Monday, September 29, 2014

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A list television actor with an unusual name who does movies and television was supposed to star in a franchise that he has appeared in previously but couldn't pass the drug test. the supposedly sober star told his girlfriend that the producers just decided to go in a different direction. After he beat her senseless when he was drinking before, she told him she would leave him if he touched another drop, let alone start using drugs again.


  1. Replies
    1. If so, what franchise was he supposed to return to?

  2. Sad...wasted talent:(

  3. Ha, remember when E said "Rhys-Meyers" was hard to pronounce?

  4. Dracula? The Tudors? What series?

  5. Wow. This woman shld be running, not walking away. Now.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @Kno- yes, it is a big risk because addicts can hold up production or drop dead. Ask Lilo!

  7. "After he beat her senseless.." should only be followed by "she shot him" and/or "she called the police".
    Jonathan Rhys Meyers "debuts" a new GF in Dublin.

  8. Yeah, Rhys Meyers and Dracula. I was surprised NBC didn't continue with it, but I recall reading they made clear to Jonathan from the get go that sobriety was a MUST. Our loss. I enjoyed that show.

  9. OMG, so I thought I'd google the GF.
    At the bottom of the google results page, where they list "People also searched for..." I saw this:
    "mara lane monroe"
    Sadly, I've used up every single "Are you frickin' serious, right now?!" for the entire week by noon today.
    Mara lane monroe.
    Just kill me.

  10. He must have been suuuuper f'ed up for the network to require his sobriety, that's not exactly common or we would have nobody on TV.

  11. There was a pic of him with her in DM and he looked like H*LL.

  12. I thought the same thing, @Hunter!
    How the hell does Lilo get jobs?

  13. He's such a good actor when he is on, but the stories about him scare me.

  14. Don't forget he was also in The Mortal instruments movie, his character storyline for the rest of the books was not over. Even tho the first movie sucked I believe I heard they had the go ahead to continue with the rest.

  15. He had a minder the first season and they only paid him half his salary as incentive for him to finish the season and even then he had to run off for a stint in rehab somewhere in the middle of filming. So they bent over backwards for him in the first season so he blew it. If you got talent they'll give a bit of leeway. But not like they used to.

    Not sure he looked like he was enjoying it, I tried to watch most of the Dracula season. Something was off with him then. Like he knew hell this writing is just so bad, damn I need a drink.

    If he'd been the JRM who tore into the screen on the first season of Tudors, sigh. What a shame, he is or was a talented actor and I don't think we've seen how good he really could have been.

  16. I promised to be good and not pick on Lilo anymore so I just have to wonder how the people are willing not only willing to employ known addicts but are also willing to take on the additional production insurance premium they will get dinged for using that actor or actress.

    Mel Gibson brought RDJ on Air America but only after Mel signed an agreement that he was PERSONALLY LIABLE if RDJ f-d up and cost the studio money, on a multi million dollar movie. Was that his first movie after all the jail time etc? I can't remember but I know RDJ always thanks Mel for giving him that chance.

  17. Tina, perhaps what you perceived as off about Rhys Meyers had to do with NBC keeping him on such a tight leash throughout the season. He doesn't seem the type who would adapt well to that at all.

  18. JRM was FINE as hell in the Tudors

    He is blowing it

  19. I'm lost here, what is the franchise?

  20. I'm lost here, what is the franchise?

  21. Did Sam Worthington start or confirm avatar 2.3. Yet..

  22. JRM is a soul I want to save.

  23. He was beyond beautiful in Gormenghast and Velvet Goldmine, but he just looks mad now.

    Sadly, the difference between him and LiLo is that she is mostly self destructive, whereas his destruction outward.

  24. This isn't about Dracula which was expensive to produce and had iffy ratings.

    Not to mention it was a TV show, not a franchise.

  25. he turned Henry The VIII on his Head!! talk about sexy. Dor Dracula they would only give him an allowance/per diem/per episode- & a large Lump sum when it wrapped- It was so stilted b/c they couldn't decide what region of America his accent was going to reflect-it forced,monotone,awkward-i thought the concept was cool & he was well cast-oh well.

  26. +1, that was an old BI, right?

  27. Mission Impossible would be the franchise he was supposed to return to. He was in 3.

  28. Dexamyl, I think you're correct. This must be a movie, although I wouldn't swear to it given the confusion the grammar in these blinds causes.

  29. The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes is announced and he is listed, but it hasn't started filming yet.

  30. Racist woman-beater. Where's the outrage?
