Friday, September 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 21, 2014

This B list former reality star was almost an A list reality star in a very hit cable ensemble show and then had her very own show for a bit. It was the last time she will get a show. Apparently our former reality star and still C+ list celebrity thought she was A+ list. She took four or five hours in makeup each day and always had to be addressed as Ms. ___________. After spending half the day in makeup she would only shoot for a few hours each day because she would make a new demand every few minutes. One season was enough and our celebrity has no idea why she can't get any other work.

Audrina Patridge


  1. What was the ensemble show?

  2. I don't know who this person is but it is my fervent hope that she wanted to be addressed as Ms Inapeartree.

  3. I'm sure everyone who watches Tv misses whatever she did on it.

  4. Laguna Beach the real Orange County was the original.

  5. Aw shucks. What else could we expect from good ol Ceiling Eyes? Way to go @K-slaw!!! I tried very hard to find a clip I actually like of this assclown and it is sure a beaut! Enjoy!!!

  6. Ceiling Eyes, now you need to look down at the floor, with shame.

  7. Somebody should have their head examined for offering her a show in the first place. What a twit.

  8. and her last show was produced by Mark Burnett she could of gotten on the money train if she had 2 brain cells to rub together and behaved properly.

  9. I didn't know she had another show.

    She was really a B lister? Wow. I think calling her a C+ lister is being super duper kind.

  10. Ms Ceiling Eyes? Another deluded, talentless trashy troll. There's been a decade long bumper crop of these famous-for-nothings. Stop the madness.

  11. She was on The Hills. Hilariously, Adam Levine's hairdresser, Justin Brescia, was hired to play her boyfriend ("Justin Bobby"). I hear he's now escorting...

  12. She had her own show on VH1 I think, eps are probably online, I remember seeing part of an ep. She is dull & vapid.

    She seems to be trying travel hosting, along the lines of "Wild On" now.

  13. She was a cute girl, but seemed kind of boring. I thought Justin Bobby was a boyfriend hired for storyline purposes, but I'm surprised he actually had an occupation. He seemed not very bright.

    1. @Lace ...He's not bright. But maybe he's found his true calling in life now. As a professional "boyfriend. "

  14. Audrina's on "1st Look" comes on after SNL in my area.I know this b/c I always change the channel.

  15. She needs to do some yacht time and pad her 401k, pronto, b/c all that chick's got going for her is a body.

  16. P.S. That's when you know you're really failing at "Famewhore 101"; when you can't get more than one season of your wretched "reality show".

  17. Who's this Audrina - Banana now?

    I say fly in The Mob Wives (and their kissing Philly cousins) to beat down some sense into that overpopulated group of morons living in Tinsel-Titty land.

    That would be something to watch!

  18. I watched that reality show years after it first aired, it was on rotation in late night here for a while. I really thought Audrina and Justin Bobby were an item - no?

    He is really dreamy.

  19. Justin Bobby was such a turd.

  20. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Her own show in vh1 was so bad! I wouldn't think she would have wanted another season (besides doing it for famewhoring) because it showed how absolutely crazy her mom is. Her family was insane. It was sad

  21. She was on DWTS and actually seemed like a sweetheart. Easy to work with. The mother is a piece of work however. No more work for these two though not because they are diffict, but because no one watched her last show. The ratings were dismal. Trump was also involved as a producer.

  22. i thought her and justin bobby were 4 real.. she ruined 1st look for me. i loved it with ali f
