Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blind Item #1

Even though this foreign born B+ list singer not named Rita Ora has been sleeping with a record executive over twice her age, she still has not let her boyfriend know they are through. So, she is paranoid about getting caught and losing her fans who love she has been loyal to her boyfriend as she captured fame over the past year.


  1. Iggy is who I thought.

  2. Iggy, how else do you explain her?!

  3. Iggy and tNick haven't been together very long..and it seems just this past week huge eclair actions of love...don't think they are through at all

  4. Iggy has been with Nick longer than Ellie has been with Dougie.


  5. "her fans who love she has been loyal to her boyfriend as she captured fame over the past year."

    Damn, if you say that this is not Ora, I'm out of guesses. The description fits her perfectly.

  6. Most only know Iggy being with Nick. The do press & events together. She also looks like a stand in for a Wayan brother in "White Chicks".

    Ellie already has some bad press due to Ed Shean's song, some think is about her, & she has only been with Dougie a few months now.

    1. That white chick reference is awesome. Thx.

  7. Lorde didn't start dating her BF until after she was famous & her fans make fun of him with racist jokes. He's not a celeb or in the business. They would prefer to be with a celeb.

  8. Ha, I had the same thought when I saw a pic of Iggy & Whora, they could do a sequeal for "White Chicks".

  9. Tricia S, I just want you to know that " huge eclair actions of love" is one of my new all-time favorite phrases. Is there any better place for a grand romantic gesture than your local Dunkin Donuts?

  10. Pia Mia and Kanye West. Probably not right but plenty of rumors out there about these two.

  11. Susan Boyle and Clive Whatever.

  12. @Jessica I thought I was the only one who thought she looked like White Chicks. HaHa TY now I know I'm not alone in this:)

  13. Lorde: iggy's boyfriend is a basketball player; no one would be surprised she's stayed faithful. But Lorde's bf took a beating in blogs and their comments because he isn't traditionally attractive (and because people suck). So I'd bet it's she.
