Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 19, 2014

There is nothing quite like a drunk person trying to get some lines of coke ready. This B list mostly television actress from an acting family and a very hit cable show did just that the other day. Oh, and to make things even more fun she did it while in a store dressing room with friends. They all tried to squeeze into one dressing room and the manager finally asked them to leave. Our actress flipped the manager off and said something along the lines of this coke costs more than you make in a week. They then left.

Emma Roberts


  1. That's not nice Emma :(.

  2. She is cementing her place in Hollywood as a completely unlikeable person.

  3. Amateur. She should know what stores are blow - friendly. Or she should have bought something first.

    1. Or have the little vile with the spoon FFS!

  4. someone should have slapped that lil bitch

  5. I think she is a great actress and very pretty

  6. Whatever, whatever! Emma's blow stash can't touch mine!

    In other news, I heart this so hard right now

  7. I really liked her in AHS. That may be because the other teen witches were boring. Especially Zoe.

  8. @LadyH, that is fantastic!

    My neighbor has four purse dogs whose sole existence seems to be ruining quiet weekends with constant yapping. I'm thinking about renaming my network, "People Against Susan B's Yapping Dogs".

    1. Nice one @7!
      I wish this set included the funny ones about DEA Surveillance Van etc

    2. 7-11-we must be leading parallel lives!! Drunk next door has 2 ugly gogs he lets out in afternoon, and they proceed to bark and fight with each other for 4 hours. I dont blame the dogs, they are probably bored shitless. And of course it happens to be right where i sit in the afternoon to read and do this.

    3. Gogs, lololol. My typos are outta control today!!! Lol

    4. Dear EVERYTHING, I am in fits right now! My...ahem...CHARMING neighbor (who fancies herself a singer) has a yappy dog. One very early morning, BLJr. Said "I can't sleep with all these yakking dogs! "

      Out of the mouths of babes!

    5. The dog fights are the WORST! Four of them all yapping at each other and then the other neighbor's big dog gets involved and it's like the canine Jerry Springer show. And then the owners come out about 15 minutes later and say some indulgent thing like, "Oh, you guys, knock it off" in a completely non-alpha way. Dogs are pack animals, they NEED an alpha, just like children need parents. Giving them treats to stop them from barking is like giving a child an ice cream cone to stop him from having a temper tantrum.

    6. I'm in board with y'all. And you can see I have a purse dog myself. BUT! She's an inside dog and she barks for 10 seconds when people cone to the door, and I'm quick to shush her.

      HOWEVER, next door neighbor has 4 chiuaua mixes and they are outside beginning very early in AM. I live on a small culdesac of 8 houses. And 2 other neighbors have a big dog and a new puppy big dog each, also out early. It goes around the culdesac like dominos. Loudly. For a good 4 hours while they're all at work.
      I need to do something about it, but it's a very difficult situation. And I won't even bring up the neighbor who walks her toddler grandson up my long driveway, to a window of a front room and knocks on the window to summons my dog to entertain tbe toddler. My dog THEN goes bonkers. And she stays there doing it for 10 minutes!! A couple Sundays ago, she did it 4 times in One F"cking Day. (I refer to her as "Shot For Brains")

      I've asked my neighbors, on occassion, if they can hear my dog ever barking cuz I don't want that. They've all told me they never hear a peep from the house. I hope they weren't just being polite. But I won't have a yappy dog. And most people tell me they forget my dog is there when I have her with me. (After the greeting, that is)

      I don't know what the solution is, but come tomorrow morning I'll be swearing I'm going to find one.

    7. *shit for brains
      Although her brains are prob shot

    8. @SYF, she comes up to your window and knocks on it for the sole purpose of making your dog frantic to entertain a toddler? Four times in a day? What the fresh hell?!

      I'm in a similar situation - cul-de-sac with multiple small dogs and a few big ones. Neighbor's adult kids moved back home after dad died and brought their dogs with them. One of them is a Regina George dog, gets all the other dogs worked up and then sits under a tree and watches them all go at it. When they calm down, Regina gets up and starts yapping again, and lather/rinse/repeat. My office is at the back of the house and I often close the windows just because I'd rather deal with heat than the noise. Blargh!

    9. 7-11-i close windows too sometimes!! Lol. Do the owners not hear their animals? Most people, myself included, you hear your dog barking, you go get said dog and bring him on. Why dont they??!!

    10. Sincerely, u shld go to the window with a hideous zombie face, drooling blood! That shld put a stop to it, lol

  9. I love how addicts always think they are fooling people. She needs help only she can decide she needs. Sad. Like bobbi c.

  10. All aboard the Lohan Express! Next stop, central booking.

  11. Is she still with Evan Peters? I feel bad for the guy...

  12. She's following Auntie Julia's lead. Is she going to be in AHS season 4?

  13. Well this really has nothing to do with "drunks getting the blow ready"
    Alert me when they really act like drunks w blow- sneezing on the mirror, huffing OUT instead of IN, accidentally tipping the mirror into the toilet bowl from back of the toilet-
    But too many girls shoved into a dressing room? Thats nothing like a REAL party foul. Rookies.

  14. F 'n chichuahuas think they are bad asses like the cartel. Scream and growl at every human and dawg they see. AND they have no clue they are little bastages that will get their asses kicked.

  15. Awwww the Roberts family, so trashy.

  16. The sales assistant should have stalled them while someone else called the cops. Entitled little snot.

  17. She is a fucked up mess and a spoiled brat.

  18. the store clerk was able to I.D. Emma immediately and call the cops for illegal substance abuse in the store.

    For some reason, I would think Emma would have been a little more discrete.
