Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blind Item #5

This married director is known almost as much for his acting but says he gets way more sex as a director than as an actor because his wife leaves him alone when he is directing and usually comes with him when he is acting.


  1. Replies
    1. Meaning Ron Howard, but I knew I'd have to type fast to beat Tricia!

      Although, Tricia's answer is probably correct, mine was FRIST!!!

    2. U was Frist! It's a good guess...But..could it be...not Cunningham!

    3. I don't think its CORRECT, but it was FRIST, so there's that.

      He actually seems like a really great guy and devoted family man.

      While Ben Stiller seems to be a snake.

      I still love Zoolander though.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh dear Lawd, is someone actually married to that troll?!?

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I'm lol-ing

  3. Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) or Jon Favreau

  4. Affleck mentioned this in his Details interview (minus the sex part).

  5. Ben Affleck. Wonder if he did Michelle Monaghan?

  6. I definitely co-sign Ben Affleck. I'll have to be satisfied with that because I am NEVER fast enough to be anywhere near frist!

  7. i think affleck too. opie would never!

  8. Plus, I can't think of anything Opie has acted in since Happy Days. I loved Richie Cunningham as much as Opie. Too darned cute!

  9. Our CDAN mascot-Mr. Ben Affleck!

  10. I have resigned myself to the fact I will never be first and my guesses will probably always be wrong....LOL ;-p

  11. according to CDAN algebra: Married, cheating, actor and/or director = Ben Affleck.

  12. Either Stiller or Affleck

    Probably both

    Although I don't know who would want to fuck creepy ass Stiller

  13. I think either Favreau for Kevin Smith are more likely than Stiller or Affleck, due to the phrase "known almost as much for his acting", which Stiller and Affleck are PRIMARILY known for, rather than directing.

  14. Justin Bateman? Hope not though; I'm a fan.

  15. Whoever it is, why stay married?
    Also all this first/frist stuff reminds me of comments on Perez Hilton's blog. Don't know if he's still going, but (& this was years ago) it seemed more important to be first than to actually say anything.
    Anyway if it makes people happy, carry on.
    Just saying it makes me stabby.

    1. It was an internet thing in general, Skippy. When a lot of (moderated) blogs started automatically blocking the word "first" in any post, people switched to "frist" to get around the ban. (There was a politician with the name Frist in the news at the time, IIRC). The whole first/frist thing seemed to have died down for a couple years, but it's been making a comeback recently.

      This has been your internet history lesson for today. You're welcome.

    2. I feel like I was possessed by JAS for a minute there...

  16. Opie would never!

    This is Ben.

  17. Affleck is far better known as an actor than a director, even now. I'm guessing this is not him.
