Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 26, 2014

This B list mostly television actress left her actor boyfriend at home and spent the night this week with her A- list mostly movie actor co-star. Sex and drinking all night long. The A- lister said he needed the break from what he has been going through lately.

Emma Roberts/James Franco


  1. lucky girl
    I think he is with Lana Del Ray now

  2. I campaign ed wayyy to hard for this being Zac lol...maybe I was hoping he does like us gals...but Franco?? Ugh
    Liar went on record countless times saying he doesn't drink
    I sit in corner with dunce cap for buying it

    1. Tricia!!! We've been over this! Franco does drink and smoke weed, he is the ultimate troll and I don't buy a word he says ;)
      Go meeeeeeee!!!!

    2. I believe you melady....:)
      He's a doucher

  3. Damnit Evan Peters, have some self respect and dump this chick already. And then come date me.

    1. Seriously though!!!! Evan is was sexier than James

    2. Was way you get what I'm trying to communicate here :)

  4. I call BS. I can't stand Batsperm, but he's been public about his sobriety.

    James Franco – Although he has a reputation for hanging out with some of Hollywood’s most notorious pot smokers – and played a perpetually stoned marijuana dealer in Pineapple Express – James Franco doesn’t drink or use drugs. Franco recently told Rolling Stone magazine that his decision not to partake is due mainly to some bad experiences as a teenager.

    Teetotal Celebs

    1. I thought so@, seven!!
      So was just her getting wasted maybe

  5. So this wasn't Zac and Rose Byrne?!?!

  6. Now its proven Zac isn't the answer to every blind about sex here.

  7. I call B.S. James Franco has been sober since he was 19. And not in a Lindsay lohan "sober" way. He genuinely doesn't touch alcohol.

  8. Franco is very in appealing to me in the way John Mayer is. They have this brand of smug smarminess that is layered with the possibility of more bodily fluids being shared than just the usual for sexual encounters.
    No thanks.

    1. Sarah, that is the most disgusting/funniest thing I've read today and I can't stop laughing!!! Nothing like a good gross out lol

  9. So, Derek, would you hop in to make this a threesome?

  10. I heart this Franco clip. I guess Froberto didn't last long....
    Franco was also rumored to be partying a lot on the Oz set with Mila and Michelle FWIW

  11. @Sarah
    I was genuinely concerned for you until I got to the "No thanks". Phew!

  12. I wouldn't touch James Franco with a 10 foot pole. He seems like reeks of cheetos, beer, weed and farts constantly, but I digress.

  13. Haaha. Franco has been high out of his head at TIFF. He's not all clean.

  14. That's some crazy meat piled on some crazy bread dress it up with a little weed, booze and powder for a full on CRAZY sandwich! Can you imagine being a fly on the wall when those two fruit cakes get juiced? Hide the sharp objects!

  15. Franco doesn't do drugs the way Leo Lucci says he's never done drugs.. By lying through their teeef.. Everyone knows Leo is a stoner and come head auto correct and it stays. Franco too. They are just trying to clean up their image because they see the damage it does to the zac effrons and Reese Witherspoon when you get caught..their have been all those gossip stories from way back of Leo and Jizelle doing lines off the bars in NYC.

  16. He needed a break from getting his English PhD by osmosis.

  17. Addicts lie. Addicts also relapse all the time, even after decades have passed.

    I'm not saying this blind is true, but I can't call BS on it just because Franco said he's clean.




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