Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly almost television actress thinks she is big stuff. She doesn't understand why she is having to audition for things, but she is. After the initial success of the show she didn't have to, but she is not that great of an actress and after production started on two projects before having to replace her and her bad acting, word got around. Now she auditions and is not having much luck.


  1. Replies
    1. Just noticed this. I wondered why you thought Taylor SWIFT was an actress.


    2. Lol @CoBe
      I guessed Schilling because of the "almost TV" description. I remember Taylor back in the day on Mercy and she seems like a one trick pony. Obsessed with OITNB though

  2. Replies
    1. My Jedi siiiista!!

    2. Sort of like "Twins". I'm Danny DeVito and still looking for the "like" button!

  3. Replies
    1. Wait, what's almost television? Not Vergara.

  4. Like smg guess. Throw a plate for Tricia. .

    1. You nailed it first, Tricia. I'm going to have to get these fingers some exercise to compete!

  5. Hahaha
    Like button pressed:)

  6. Is SMG that bad? She seems ok --nothing special but didn't think she was SO terrible that productions suffered. Buffy sure was a long time ago!!

    1. Penelope-smg is okay except everyone in here seems to hate her. I dont get it.

    2. Hey Liddy!
      People in the industry hate SMG because she's all about SMG. She couldn't care less about her co-stars or the crew.

    3. Interesting, Liddy & Loopy. SMG never struck me as a diva but maybe all the Buffy adulation went to her head? And her acting always seemed fine, too--although with her last two attempts at a TV series tanking, she definitely could use a hit.

    4. Hi, Penelope!
      Her acting is okay. She probably doesn't even realize she is a diva. The stories I heard showed her to be concerned only about her own comfort and convenience at the expense of those with whom she works. The explanation I was given was that growing up in the industry, she probably doesn't know any better. I heard similar stories about Goop.

    5. Loopt, really, how diff is that from amy other actor? Lol

    6. Liddy, from what I was told, pretty different. The ones who aren't big names try to be as helpful and accommodating as possible. There are a few notables who are cool. Anne Heche is one of them. She isn't above hauling equipment around the set if it helps get things going a little faster.

    7. Loopy, i was being tongue in cheek. Of course the smart and human way is to make buddies out of crew.

    8. Sorry, Liddy! I'm a little dense today.

  7. Sophia Vergara.
    She was filming movie with Reese a bit.
    Terrible acting!

  8. My first thought was Sophia Vergara. I love "Modern Family", but Jeebus, that voice... Terrible actress.

    1. @Trilby There has to be some sacrificial tradeoff for those looks. Vergara is one sexy piece of Colombiana

  9. Did anyone see Chef? I heard it was good, but haven't heard any word on how Vergara was in it.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Just watched it the other night. It was pretty good, but I wouldn't say her acting was award worthy. I've never seen modern family or her act in anything before so I have nothing to compare it to, but it wasn't great.

  10. Oh, wait. Almost television? That's the star of OITNB. Whats-her-name.

    1. Taylor Schilling or Laura Prepon

  11. SMG has an emmy. And has never been replaced for bad acting.

  12. This is probably Oatmeal Schilling. "Almost television" is Netflix or Hulu.

    She is a terrible actress. As much as I dislike Sarah Michelle Gellar, she can actually act. Oatmeal's line delivery is atrocious. Even the scene where ********SPOILER******* she beats the crap out of someone wasn't authentic, she just looked like she had too much coffee and an angry toddler got on her nerves.

  13. Wow, I believe I would "get it" after losing 2 jobs. That would be ego bruising to say the least.

  14. SMG isn't a Netflix actress yet.

  15. @All Lace...
    I saw The Chef. I liked it. It was an-assumingly good. Sofia's part was very small in it and she pretty much acted the same way she does on Modern Family, so wasn't much to compare.

    As for the blind: My first thought bc of "almost television" was Taylor Schilling. OITNB is good, but only bc the great cast ensemble. They kinda carry her.

  16. ***un-assumingly ...

  17. Is Taylor Schilling not still on OITNB or what shows did she get replaced on?

  18. Late to the game with my guess - Taylor Schilling - and I'm so happy I'm not the only one who doesn't get the hype about her.
    Very glad to hear good things about Anne Heche, I've always loved her.
    When SMG was on AMC, Susan Lucci loathed her. Yes, I am that old!

  19. I cry false @loopy. The unions that work on movie and tv sets wouldn't allow an actress to move anything around. If they need someone to come in and hammer a nail into the set, it is a union member that has to do it, and if their isn't one around to do the job, everything comes to a halt until one is there. Moving set designs and props would be considered a taboo of the highest order and Heche wouldn't be seen as anything but a union buster.

  20. I didnt read this as "almost television" I read this as "mostly almost television actress " like its written, which leads me to believe she is an actress who mostly does television but has done movies so Im gonna go with with Vergara guess.

  21. Anna Paquin. Now that True Blood is over she'll be auditioning her butt off for new work.

  22. Anna Paquin. Now that True Blood is over she'll be auditioning her butt off for new work.

  23. like the paquin guess

  24. What about Kate Mara?

  25. Man, that "Sofia Vergara screaming" video is a big part of why my husband and I won't watch Modern Family, no matter how good people tell us it is. She is seriously annoying.

  26. I still haven't watched OINTB (I know, I know... just moved, no tv yet!) but am pretty sure I read somewhere that Laura Prepon's character is being written out of the new season? I can see how she'd have a big head between That 70's Show and CO$ nonsense, but she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag on that Chelsea Handler bomb a couple years ago (not that the writers gave her much to work with, but still! It was painful.)

    One starring-vehicle cancellation and one "written out"? That might fit for an Entyspeak translation.
