Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Blind Item #1

If you want to be a production assistant on the television show starring this A list comedian/actor you better be a woman and young and willing to sleep with him. He is not the nice guy that everyone seems to think he is.


  1. Louis CK? He has a show I think?

  2. Oh no, please don't be Louis CK. Plea-fucking-ease Just don't. Okay?

  3. Tricia has a good guess in Samberg

  4. Sandberg was my first thought

  5. Not Louis CK, no one thinks he's a nice guy. (Though the heckling episode was genius.)

    It says television show and not talk show, so maybe Tim Allen, Last Man Standing? (Guess what Tim Allen's middle name is...) I would hate for this to be Buzz Lightyear, though.

  6. Mike Bocchetti, star of the Tubbyman Online franchise.

  7. Jimmy Fallon, who everyone thinks is a great guy, who seems to treat his wife like crap. While I hear Louis CK is a cool guy, his public persona is that as a grouch, crumudgeon

  8. Yeah..if enties going talk show, which woulda been obvy fallon/reg. TV show..Samberg methinks

  9. Sandberg is just as depressing because his wife seems awesome. Bleh.

  10. NOT Louis C.K.
    Not at all. He would never. I know people who work for his show. He is truly a nice guy, though very micro-managing, so he can be tough.

  11. Charlie Sheen of course! (jokes)

    As much as I hate to say it, Sandberg could very well be the answer. Shit.

  12. Samberg. Why would anyone think that just cuz someone is funny on stage that they'd be super sweet off stage? Too bad he's insisting they be hot girls to fuck him. That's pretty shitty.

  13. @Haywood, thanks for reminding me that Bocchetti exists. I haven't thrown up in my mouth in a while, so it's probably due anyway.

  14. I keep waiting for some reporter to go deep undercover with mics and video to blow the entire lid off the abuse that goes on in Hollywood. It would make a great book.

  15. I keep waiting for some reporter to go deep undercover with mics and video to blow the entire lid off the abuse that goes on in Hollywood. It would make a great book.

  16. I read alot of louie ck's op eds; he seems really concerned about peoples feelings. However he wldnt be the first person to practice, " fo as i say, not as i do." Anyway, cdaners are right, yhis is depressing.

  17. Tim Allen's middle name is Allen. His real surname is Dick.
    as in Tim Allen Dick.

  18. I don't think it is Samberg, he is not a producer or a director in Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the blind seems to imply that whoever this is, that has some sort of leverage in the hiring of the crew.

  19. @Sabrina He is a producer on the show. Just look at IMDB and go down the cast and crew to producers and you'll see his name. He's a producer, the star, and as I remember it the show was basically made for him.

    Fox signed him to a talent deal after he was done at SNL. He would certainly have say over the hiring of people that would be around him throughout the day.

  20. Actually, Samberg is a producer of B99.
    Samberg's IMDB

    But is he A list? I would say no. Tim Allen is a better guess. /wishful thinking

  21. I hate myself for saying this, but Colbert.

  22. Not Louis CK!! NO NO NO

    I think Andy Samberg is A list

    Colbert is very family oriented

    Fallon is a total douche to his wife

    So either Samberg or Fallon

  23. This is a power thing, right? I mean, a famous, successful man doesn't need to be exploiting his colleagues to get sex. So, what is it with these guys? Were they bullied in High School? By their fathers? Do they feel that their profession is emasculating? WHY?

  24. FWIW I've hated Jimmy Fallon ever since the "Stop that! It's not cute! I don't like it" exchange with Amy Poehler. Prat.

  25. LOL @ Haywood!

    That Bochetti fella is a stud, huh? He prolly slays tons of pussy.

  26. @Annie @Count - Mike's been eating right and kickboxing for last 4 months and has dropped 2 chins and about 100 lbs. He has a live podcast on Fridays at 11:30 AM. Answers phone calls and tweets. Its Hilarious.

  27. I don't want to believe Samberg and I flat out refuse to believe Colbert. I'm going with Fallon b/c where there's smoke there's fire. I'd like to think Tina would kick his ass but I heard from someone that worked at 2nd City with her that no one liked her. People can't believe she and Amy are actually friends. Regarding Samberg he is friends with that doushe Timberlake so maybe.......

  28. can someone tell me why Fallon is a jerk to his wife? I must have missed those stories.

  29. @Lissette, Fallon cheats on his wife like EVERY night-never even goes home & he went on a particular tear while his wife was pregnant-total disrespect for his wife & never is w/his daughter-wife's pretty much a single parent...that kinda stuff-

  30. Clueless why any woman would choose to stay married to someone that constantly humiliates them like Fallon does. It's not like being married to him has an upside beyond $$. She aught to divorce his ass & get some of that $$ without any of his bullshit.
