Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who still enjoys A+ list name recognition even though his work has been limited because of personal issues tried to order a drink at a restaurant this weekend but they refused to serve him. He wasn't drunk but two weeks ago he got hammered and made a pest of himself so they won't serve him booze any longer. To his credit, the actor stayed and didn't seem upset because he knows he was awful before.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chris Evans? Nah, he's A.

    Sean penn. Russell Crowe.

    1. Russell Crowe would have thrown his water at them & Sean would have tired the waitress to the chair

    2. Excellent KMS!

  3. Wow. He musta been pretty bad! Pave your way in with tops man!!!!!

  4. I'm going with Mad Mel.

  5. I think Mad Mel is the answer too.

  6. This could easily be either Mickey Rourke or Mel Gibson. I'm going with Mickey because he's been seen a lot lately looking very mellow and agreeable. I think Mel would get pissy if he didn't get his boozahol.

  7. My sister jacked my phone and had Siri calling me Sugar Tits. "She" did it in a meeting and I wanted to crawl under the table.

  8. @Pink: I can't stop giggling about this.

  9. If I ever made such an ass of myself at a restaurant, I would be too ashamed to go back. Can't recall if this has ever happened to me. Probably.

  10. There aren't that many A+ listers (even former). So it's Mel.

  11. Pink Cashmere, looks like you have some "pay back" to do to your sister....OMG..Siri saying Sugartits, you have blah blah,...LAUGHING!!!

  12. I don't think this is Mel

    Do you guys remember how I told you I saw him a few months back?

    He was super mellow and relaxed - actually looked healthy and happy

    I'm gonna say Rourke or Kilmer

  13. Shia has to go to rehab as a condition of his plea bargain. Has he started yet (rehab, I mean)?

  14. shia is busy doing his living art.. slow walking around in tight purple pants.. it is some sort of "art exhibit"
