Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Blind Item #6

This B list mostly television actress on a hit pay cable show has never been one to get into trouble but she has still been assigned someone to watch over her 24/7. The reason is that if anything were to happen to the actress in a bad publicity way a certain network would be stuck and without a replacement. They call it protecting their investment.


  1. Alison Williams---NBC Peter Pan

    1. That works too..I thought ABC would lose father Brian cuz he'd quit...PP makes more sense

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Allison Williams
    ABC/dad Brian Williams?

  4. Lena Dunham? Hit Pay Cable?

  5. @Derek-faaast fingas!!-yes!

  6. Isn't everyone replaceable? Darren Stevens on Bewitched? Charlie Sheen and Michael J Fox? The mom on Fresh Prince? Ashton and Charlie on 2 1/2 Men?

  7. the girl from ray donavan?

  8. Peter Pan isn't pay cable, though, is it?

  9. @Kno....she's on Girls (HBO) and PP is on NBC

  10. And I just don't buy the irreplaceable crap, as Lace says. Unless it's Oprah Winfrey.

  11. So the thought is if Allison Williams got into trouble, Brian Williams would either quit or be fired from NBC? I'm not buying this.

  12. Thanks, Brin! I don't watch it.

  13. @Kno, no, but "Girls" is...@ Tricia, Brian's on NBC

    1. K...one of those lol
      So is it he whobwoyld quit? Thatvwast my thought

  14. Even if it was her father...he's not irreplaceable, either.
    So, wait...it's not really saying irreplaceable - it's saying the network doesn't *have* a replacement...which is the same damned thing.
    Never mind.

  15. @All Lace, no NBC has already invested a TON o'money in preparation/rehearsals of the live airing of Peter Pan in December-& Allison's in EVERY scene-irreplaceable..not like she's playing a minor role in it-

  16. Are the cable *network* and the "certain *network*" the same or different? I'm confused.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. If the actress is non-replaceable, shouldn't she be considered an A+ list TV actress?

  19. If the actress was never in trouble, why watch her 24/7? Afraid she slips and breaks an ankle?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Maybe I am not following this correctly but I was thinking one of the Stark girls from Game of Thrones. Network is throwing me off.

  22. I don't think this has anything to do with her dad, although yes he is at nbc. PP will be live and they just released the publicity photo. That kind of a family show can't have scandal associated with it. But if she has never been in a scandal or is doing anything scandal worthy, what is the point?

  23. Ahhhhh...gotcha. Peter Pan on NBC will be a live production.

    Great job Derek!!!

  24. Brian Williams is not quitting. The network nbc has wagered their ego on Allison Williams along with $10 million in cash for this production. Peter Pan is a g rated holiday family event. No nude pics. No anything controversial that's all they're saying and I don't blame them. .

  25. Derek nailed it. Alison Williams is on HBO's "Girls" (I don't know if it's "hit" but it gets a lot of buzz) and is set to star in NBC's live "Peter Pan" production.

    You know, because the live "Sound of Music" with Beeellll and Carrie Underwood was apparently so awesome. The hills are alive!

  26. Arya Stark. Bitch has got to grow up, kick some Lannister butt and take the throne on GoT.

  27. @ Rolo, that makes sense. I didn't realize it was a live broadcast. But wouldn't she have an understudy like they do on broadway? They are obviously taking no chances.

  28. @Crila, glad to see you back. There were some worried people last week questioning potential hidden messages in some of your posts. Hope you had a great long weekend.

  29. But, no offense, the Stark girls are replaceable. If something happened to them, a recast would happen as it has happened several times already on GoT. GoT has also been able to shoot around actors offset injuries, as they did with Kit Harington and his broken ankle in season 3.
    I could see this either being Lena Dunham due to the fact that she acts, produces, writes and directs Girls and she would be irreplaceable. Or as others have suggested Allison Williams and the network is NBC with Peter Pan. If she gets hurt or something, there wouldn't be enough time for a new Peter Pan to be ready for the live production.

  30. NBC is NOT hit pay cable. So its not fairies ina a harness.

    1. @Guido, HBO is pay cable. Williams is a regular on Girls, the NBC show is a one-off.

  31. It is Lea Michelle. Sons of Anarchy and Glee.

  32. Everyone and anyone can be replaced its just a fact of life.

  33. I don't understand the casting here. Didn't the Carrie Underwood debacle proved prove, once and for all, that it's far better to cast someone actually qualified rather than just well-known?

  34. julie i would think fox and ryan murphy could only hope someone or something takes down lea michelle..

  35. @All Lace,sorry for the late response-an Understudy would be disasterous for NBC-the draw IS Allison Williams for viewership(drawing in all "Girls" fans & that demographic & ripple effect on down to tweeners).ie:Raisin In The Sun was just on Broadway, Limited Engagement with Denzel Washington in the iconic role-sold out b/c of Denzel.Most wld request a refund(not watch) if they announced his Understudy wld be playing the role instead.

  36. @ Yoj, actually The Live performance of Sound Of Music was a success-Huge Family Draw..Now,NBC is tweaking the formula to improve the live experience but they're DEF.onto something &you're going to see more actors wanting to be a part of it in the coming years,i think

  37. tepid ratings but people respected the gutsiness,

  38. If this is Williams, is the blind throwing shade her way? Just because one has not been caught up in a scandal does not preclude scandalous behavior?



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