Monday, September 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Old Hollywood

March 17, 2014

This A-list triple threat (actress, singer, dancer) and Oscar winner who made her best films with another A-list triple threat repeatedly claimed in her memoirs that she never touched a drop of alcohol because of her religious views. Ask anyone who worked with her and they would tell you she could drink anybody under the table. Her drinking only got worse after her mother/manager died and she decided to go to the Mayo Clinic to detox.

Ginger Rogers


  1. ohh soo scandalous!!!

    1. Got another story @SM...she was the director/producer/consultan on a production in Tarrytown New York in the 80's a revival I forget family was running the box office..booze breath at 10am...ioved her though super sweet to me cuz she was one of ny idols...
      But this is a true BI

    2. Awesome story tricia. She did look pretty rough (thank you Hollywood Babylon) in pics.

  2. Closet drinkers are the worst!

  3. she wanted to keep up the goody two shoes image.

    everyone knows the biography is the real dish! now if she boned any negros* whilst drunk off her a$$...we got a best seller. stay THIRSTY my friends ((a wry wink))

    *im black i can totally use this

  4. BUSTED!!! Way to go @melwadel!!! I love going to the mayo clinic too! I might need to detox there after my Vegas trip this week!

  5. She was always a two-faced twat. Not surprised at all.

  6. Love her in Stage Door.

    1. Loved her in a lot of stuff. Bachelor Mother still makes me grin just thinking about a couple of the scenes and Kitty Foyle still makes me tear up.

  7. My brother's ex-wife's granny knew her and she was supposed to be a lovely old woman.

  8. Jeezus...Own your shit people, why does Hollyweird still thing that Middle America would lose their shit if we really knew about the drinkers and the druggies..oh LAWD, don't forget about the gays.... Newflash..we don't care and our pantyhose don't roll up and down in shock at the news anymore

  9. Lurker I love your avi!

    Oh Ginger...So sad you had to hide the real you.

  10. Triple threat my Aunt Ida. Yes, she could dance. But her acting was serviceable at best. Her singing? Nope. Unlike Fred who did release solo albums, she wasn't in demand for her five note range.

    But the true sticking point is HUAC and the careers she cheerfully destroyed while naming names. Mr. Astaire never forgot the names of those they worked with who had their careers destroyed by her. Ever the gentleman, he simply never discussed their time together later on. He also didn't allow footage of the two of them together to be used in tributes to her. Touche, Fred.

    1. Ooooh that's juicy! I never knew about the whole HUAC thing until I came here. Sounds like a lot of careers went down the drain due to it.

    2. What's HUAC???

    3. House UnAmerican Activities Committee.
      It was in the 1950s & 60s that these insane congressmen saw commies everywhere & harrassed all sorts of people, mostly in the entertainment industry, to get them to admit they were commies in the 1930s & 40s & rat out everyone they knew.
      A lot of people supported the Soviet Union during WWII because it was attacked by Hitler.

  11. Blacklist--House UnAmerican Activities Committee

  12. Wow. The HUAC info is shocking to me. I loved her movies and especially her work with Astaire.

    I'm glad he dropped her like a bad habit but didn't he marry a woman who was said to be a KKK sympathizer late in life?

  13. Here's something more entertaining than this reveal: A surefire way to get rid of hiccups.

    Get a glass (plastic,paper or glass it doesn't matter) fill it with about a cup of water. Take a paper napkin or paper towel and cover the top of it like you were making a drum. Holding the napkin or towel in place, drink the water. Hiccups will be gone. It's an old remedy my Great-grandmother told me and it's worked for me and everyone I've told to use it. I think it has something to do with the paper towel/napkin aerating the water but whatever it is, it works.
    (I just got a bad case of hiccups before I read this reveal and figured explaining how to get rid of them was more important than hearing an old Hollywood star used to *gasp* DRINK)
