Saturday, September 06, 2014

Blind Item #9

This former A+list singer who now relies mostly on television to make money is trying every trick she can to get her ex to help her out with her career. With him around she was at the top and now she is not. Apparently he wants to hook up with her and I think she might do it even though she is with someone else.


  1. Replies
    1. They just had a huge falling out a few weeks ago

  2. Aquilera was seen on a picnic with her son and ex. Was he her mgr?

  3. paula Abdul Arsenio Hall

    1. Dolly parton Kenny rogers
      just so your paula&arsenio guess wont be lonely

  4. Auguelra is a good guess---but would it not mention they were married with child---also she was on top of her game before she met him---it actually wet down hill after

    1. Think it just said ex to be vague..but I think she did quite well then....for a while...He's super connected music industry wise

  5. Doesn't Shakira have some ex she was in business with?

    1. A dictators son who sued her for $100 million. I don't think she wants to be in the same room with him. I don't think the lawsuit is settled either.

  6. shakira annoys me and now she is doing yogurt commercials and crest white strip commercials--what next tampons?

    1. I hate not having a tv...until this! Lol

  7. I dont think Enty has ever called JLo an A+ list anything except diva.
    Just to throw this one out MelB and Eddie Murphy.

  8. Shakira is knocked up again.

  9. so no tampon commercials for the next 9 months I guess

    1. Or IUD commercial s either!

    2. OR MAYBE Tricia that could be a good commercial. After this one I'm stopping. And here's how I plan on doing it.....

  10. shakiras man is hot and he takes control in the relationship s well

  11. her manager must be piiissssed

  12. @megan haha ---seriously though YOGURT commercials? girls career has gone down hill and although she irks me I have heard from many people a couple I personally know she is the nicest gal in the business

  13. Ok my last guess is Gwen/Tony and now I'm maxed out

    Rofl @DH's no tampons for 9months jab

  14. @DH, you've obviously had ur coffee now-no tampons- lol

  15. Paula Abdul and Arsenio Hall

  16. @ sherry!!! Yes..get her people on the phone!!

  17. I agree it's probably Christina, but just for fun: Miley and that producer. Or Mariah Carey add eminem.

  18. Shakira's ex is a lawyer/banker. Shakira is an incredible singer who speaks 2-3 languages; is very bright and gives back thru her charities.

    1. I read somewhere her I.q. is genius level and yes that she is very bright. I think it was 150 but might be wrong on that.

  19. So Christina called off her engagement to that one guy??

    I actually really hope so

    I waited on them once he was a total douche. She was nice, very quiet

    1. @teresa: bizzare how he was a douche (w no reason) & the actual celeb was nice.

  20. @ theresa...thanks for sharing that...I dunno if engagement to matt ruttler, or something is off..but presumably, she is open to hook ups....once her baby gets to at least 6 mos I hope lol...figures the talentless back up dance/singer WETF he was is the elitist prick..she was humble....

  21. This screams Christina Aguilera to me. I really doubt this is Shakira for a couple reasons:

    1) She's filthy rich. Checking her resume she's been in the music business foe nearly 20 years.

    2) She has a shit load of endorsement deals. You name it she has a contract for it. T Mobile, Crest, Activia, Perfume line etc. She could literally retire from the music business.

    3) She hates her ex with a passion. Not only was he unfaithful, but managed to sue her in the process. I think this lawsuit is sill pending, but he lost one of the cases.

    4) Artists make money now through merchandise and touring. Xtina hasn't launched a tour in 8 years and has relied on The Voice for big checks. Checking the Sony site, apparently Shakira's last tour grossed 100 million dollars and is still very successful as an international artist.

    My guess is Xtina. She's returning to The Voice next season.

  22. @Tricia

    I actually never understood why she left Jordan Bratman

    He seemed to really love her

    Even so her new guy is set for life - Federline style :)

  23. @tberesa...agreed. so ball in her court to make better decisions.....especially with children involved..
    I liked Jordan too...He's very...solid

    1. Agree teresa and tricia. She seemed to go off the rails when she left her husband.

  24. This sounds like Mariah Carey trying another comeback, with Tommy Mottola being the ex. Their marriage ended pretty badly.

  25. Ah you beat me to it. I was going to suggest Mariah and Tommy just for someone different. Unless you want to say Paula and Simon (as a different kind of ex).

  26. sandybrook said...

    Shakira is knocked up again.

    All I could think of after reading this is "Dee knocked up and Raj on carck again."

  27. + 1 for Aguilera- but calling her Arugula now.

  28. I guess Christina too, how in the hell can you have such an amazing voice and such a sorry state of a career at the same time?

  29. jordan wanted christina to settle down and stop being such a drunk. remember when she was 1st w/ matthew they got the dui and she was chubby and drunk all the time.. jordan wanted her to be more like a wife mother and not a drunken hot mess and she wanted an enabler.
    mimi is a good guess w/ tommy
    tommy needs a hit these days too.. funny how they both need each other,, the circle of life..

  30. Who knows maybe Mariah & Tommy can actually work together after all this time. Mimi finally got to "bust" out of the virginal sweater sets Tommy had her wearing and she's indulged her inner streetwalker (and then some). He's gone through a woman or two since they were together so I would hope he could work with her without thinking he owns her (like he used to). Perhaps it will be magic!

  31. Jessica Simpson and NIck Lachey

  32. Mariah/Tommy Mottola. Obvious.

  33. Braxton & BabyFace



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