Monday, September 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed- Kindness

March 16, 2014

This foreign born B list mostly television actor is best known for an internationally famous long term role that is bigger than the actors who play it. Anyway, our actor has been filming a movie in a very small town and has made it a point to spend every second possible that he is not working interacting with the people of the town. He could seriously run for mayor at this point. There is not just one specific act of kindness but he just makes himself available for photos and autographs and talking about acting and the show he was on and the movie and has never denied a request by anyone in town.

David Tennant


  1. I love him. 10 will always be my Doctor.

  2. sounds like he's in "Groundhog day"- kooool. good guy.

  3. Me too, Feedly.

  4. do people actually know who he is or do they think he's the "town" "crazy"?

  5. Is it Broadchurch he's filming?

  6. Never mind. Says movie, not tv series.

  7. Replies
    1. this is ironic, him playing Dr Who and all.

      To those with simpler tastes, he played Barty Crouch in the Harry Potter movies.

  8. So he's just making himself available for pics? I know that's nice but it's not like he's helping to build homes or feed the poor.

  9. He was great in the Fright Night remake too.

  10. Sherry - don't you remember the fashion queen who stuck around for the five people who attended her show and was thus bequeathed with a kindness BI?

    I'm thinking if I pay my po box rental fees, I might get a kindness BI myself.

  11. @Alllace yes, Fox made an American version of Broadchurch with keeping David Tennant in the lead male role. Love the BBC series. Fingers crossed the 'mericun version holds up. It is a dark show.

    10 part eppies start October 2.

  12. I'm with ya @Rosie. Who??

  13. @timebob, I am hearing that it is almost the same show as the BBC. Didn't change much at all.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. this was in Victoria BC, filming Gracepoint. He was everywhere and always gracious, posing with fans, even when he was in the grocery store or at a pub getting a bite. Just really kind and generous to his fans. everyone loved him. I should also mention Kendrick Sampson, who used the occasion of his birthday to host a fundraiser for a local charity. Because of his involvement, the charity did very very well. What a great guy.

  16. I love Tennant. I think Matt Smith is my favorite so far out of all of the newer doctors. I already miss him.

  17. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I LOVED Broadchurch, and I adore Tennant, but why remake it? It's the same story with the same lead. You'd think it would be cheaper if Fox just bought the BBC version to air, right? It just seems like an enormous waste of money to me.

  18. Seven of Eleven, if you want to talk about my sweethearts in Doctor Who, you have to start with Katy Manning as Jo Grant, who is still just as adorable today as she was in the early 1970s.

    We move on from there to Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, who was still just glorious when she passed away in 2010.

    Then we have Sophie Aldred as Ace, also still a fabulous beauty (seen here with Katy Manning in 2013).

    We all know my to whom my heart currently belongs, and I'm here to tell you, she can lay the blame for my mania for gorgeous young Englishwomen at the feet of the ladies above, and also Gabrielle Drake in UFO.

  19. @bek I agree but I think, and this is just a guess. The accents might be a deterrent. I had to watch it with captions and i watch all kinds of british shows. Just makes it easier for american's to relate to and it has Anna Gun which is awesome.

  20. bekH - the vast majority of the US has not seen Broadchurch so the remake will be new TV for them. An the story has been changed and expanded although it starts off the same. My impression is that this is the story the writers wanted to tell but couldn't because of the shorter number of episodes in Broadchurch. Let's give it a chance because it is David Tennant after all.

  21. I wouldn't dream of not watching, I didn't think the story would change though. I'm thrilled to learn that may be the case.

    Thanks for your fast feedback Timebob and Kaye

  22. I think this IS a kindness. Not that people should be patted on the back for not being dicks, but it seems like he goes beyond that. Talking time for every person who wants to talk to him and always being gracious, nice, interested and engaged is EXHAUSTING.

    I'm not famous at all. I live in a small town and my work puts my picture in the paper a lot. I'm always getting stopped and asked about work. My friends actually get annoyed at how often I get interrupted at dinner or whatever. I'm just a normal person. I can't imagine how annoying it can be for even a mildly famous person.

  23. JAS - Thanks for that pic of Elisabeth Sladen and Tom Baker. Sarah Jane Smith is one of my favorite Dr. Who characters ever. Her passing was such sad news.

  24. I adore David Tennant. I hope Gracepoint kicks as much ass as Broadchurch. He's so fabulous at brooding. [swoon]

  25. I didn't know sshepassed away! She was pretty young!

  26. Some Americans apparently have trouble Scottish accents and the more Cockney English accents. Love Scottish, English and Irish accents.

    Come on luvs you need to watch Corrie Street or East Enders to get practiced up. And then watch Trainspotting several times for the Scottish accents. Not sure if there is any Scottish soap operas playing over here.

  27. Silly me though I don't think DT used his Scottish accent in Broadchurch though, I have seen him in a few Scottish TV things though.

  28. Apparently there will a Broadchurch 2 the series has not yet aired in the UK and Tennant and Olivia Colman are back.

  29. Love it when actors hang out w/ the locals.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Just googled hom, and now i love him. Sigh. Im such a pushover!

    1. Liddy, isn't he dreamy? [swooning again]

  32. Replies
    1. JAS, I still burst into tears every time I see her in a repeat. So heartbreaking.

  33. Adore David Tennant. I feel bad for you if you don't know who he is. ;-)

  34. I watch a ton of British stuff and had a very hard time understanding Tennant in Broadchurch. I too thought it was they were redoing it with Tennant but if they're adding to it that might be good. The whole cast was amazing, especially the mother. If I had known what it was about I wouldn't have started it, I can't do dead children, but I'm really glad I did.

  35. David Tennant's accent in the Grace Point trailers freaks me out, but supposedly the writers changed whodunnit from the original series. I might muscle through his American accent just for that. Plus, while filming the original, producers never told the killer that ze did it until the last episode, so ze were unable to alter zirs performance because ze thought zirself innocent. ... Gender neutral pronouns are a bitch

    1. Anna Gunn is his co-star in Gracepoint.

  36. I guessed this blind as Pierce Brosnan.

  37. Love him. I pretty much will watch anything I see he is in. I think one of my favorites so far is The Decoy Bride. There is just so much snarky wit in that movie. He and Kelly Macdonald are fabulous. The whole cast is, really.

  38. Love love love David tennant

  39. 10 will always have my heart.
