Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blind Item #6

This former A- list reality star turned fast fading B list celebrity spent some time in LA this week and tried to set up an appointment with her former ex because she could use a paycheck. She couldn't get through. Apparently there is some bad blood and as well there should be considering what she said. Plus, his wife doesn't want any threats to her dominion.


  1. Replies
    1. Primo guess, but that wife is pretty shady herself.

    2. Tnx liddy.....she is indeed....don't think she and Jeff met at Bible study or the Getty Museum lol

    3. Great guess she was in LA this week!

    4. Tnx@ZZ..didn't know but figured trip from..Vegas wouldn't be too tough....hope she used her FF miles and saved some $$$ lol

  2. Holly maddison hugh hefner

  3. If it is Holly that is pathetic---her baby daddy has plenty of cash---he is very involved in the EDM world and puts on huge festivals

    1. He was in jail for fraud tho right?? Lawyers fees kill!!

  4. Camille Grammer trying to get some money out of Kelsey

  5. Rotella is not locked up. They were just at Disneyland a couple days ago together as a family for their anniversary

  6. Replies
    1. Rose - reminds me of a joke from one of those droll comedians (can't remember his name but he died). " I used to use drugs. I still do but I used to tool"

    2. LOL that totally sounds like Stephen Wright (I think that's his name). Frizzy hair, realllly monotone voice.

    3. Rose - I looked him up. Mitch hedberg - here's a link on youtube. He's an acquired taste. Mitch Hedberg

    4. OMG I love Mitch Hedberg! I didn't know he died :(

  7. "her dominion" That reminds me that if you want to try out a fun game, check out the board (well, actually card) game called Dominion. It's an awesome deck building in which you start off with a certain amount of coins and buy cards to play against your opponents cards to buy properties. You can find the free version online just by googling "Dominion Free Online Game" and if you like it you can find the actual physical game and all its expansions on Amazon. Great game and good introduction to the genre (which includes games like Legendary Marvel, where you team up to fight villains and Sentinels of the Multiverse).

  8. @RowdyRodimus
    Are people still making board and card games?! Yay! Thanks Rowdy, I'll look for that.

  9. @Yoj Oh yeah, it's a big business. Probably bigger than it has been in decades. They have dozens of new games coming out everyday it seems like. Check out that's all it's about.

    I've recently gotten into a game called Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, it's sort of like an old school RPG where you level up and get better weapons and armor while fighting monsters and stuff, but it uses the cards from the base set and expansions instead of a Dungeon Masters Guide. The base set comes with about 500 cards (characters, monsters, buildings, weapons, armor, spells, etc..) to start you out in four or five adventures and then there are 6 expansion decks that finish out the story each with about 180 new cards. As you play you build your character up (the only drawback is that you need to play the expansions in a certain order) and switch out old cards for better cards. It's not cheap, the base set alone is about $50 and the expansions are about $20 each but the way the game is set up you can replay the game over and over and not play the same game twice thanks to the luck of the draw.

    Legendary is the same way and they have two different versions, you can get the hero version (Wolverine, Spider-Man, Deadpool, etc..) or the Villain version (Doctor Doom, Green Goblin, Magneto, etc..). They are about the same price ($50 for the base set) but only have 3 expansions, 2 that are about $20 for Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (each giving you more heroes and villains) and then one that is $40 that is pretty much the same amount of cards as the base set minus the playing board and the rules and a few other cards.

    But yeah, there's a buttload of new games out there that you can find, anything from games you can play on your own to games that you can have a room full of people play that leave the old standards Monopoly, Life,Sorry, etc. in the dust.
    If you have a family or a few friends that you see quite a bit, one of my favorites is a game called Ticket To Ride. It's about forming the longest railways and completing "contracts" to build railway connections. You can really screw people over during it by just adding one train to their line but then they might do the same to you. Age range for it is pretty low, I've had my niece playing it since she was 6 (with a bit of help for the first few games) and it's one of the few "Euro" styled games you can find in mass market (like Walmart and Target). If you ever get it and have little kids over let me know, I've created rules that Days of Wonder (the company that puts it out) have actually incorporated into their website on a game for young kids that actually has them playing a real game while putting the pieces away for you lol

  10. @RowdyRodimus
    Thanks, Rowdy! I love board games, but since I don't see any new ones in the mainstream shops, I made the mistake of assuming there weren't any. My nieces are really into computer games and I hate them. I think they're anti-social. I really appreciate your tips.

  11. When he's wife ditched him at the alter for Phil McGraw son holly trash talked her. But then bitch needed money and went crawling back to Jeff and he bought her a $5 million house in LA. She is squeezing all she can$$ out of the old man before he croaks..
