Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blind Item #1

At a little gathering this past weekend, this A list mostly movie actress reminded her celebrity husband about the deal they have. Their children can't meet lovers unless both parties agree. Our actress is holding back her approval of the husband's current lover but has already given permission for the female celebrity he was seeing before. 


  1. Goop/Martin/blast/chung

  2. Who was he seeing before Jen? That Alexis person?

  3. Mr X put on his glasses with the mustache and nose attached and is standing between the curtain and the window with his eyes closed thinking he's invisible

    1. But you can see his legs because they are cafe curtains

    2. Lol, that is too funny

    3. Good one Kat!!

    4. Reminds me of a punchline to wit "that man's not a member of this club!"

  4. ye Reno Alexis Chung first and maaybe still on the side since he put her up in a house

  5. omg Kat lmao.. you put me in a good mood for the day.

  6. God, can you imagine divorcing someone and still being content to be p*ssy whipped? He must enjoy being submissive at some level.

  7. She's withholding approval because she is threatened by jlaw and because of those nudie pics.

    Quick! Someone release GOOPs shit! I bet it's a snoozefest.

  8. Yeah, Paltrow/Martin/Lawrence/Chung

    *shrug* Since it's reciprocal, it seems like a sound approach.

  9. I imagine untangling himself from the Goopster is tricky especially if he wants to keep things friendly for the kids sakes.

  10. why are people saying Chris and Alexa Chung? Chris is with Jen?

  11. If goopy, she is so f*cking peculiar!

  12. Alexa Chung is who he was with before JLaw supposedly.

    Chung is the one then that GOOP allowed Chris to introduce to the kids & JLaw is the one GOOP's withholding approval on.

  13. To be fair to Goopy, Chris Martin hasn't been seeing JLaw very long. It's not unreasonable to ask him to wait until it's an actual relationship, not just a few sleepovers.

  14. Dayum, y'all are good. Karen I concur. Let the kids get used to the split before you start introducing someone new.

  15. What an annoying control freak this Goop is or needs to think she is. Holds her kids over ex in order to lord over all decisions he makes. I hope he eventually consciously reconnects with his balls.

  16. Mr. Disco and his ex-wife have been divorced for years but she still pulls power trip shit all the time using the kids as weapons to get him to bend to her will while simultaneously saying that she's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy. She is a control freak and a miserable human being. Goop is a control freak and a miserable human being. Miserable human beings want to make other people miserable with them and there's no remedy for it. I pity Chris Martin.

  17. Have the kids met her boyfriend that she supposedly had been seeing since Glee and broke up his marriage?

  18. Goop is premenstrual too.

  19. I don't see why the kids need to meet any of these people at this point.

    When I got divorced, my rule was that no one i'm dating meets my son unless we've been together for at least six months.

    Kids get attached too easily, and I didn't want him to reach adulthood and remember all the men mom might have dating. Kids don't need to know that shit.
    These people need to think less about themselves and more about the kids.

  20. I agree @malcalm

    JLaw and Martin aren't gonna get married

    No reason she needs to meet the kids quite yet

  21. malcam66, YES! There is no need for any parent to introduce their fuck buddies to their kids. I can't understand why people trust what are basically strangers around their children. We all know what can, and often does, happen to kids when their parents bring in the person they're sleeping with, why would you risk it? It's one thing if you end up marrying the person (still dangerous for the kids) but why do your kids need to meet the person you're screwing? Trust me, they don't care and they don't want to know them or know about any of it. Keep that shit to yourself. It's bad enough that you're not with their actual parent any more, and they now have to put up with a revolving door of assholes because you "just want to be HAAAAAPPY" or whatever horse shit people say when they're thinking with their genitals.

    Your kids should come first. Period.

  22. The problem here is she, supposedly, gave approval for Chung, an obvious fling, but not JLaw. Uh, what?

    That said, maybe the deal is wait until after THG promotion, and if they're still a thing, go ahead.

    Either way, is CHRIS MARTIN worth it?

  23. Assuming the Lainey blind is Martin/JL, GP might be wise in this case.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. The kids don't need to meet anyone until they have been dating for at least 6 months.

    Don't know what any of the ladies see in Chris Martin.

  26. We've all seen the GOOPBOOBs anyway - remember the nearly-transparent dress she wore to some awards show years ago? Not to mention the discussion of having to emergency-shave her Gwyneth Area to fit into yet another overly-slit dress.

  27. I think this seems fair? Given he was with Alexa for 5 mins and Introduced the kids already, perhaps Goopy wants him to stop introducing his offspring to every ho Chris is shagging

  28. Forget the "Daddy's new girlfriend" angle. The kids would love to meet her because she's Katniss. What kid wouldn't love to hang with Katniss Everdeen? Lighten up Gwyneth. You got to meet all your Mom's movie star friends when you were a kid.

  29. Goop and Chris Martin.

    And until the relationship has lasted some time the kids should not meet the new girlfriend/boyfriend. It's easier that way for all involved.

  30. Inotice you're al writing about protecting the kids, which of course i agree with. But. Do they even know parrnts split ip? Or are they still trying to process what conscious uncoupling is? And what aboutt their mother living in england and pretending to be english for years? Then moves them to america! They have been subjected to goops batshit food phobias-no gluten, no dairy, yadda yadda yadda, which not everyone in their lives reinforces. These are 2 very confused little people with a slightly nutty mother. So i dont think meeting Jlaw is going to freak them out.
