the "Gillian Anderson treatment"??? Oh, reread. So, GA and Goldie Hawn act like this, too? Tsk, tsk...

  21. @Meanie there was a reveal (on Foxella I think) about an actress who was being a bitch to the FA and wouldn't get off her cell phone before take-off and called the FA a bitch. She ended up being escorted off the plane before the plane would leave (to applause). It was revealed to be Gillian Anderson (unfortunately). Goldie was on here a week or so ago as someone who sat in first class but had her 2 PA's in coach. She had them running back and forth between first class & coach throughout the flight. People that feel the need to act like that on commercial flights, need to charter private planes. Period. Then they can act anyway they want on THEIR plane. Rude fucking people (in my book).

  22. @MinPinGirl, thanks for sharing.

    Wow, yeah, rude people suck. That sense of entitlement gets my goat.

  23. Exhibit #2,106,000 why this beyotch is having trouble scrapping up work and why Michael K at DListed has nicknamed her Miseralba.

    Misery is as misery does.

  24. For the life of me, have no clue why she is so famous. She screwed over someone I know who did some work for her Honest Company. Not so honest.
