Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blind Item #4

Now that her hit show is ending, this B- list mostly television actress wants two things. Her movie career to take off and to come out as gay even though her family is super conservative.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lea is a lot of things, but gay isn't one of them.

  3. Didn't see gay part
    Amber Riley/Glee

  4. I could see that. @Tricia

  5. I was still on IMDB brain from previous blind lol...
    Someone solve that MFer!!!

  6. Not Lea, she is very much a slut since her broadway days. How many shows are ending this season? Agron? Benson?

  7. PLL isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It was already renewed for two more seasons (full seasons, so four half-seasons).

  8. Coming out to your conservative family takes alot of courage. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. If not the most difficult. So worth it! i hope this blind and all the blinds like it are true- Then more and more of these celebrities can actually make a difference with REAL issues.
    It only take 3seconds to be brave. Ready...Go!

    1. Good on you, Rosie. Yeah, I'll bet it must be hell. Hopefully, the fear as one anticipates the day, is worse than the actual coming out and its consequences. I've seen some of those internet stories and vids where that was not the case, as parents went insane all over their supposed loved one. What a betrayal that must be....

    2. Thanku! It WAS hell, but worth it! It took me 40years, so its still new to me to be free and not afraid. The feeling that nobody can hurt me anymore is absolutely amazing! I hope others can do it sooner, living with fear (daily) is a terrible feeling.

  9. January Jones? No obvious boyfriends, mostly a lot of rumors. Her parents are middle-class South Dakotans, so they may be very conservative.

  10. I like the January Jones guess @Ivy.
    It occurred to me that she had a child to whoever she could grab just to get it done, if that makes sense. The father is of little consequence.

  11. @Ivy @Kno

    I like the January guess as well. I could never get a read on her, she seems very cold. Possibly because she's hiding something (besides the baby daddy thing). I also noticed (in real life) a trend of women who go for married men also seem to go for women. Lax boundaries, if you will. No shade.

  12. Emily Deschanel fits!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Bot JJ 'a been hooking up with Ethan Hawke most recently. Out ran Paps and all.

    Amber Riley is interesting guess.
    Elizabeth Moss was married - not that it means everything. But she did say that her ex was the worst husband. And, to me, that doesn't sound line they split because she was gay. But we never know. Well, sometimes we do or think we do. Lol

  15. Moss is scio. So back in the closet she goes.

  16. Moss was married to Fred Armisen, an immensely talented man who is also a complete jerk. He even acknowledged it himself, saying he was a terrible husband and is a terrible boyfriend. Good luck, Natasha Lyonne!

  17. I wish Rosie's family treated her like one of Paris Hilton's dogs, locked her in the closet and forgot to feed her.

    1. I am abundantly loved, count, by many many people. Ive noticed alot of meth references by you lately- havin a difficult time stayin away from the glass dick? Perhaps if you had even a portion of the love and support ive enjoyed, you wouldn't of had to turn to meth&whores? We'll never know...youll always just be that angry,little weinered,chubby dude who has to pay for sex.
      Thanks for the shoutout tho;)

  18. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Lea Michele since she was a Broadway girl and there are pics of her kissing another girl. Anyway I think it would Ashley Benson from PLL or Dianna Agron from Glee since she's jewish and her family might be conservative.

  19. January pings my gaydar more than Ashley, not that that means anything. Emily Deshanel? I missed the rumors about her.

  20. Who shit in the Count's Cheerios today?

  21. Emily Deschanel is married to Rickety Cricket and they had a baby. Highly doubt it's her.

    1. And I'm gonna guess Kate Walsh just to be different, although I don't know if Grey's is ending anytime soon (it should)

    2. Kate Walsh hasn't been on Greys in years

  22. Glee's the only show we know is definitely done isn't it? I'd go for Agron. She's always pinged my gaydar so hard. The rest of them all come off as straight to me.

  23. Erika Christenson. Also Scio. Parenthood is ending after this season.

  24. Amber Riley is a good guess.

  25. Glee is ending. The only Glee girl that's done any movies recently that can be brought to mind is Agron. Riley is doing music and radio. While Lea is being a disgusting little human being! And on that note.... I really have to stop watching shows with my nieces smh

  26. God, I would love it to be a duck dynasty.
